GB/T 50353-2005建筑工程建筑面积计算规范? 建筑工程建筑面积计算规范 [ ]查看更多 0个回答 . 3人已关注
水平仪、激光水准仪? 有没有这方面的资料 激光对中方面的 谢谢了 查看更多 10个回答 . 1人已关注
煤热解理论? 大家好,我需要一些 煤热解理论方面的知识, 哪位可以给我推荐本书或几篇文献, 讲解各实验条件对热解的理论解释,谢谢...... .注$ # , $ $ 查看更多 1个回答 . 2人已关注
求烘炉方案? Method for boiler drying: (1)The furnace doors, manholes and air ducts must be opened to let in the natural air for ventilation for several days. Then the firewood shall be piled up in the center of the grate and the firewood can be then ignited for boiler drying. For the first day, no raging fire is allowed for drying the boiler. The wood fire must be stably and evenly burnt to avoid excessively high temperature at the earlier stage of the boiler drying to prevent excessively fast evaporation of the moisture, because that will cause unnecessary pressure, resulting in furnace wall cracks or protruding bricks. (2)During the boiler drying, the firewood shall be placed on the grates. When the air temperature in combustion chamber rises to a certain degree, and the induced air is increased, the damper shall be closed to leave only 1/6 sectional area of the air duct opened. For the first two days, the damper shall be opened at this fixed position. The firewood can be added in through the manholes in the combustion chamber or ash hopper to maintain the stability of combustion。 (3)The firewood must be stably and uniformly distributed, and adding firewood should not be done at the end of the firewood burning-out. The moist firewood shall be mixed with the dry wood for the burning. After the first day of drying, the fire shall cover half of the grate area and is close to the center of the grate. After the slow heating up for two days, the temperature of water in the boiler water wall tubing or steam drum shall not be higher than 70℃. The fire shall not be placed underneath the front and rear arches to avoid fast temperature rise in the front and rear arches (4)When the drying goes to its third day, a small quantity of coal shall be added into the fire to gradually substitute the firewood. At this time, the grate shall be started. When the fire is burnt with the coal, the flue gas damper shall be properly opened to 1/3 of the sectional area. The water in the boiler shall be in this time heated up to nearly boiling point. (5)Boiler drying work should be continued to the extension such that the furnace wall temperature reaches the following criteria: a. Where there is no water wall, the temperature in the wall between internal refractory bricks and external red bricks or diatomite bricks shall reach 200℃. b. From the outer red-brick to further 100mm, the temperature shall reach up to 50 ℃ After the above temperature is reached, the drying will continue at this condition for over 24 hours more (thermometer should be installed in the furnace wall before drying starts, and symmetrically placed in the center of the height direction of the two sides of the water wall so that they may be referenced to each other). Besides the above-mentioned drying method, steam drying method can be used, namely steam is used to heat up the water, so as to gradually raise the wall temperature for drying purpose. Or, direct steam heating may be applied to drying up the furnace wall but the drying duration may be properly extended . 0.3~0.4MPa pressure saturated steam shall be led into the furnace continuously through the blowdown valve of the water wall headers to gradually heat up the boiler water and keep the normal water level. The boiler water temperature generally is controlled to around 90°C. The flame shall be the main heating source when the progress is ongoing to the end of the process. The total drying duration shall not be less than 10 days. 4. It is better to often inspect the boiler walls and properly control the temperature to prevent cracks, and deformation defects of bumps or dents.。 5. When the boiler drying is ended, the boiling out might be commenced. The alkaline boiling out may rely on the following list for dosing. The purity is expressed in percentage in the list. When trisodium phosphate is in shortage, sodium carbonate may be used as a substitute, but the dosing shall be increased as 1.5 times that of trisodium phosphate. If only sodium carbonate is used for the boiling out, the dosing for each m³ of water shall be 6kg. Chemical name Dose kg/m³(water) For thinner scaling For thicker scaling Sodium hydroxide(NaOH) Trisodium phosphate(Na3PO4•12H2O) 2—3 2—3 3—4 3—4 6. The chemicals for the boiling out should be dissolved into liquid before poured into the boiler. The boiler at this time shall be kept at low water level to prevent the chemical liquid from entering the superheaters. 7. At the end of the boiling out, the steam pressure should be raised to 75% of the boiler working pressure in order to improve the boiling-out effect. The boiling out shall continue for 2 ~ 3 days, during which, the samples shall be regularly taken from the steam drum and the lower header of the water wall for analysis. When the boiler water alkalinity is below 45 mg/liter, complement dosing shall be required. 8. After boiling out is ended, the boiler shall be shut down and drained out. The boiler steam drum and lower header of the water wall shall be inspected and the deposits and residues shall be completely cleaned off. The valve that have been used for boiling out in contact with the chemicals shall be flushed out. The blow-down valve shall be checked for plugging. After boiling out, the steam drum, headers internals shall be free of oily matters and the metal surfaces shall be free of rust after the debris and foreign material are wiped out. 9. Steam tightness test shall be carried out after the boiler drying and boiling out are conformable. The process shall comply with the following procedure: a. The flanges, manholes, hand hole and other bolts for connection parts within the scope of the boiler shall be tied up once more under hot conditions when the boiler is heated up and reaches 0.3 ~ 0.4 MPa in pressure. b. When the pressure is raised to the working pressure, manholes, flanges and connection parts shall be checked for tightness and conditions of the steam drum, header, tubing circuits and supports for the thermal expansion shall also be checked. 10. For the relief valve, the initiating pressure shall be set and adjusted, and the pressure gauge reading for the relief valve installed at the safe place shall be prevailing. a. The initiating pressure for one of the steam drum safety valves shall be adjusted for the setting of 4.47MPa and the other shall be for 4.56 MPa. b. The safety valve on the header of the superheater outlet shall be set at 3.97 MPa. c. The relief valve recoil pressure is slightly less than the working pressure where the relief valve is installed. d. The relief valve should have no steam leak and shock. 11. The boiler superheater should be blown off with the steam. During the blow off, the superheater outlet header vent shall be opened to the atmosphere to maintain the approximately 75% of the boiler working pressure (i.e. drum pressure is about 3.2 MPa), while the proper steam flow shall be maintained and the blow off time shall not be less than 15 minutes 12. After the foregoing work is completed and acceptable, the boiler shall be subject to a 72 hours continuous test running, for the purpose of the performance test. 13. The required conditions for the test running: a. The defects previously discovered shall be corrected and repaired. b. New boiler auxiliary machinery, subsidiary system and fuel, feed water and auxiliary power system can satisfy the boiler’s demand for full load. c. The inspection and test work have been completely finished d. The I&C devices, electric instrument and controls necessary for the test running shall have been in stalled, adjusted and calibrated according to design requirements for installation adjustment. e. The operation organization shall be well prepared to satisfy the long term full load demand of the boiler during the test running. 14. During 72 hours test running, all the auxiliary equipment should be put into operation simultaneously or in succession, the boiler proper, auxiliary machinery and equipments shall work normally, and their expansion, tightness and bearing temperature of rotating shafts and spindles as well as the vibration should all generally meet the technical requirements, steam parameters, combustion conditions and so on.查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
什么叫“哈斯帕”分析? 老外来我院审我们的流程图,应该是英文叫“哈斯帕”分析。英文如何写?有什么具体内容?查看更多 4个回答 . 5人已关注
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锅炉效益考核问题? 我公司想对锅炉的效益进行考核,请问大家具体怎么考核?都考核哪些指标?查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
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协会与化工报联合启动危化品安全知识竞赛? 8月,中国化学品安全协会与中国化工报社将联合启动“祥云杯”全国危险化学品安全知识竞赛。 安全生产是化工和危险化学品领域实现可持续发展的重中之重,也是保障人民生命财产安全和社会稳定不容推卸的责任。今年5月,新版《危险化学品目录》开始实施,国家安全监管总局又对《危险化学品重大危险源监督管理暂行规定》等部门规章进行了清理与修改;今年以来,虽然全国化工和危险化学品领域事故起数、死亡人数实现了双下降,但较大和重大事故仍时有发生。化工行业动火、受限空间作业等特殊作业环节事故比例上升。因此迫切需要全行业强化安全生产意识,落实安全生产法规、标准,提高安全生产水平。本次知识竞赛正是在这样的背景下启动。 本次知识竞赛的内容包括化工和危险化学品领域安全生产相关法规、标准知识,危险化学品安全管理、化工安全生产技术、防火防爆技术、设备安全知识、电气安全知识和职业卫生防护知识等。参赛对象为全国化工和危险化学品领域从业人员。 本次竞赛将采用报纸答题和现场竞赛两种方式。报纸答题于8月份开展,参赛者可关注《中国化工报》8月12日、19日刊登的试题并参与答题;现场竞赛将于9月份举行。竞赛获奖名单将发布在中国化学品安全协会网站、通讯、微信平台,《中国化工报》、《中国化工报》微信平台及中化新网等媒体上。 本次大赛由湖北祥云(集团)化工股份有限公司独家冠名赞助。 查看更多 0个回答 . 5人已关注
LNG子母罐的内保温一般用什么好? LNG子母罐的内保温一般用什么好查看更多 3个回答 . 1人已关注
请教浮头式换热器有几种垫片?分别叫什么垫片? rt, 谢谢查看更多 1个回答 . 4人已关注
碳酸锂价格再创新高 上涨放缓?    一、行情走势:   据生意社数据显示,上周 电池级碳酸锂 再创新高,小幅上涨0.12%,较前两个月增速放缓不少,目前电池级碳酸锂出厂价在155000-165000元/吨,工业级在135000-158000元/吨。    二、行情分析:   目前 碳酸锂 价格处于高位,中国证券报消息称国内拥有矿的大型碳酸锂生产企业碳酸锂生产成本基本能控制在7万元以下,按照目前出厂价估计,碳酸锂生产毛利率在60%左右,利润可观。另外,因为不同含量的碳酸锂之间市场价差距较大,所以国内还存在不少碳酸锂提纯的生产商。   从供应面来看,目前市场上大部分生产厂商、经销商基本没有现货库存,市场仍然供不应求。然而,碳酸锂巨大的利润空间吸引了越来越多大大小小的厂商进入碳酸锂生产行业,碳酸锂严重供不应求的情况有所缓解,加上先前的上涨行情将碳酸锂价格带到一个较高的位置,上涨行情受阻,价格增速放缓。但是随着冬季来临,青海、西藏地区气温下降,预计11月盐湖提锂厂将停产,碳酸锂供应进一步偏紧。   从需求看,目前对碳酸锂的需求集中于车用锂电池生产。先前公交运输改革,新能源公交车锂电池的生产成为碳酸锂最大的需求。近期,双积分政策已确定于2018年4月1日实施,国内新能源汽车生产对碳酸锂的需求开始爆发,不少汽车生产企业纷纷开始购买锂矿,落实碳酸锂生产项目。    三、后市预测:   生意社碳酸锂分析师认为,未来短期内碳酸锂供不应求的情况不会改变,碳酸锂厂家没有现货库存,生产商的增加逐渐提升国内碳酸锂产能,但入冬盐湖提锂厂停产可能导致未来短期内碳酸供应进一步偏紧,而下游需求依然在增长,预计未来行情易涨难跌。 查看更多 0个回答 . 5人已关注
介质多少温度以上算高温油泵? 马上设备大检查,好像对 高温油泵 有具体检查细则。 包括建台帐等。 所以多少温度以上算高温油泵? 查看更多 11个回答 . 2人已关注
关于汽提塔换热管的问题!? CO2 汽提塔 和氨汽提塔前端的换热管一般都是用的什么材质的 不锈钢 ?两者的不锈钢是一样的吗?因为查了很多资料,貌似斯塔姆(Stamicarbon)好像是跟山特维克研究开发的,而斯纳姆(Snamprogetti)好像是跟曼内斯曼在研究开发的,不知道哪位前辈能告知一二否?谢谢啦!查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
职业:上海宝钢气体有限公司 - 给排水工程师
学校:孝感学院新技术学院 - 生物化学系
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