浸渍法负载不上去怎么办?我是采用等体积浸渍法制备催化剂,采用硼氢化钠还原,结果发现活性组分没负载上去,自己估计是在洗涤步骤出现问题,请问大家都是如何去除还原后催化剂中的杂质呢?还有,我经常看到制备后要陈化,请问陈化对催化剂 ... first , the way you test the loading is not right. the best one is using element analysis or exd to see whether the metal or elements you want is loaded on the support. because for activity, so many factors effect it, such as particle size (if your reaction is structure sensitive ), coordiation, the chemical state, and so on. the other way to test may be to reduce you sample under h2 for while. if it works, then it means the nabh4 is not the right reductant. you can't choose it.the third way is to use some special indicator to find the amount of the elements in the filter by tritation. if the amount in the filter solutin is higher, even similar to the calculation amount, then you are sure to your conclustion,查看更多