精馏塔压力控制内容? 精馏塔 顶压力在## ~ ## 之间。 具体压力 受温度影响。循环冷却水给水温度低时,例如在冬季,精馏塔顶压力一般在 ## 。循环冷却水给水温度高时,例如在夏季,因为精馏塔 冷凝器 换热面积一定,所以只有升高精馏塔顶压力,使精馏塔冷凝器热侧的冷凝温度升高,使传热温差维持,才能保证同样的冷凝热负荷。 The overhead pressure of Distillation Column is between ## and ### . The actual pressure is effected by the temperature . when the teperature is lower, such as in winter, the overhead pressure general is about ## . when the temperature is higher , such as in summer, for the heat transfer area of Distillation Column condenser is constant, so only increasing the overhead pressure of Distillation Column to rise the hot side temperature of the Distillation Column condenser and maintain the heat transfer temperature difference , in this way, thermal load of condensation can be guaranteed . 中译英 ,麻烦帮忙纠正一下错误,红线标出 请问热负荷是heat duty or thermal duty,which better? [ ]查看更多5个回答 . 1人已关注