化工品国际快递的,我们免费提供所有资料证明? 哦,有需要了再说查看更多
什么是静压能? 即便是流动也有静压能查看更多
如何控制滴加速度在每分钟一滴? 是否可以考虑用医院输液装置试一下 我有这想法,没实践,仅供参考,请高手讨论 查看更多
低温甲醇洗,关于循环气的问题? 我们是鲁奇工艺,去克劳斯气体分离器目的也是,出于环保考虑吸收硫化氢,说明一下:克劳斯分离器内部也有类似塔内件装置如液体分布器,除沫器等,从硫化氢浓缩塔中部引一小股甲醇到克劳斯分离器。但这股循环气在循环气压缩机故障时,对硫回收的酸气影响较大,准备借鉴各家经验,将之接到冷火炬放空(成分:0.7%硫化氢,97%二氧化碳)查看更多
双螺杆泵振动问题。? 你说是启泵的时候震动大。是不是操作的问题呢?这种容积泵,启动的时候出口是常开的。不需要关闭出口阀的,再有就是打的什么介质,螺杆泵一般都是粘稠的介质吧,是不是要暖泵?开泵的时候先把回流阀也打开。肯能会好。查看更多
新手刚刚接触连续重整,问题求助? 我们装置有,还是两根,一细一粗 是用调节阀控制吗? 查看更多
應求:AVEVA PDMS 12.0 SP6.25? 看着有点小,就这么大吗?有没有库查看更多
怎样提高cad制图的速度? 用几天熟悉了就好了。尽量用快捷键。查看更多
硫酸尾气大? 不是你说的那样,我说的是在反应容许的条件下,降低进口温度,是为了使反应上移。使触媒在该条件下最优的 ... 你所谓的反应上移,属下真是相当不明白,在第一次转化的时候温度要大于平衡,你说呢,转化具备的是温度,勒夏特列原理,催化剂,这个我还能明白点的。查看更多
碘化钾的相关性质? lz要的就是碘化钾的msds吧? 帮您找到一个英文版本的,您看看吧! product identification back to contents 【product name】 potassium iodide 【synonyms】 dipotassium diiodide kisol knollide 【cas】 7681-11-0 【formula】 ik 【molecular weight】 166.01 【einecs】 231-659-4 【rtecs】 tt2975000 【rtecs class】 mutagen; reproductive effector; human data 【merck】 12,7809 【beilstein/gmelin】 13713 (g) physical and chemical properties back to contents 【appearance】 colorless or white, cubical crystals, white granules, or powder, slightly hygroscopic, slightly deliquescent. 【solubility in water】 1440 g/l 【melting point】 686 【boiling point】 1330 【vapor pressure】 9 (879 c) 【density】 3.123 g/cm3 (25 c) 【usage】 manufacture photographic emulsions, in animal & poultry feeds to the extent of 10-30 ppm, in table salts & in some drinking water. 【odor threshold】 odorless first aid measures back to contents 【ingestion】 do not induce vomiting. if victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water. never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. get medical aid. 【inhalation】 remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. if not breathing, give artificial respiration. if breathing is difficult, give oxygen. get medical aid if cough or other symptoms appear. 【skin】 flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. get medical aid if irritation develops or persists. wash clothing before reuse. 【eyes】 flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. get medical aid. handling and storage back to contents 【storage】 store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. store protected from moisture. store protected from light. 【handling】 wash thoroughly after handling. use with adequate ventilation. minimize dust generation and accumulation. avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. avoid ingestion and inhalation. store protected from light. do not allow contact with water. keep from contact with moist air and steam. hazards identification back to contents 【inhalation】 may cause respiratory tract irritation. 【skin】 may cause skin irritation. chronic ingestion of iodides during pregnancy has resulted in fetal death, severe goiter, and cretinoid appearance of the newborn. 【eyes】 causes eye irritation. 【ingestion】 causes gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. chronic ingestion of iodides during pregnancy has resulted in fetal death, severe goiter, and cretinoid appearance of the newborn. 【ec risk phrase】 r 42/43 【ec safety phrase】 s 22 36/37 45 【un (dot)】 3335 exposure controls/personal protection back to contents 【personal protection】 eyes: wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by osha's eye and face protection regulations in 29 cfr 1910.133 or european standard en166. skin: wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure. clothing: wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure. 【respirators】 follow the osha respirator regulations found in 29cfr 1910.134 or european standard en 149. always use a niosh or european standard en 149 approved respirator when necessary. 【exposure effects】 chronic exposure can lead to iodism characterized by salivation, nasal discharge, sneezing, conjunctivitis, fever, laryngitis, bronchitis, stomatitis, and skin rashes. chronic ingestion of iodides during pregnancy has resulted in fetal death, severe goiter, and cretinoid appearance of the newborn. 【poison class】 4 fire fighting measures back to contents 【fire fighting】 fire-fighters should wear full protective clothing self-contained breathing apparatus. use equipment/media appropriate to surrounding fire conditions. accidental release measures back to contents 【small spills/leaks】 vacuum or sweep up material and place into a suitable disposal container. clean up spills immediately, using the appropriate protective equipment. avoid generating dusty conditions. provide ventilation. do not get water inside containers. stability and reactivity back to contents 【stability】 stable under normal temperatures and pressures. 【incompatibilities】 strong acids, strong reducing agents, strong bases, strong oxidizing agents. 【decomposition】 oxides of potassium, iodine. transport information back to contents 【un number】 3335 【hs code】 2827 60 00查看更多
乙酸乙酯过一段时间变黄? 我们单位灌装乙酸乙酯使用铁皮桶,一般不采用塑料桶灌装! 因为乙酸乙酯的溶涨性能比较好! 查看更多
催化裂化切换气封? 我们是两器流化后在拆的 拆时先焖床沉降器微正压 反应尽可能减少蒸汽量查看更多
求沸腾炉相关操作资料? 不错啊,哈哈,没有煤炭的适用标准。查看更多
10月1锅炉基础第48题:(前40名给予一定评分)? × 吸收烟气中的一氧化碳和氧气。查看更多
液化烃储罐注水流量如何确定? 回复 1# qdfox 注水流量没有具体要求,但注水前要打开放空管线,注水过程应缓慢,防止出现事故,注水同时应及时倒罐查看更多
压力表的问题? 个人认为主要是保护压力表 加油主要是保护压力表指针的查看更多
脱苯塔压力? 近期我公司为了减少蒸汽量和多出点苯在脱苯塔顶按了个真空泵,请问按了真空泵后是塔顶吸力大还是塔中吸力大,请高手指点查看更多
不锈钢管在水利工业领域应用需求分析? 谢谢楼主的好帖!我支持你!查看更多
炼厂气每标方能产多钱热值!!!急!急? 看你们的组分情况,这个很重要,再说不是一样的操作方法生产出来的燃料气热值也不同查看更多
沥青储罐进料口如何设置? 浅见 高温油品收油都是从罐顶进入,然后喷洒在罐壁上,主要是如果高温油品从下部进入遇到冷油后轻易出现突沸,至于采用旋塞阀的原因,不太清楚,一般旋塞阀多用到气体的介质上,阀体质量较重。查看更多
职业:上海睿筑环境科技有限公司 - 销售
学校:洛阳师范学院 - 化学系
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