Performance products 怎么理解? Performance products We offer a broad range of high-value performance chemicals, coatings and functional polymers that we sell to the automotive, oil, paper, packaging, textile, sanitary care, construction, coatings, printing and leather industries. Tailor-made products and application processes are important to customers in this segment. 某公司产品的一个大类和介绍,请问这个Performance products 怎么翻译? 谢谢!查看更多6个回答 . 1人已关注
jacking screw 什么意思? All girth flanges shall be fitted with jacking screws .A minimum of four screws are required on items more than 450diameter,small items shall have two screws . 所有设备法兰应当通过jacking screw将其固定.直径超过450mm的设备法兰至少由4个jacking screw将其固定,少于450mm的设备法兰应当由两个jacking screw 将其固定. 我猜的是 千斤顶 查看更多5个回答 . 1人已关注