法律不外人情。 law is nothing more than human nature. 老实说以前还没听过这句话,觉得很有道理。但 ... 参考了不少法理上的资料,也是觉得“人情”非我们平时说的“人情”。 纠结也主要在“人情”上,应该怎么翻译恰当? human nature? humanity? humaneness? 差别在哪里?
参考了不少法理上的资料,也是觉得“人情”非我们平时说的“人情”。 纠结也主要在“人情”上,应该怎 ... human nature: the ways of behaving, thinking and feeling that are shared by most people and are considered to be normal 人性 humanity: the state of being a person rather than a god, an animal or a machine 人性 纠结啊纠结,似乎都能用。