在做换热器核算时出现以下警告,盖德们帮忙分析一下是什么原因? input warning 1121 input for str.1 comp.1 liq.mol.vol.2.2465E-02 is beyond the expected range from 1.0079E-03 to 0.0050397 input warning 1121 input for str.2 comp.1 liq.mol.vol.2.2465E-02 is beyond the expected range from 1.0079E-03 to 0.0050397 input warning 1107 the tube count from the tube layout is 91,which differs from the effective tube count of 88 which you input.your tube count will be used th derermine heat transfer area and tubeside heat transfer and pressure drop 最后一个我是不是可以根据管束的排列以及与壳体内壁的距离来调整,这些值能从哪查到呢?上面出现的88根管子数是我查换热管基本参数查得的