关于手性的题? hah, is your name polarimeter? have you ever seen any chiral aldehyde? how can you find a chiral centre on the sp2 carbonyl carbon. you have to clarify youself that you got a chiral centre in the molecule not the aldehyde. nobody would see 2 spots of the 2 enantiomers by tlc, the only thing you would probably have seen is a pair of diastereoisomers. if you reduce your aldehyde to alcohol then you have to get you de as well as you ee (you might possible see some diastereoselectivity too) you might be confusing already, but.... i think you probably be better do need do some reading on stereochemistry before think about or talk about this. thank you. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-11 20:22:16编辑过] 查看更多