催化裂化沉降器的粗旋压降是多少? 同轴式140万/吨,沉降器粗旋压降9kpa左右。查看更多
钯炭是不是很容自燃? 活性高的pd/c容易在空气中自燃的,不过一般pd/c都含有一定量的水,不是那么容易自燃, 还有,pd/c应避免和易燃的有机物接触,如纸张等,这样很容易燃烧的。 用完的pd/c应回收利用,需要单独处理的,好像有的厂家专门回收用过的pd/c的。 在实验室我们都是把用过的pd/c放到一个瓶子里,里面加水,将pd/c浸泡住即可。 查看更多
看图猜设备---之四十(已结束)? 不知道,回复看答案查看更多
印度的高低压等级是怎么区分的!? 到网上收吧,很多这方面的资料,祝您好运查看更多
这种黄颜色的物质最有可能是什么? 硫酸溶液绿色的,我只知道硫酸镍、硫酸铜。查看更多
空分下塔液位波动原因? 1、检查液空进上塔流量是否波动,一般进上塔液空管线上都有流量计(按气态则算),同时采取把液空自调阀由手动改回原来 的自控模式,到现场把该阀用手动限位顶在正常位置后拧紧限位螺栓,就是该阀只能在原有的开度上能开而不能关,再观察,看是否波动,要是阀门轻微开关问题将会得到有效控制。 2、一般这样的情况多数是阀门定位器问题居多, 3、上述情况都不解决问题的话,有机会再把变送器检查更换查看更多
关于长输轻柴油管道的一些问题? 做过长输管线的可以给个意见,我想应该不是个复杂问题查看更多
求助两个简单问题? [发帖奇遇]: horse送馒头获得小费马蹄金208两 有一个地方时设置输出结果的单位的,,你可以去设置下的,,, 反应器不大了解。。查看更多
协会电子版的专业注化教材(全国勘察设计注册化学工程师 ...? 有需要的朋友可以到这里直接下载 协会版教材 https:///thread-1317263-1-1.html 协会习题集 ... 非常感谢!!!!查看更多
II清华炉——水煤浆水冷壁气化炉目前投运了几套? 清华大学与盈德气体公司的《合资合作协议》仍然有效,清华炉的知识产权属于北京盈德清大科技有限责任公司和清华大学,国家知识产权局网站可以查询到该专利的信息,另外北京盈德清大科技有限责任公司在2013年就取得清华大学授权(清华大学的行政章)独家对外进行清华炉煤气化技术专利许可,北京盈德清大公司以外的任何单位或个人均无权进行清华炉的专利许可,否则都属于违法行为。 清华炉的知识产权问题是非常清晰的,为两家单位共有,其中一家负责研发,一家负责对外许可。查看更多
浙江新湖集团规划在贵州生产乙二醇? 请问新湖在浙江有没有聚酯生产厂家?是啥公司?查看更多
CCC和WOODWARD有ITCC系统吗? 伍德瓦德: micronet tmr weaknesses 3-2-0 cpu failure mode only – the micronet tmr will trip if two cpu’s fail. 3-2-1 failure operation is not possible. multiple i/o cables for term panels. – the i/o cables from the i/o modules to the term panels must be triplicated. triplication is done outside of the chassis. no keys for i/o cables – the i/o cables that connect field termination modules to the i/o modules do not have any type of “key” mechanism to prevent connecting the wrong i/o module to the term module no keys for i/o slots – no type of “key” mechanism is provided to prevent inserting the wrong type of i/o module into a particular chassis slot. input triplication handled at the application program level – the operating system does not handle the input triplication. this must be done in the application system. a failure of the kernel, the i/o module or the channel must be recognized; the application program must recognize the fault and adjust the program voting accordingly. extensive truth tables must be built for every input to manage the signal validity output triplication handled at the application program level – the operating system does not handle the output triplication. a failure of the kernel, the i/o or the channel must be recognized. if, for example, a channel fault occurs on kernel a and a module fault occurs on c, the application program must redistribute the output to kernel b. no full triplication of high current outputs to servo coils – the outputs of the high current analog output module are not triplicated to both coils of a dual coil servo valve. two kernels connect to one coil and the second coil is driven by the third kernel. if one of the coils in the servo valve fails, the turbine must be shut down to fix the coil. for this reason, the failed coil will likely be left un-repaired for some period. if the coil that fails is the one driven by the two kernels, a failure of the third kernel will result in a trip. discrete outputs voted at the field termination module – voting of the discrete output must be done using a block of six relays on the termination module. a relay failure requires repair of the termination panel and shutdown of the turbine. the configuration of the relays (nc or no) must be done by changing the relays. the application program must perform the latent fault detection testing. single power supply for each kernel – each kernel has a single power supply for providing the power to all i/o modules in the kernel chassis. no voltage regulation is done on the i/o module. a failure of the power supply in a kernel will result in a loss of all the i/o modules in that kernel. speed input restricted to limited range – in the application program, the speed range must be selected with limits the maximum speed that the speed module will detect. the software will only detect a minimum speed of one-fiftieth of the speed range. a filter must be applied (eight milli-seconds or sixteen milli-seconds) due to the noisy nature of their speed detection circuit. limited low speed sensing – with passive speed probes, the lowest speed that can be detected by the speed module is 100 hz. with a 30 tooth gear, this translates to 200 rpm. analog input modules cannot accept a voltage input – in the tmr configuration, the micronet will only accept current inputs. no hot spare slots – to repair a failed i/o module, the module must be removed, causing all the inputs on that module to be lost during the repair procedure. no hot spare slot exists for installing a spare before removing the faulty module. i/o cable must be removed to repair a module – each i/o module has it’s own i/o cable to connect it to the ftm. if the module must be replaced the i/o cable must be disconnected from the module. minimal i/o capability – the micronet tmr is limited to only six i/o slots. in order to accommodate all the i/o required for this application, woodward must use their remote i/o. the remote i/o is simplex and handled by a very slow echelon network. no expansion chassis are available with the micronet complicated cpu replacement – the application program is located on an eeprom on the cpu. to change a cpu, the eeprom must be removed from the faulty cpu and installed on the new cpu. no tuv certification – no woodward products are tested by tuv for safety integrity. no unique connectivity to the dcs – the only communication links available for connecting to the dcs is modbus. poor adaptation to gas molecular weight changes in surge control algorithms – when woodward developed their surge control algorithms, the essentially copied the old ccc algorithms. essentially they attempt to measure the compressor head. in order for this technique to be effective, the system must know the molecular weight of the gas. there is not a real-time technique to measure molecular weight. ccc 美国公司,主要产品是ccc venguard s5双重化系统。 ccc venguard s5 美国 双重化 双重冗余结构。在国内单机组防喘振控制有一些应用。稳定性及可靠性一般查看更多
想发些有关生物柴油的文献及资料? 前一段时间因为忙别的事情所以很久没上论坛了!以上留有地址的都会得到一份额。 附件会很大!有的邮箱可能收不到!!! 查看更多
汽轮机的操作? 我也要给我来一份,1282387970@qq。com 查看更多
关于仪表条件哪些是必须提的?? 工艺需要提出的参数特别多,其实俺们仪表就是为工艺服务的嘛!譬如:工艺介质,压力等级,温度范围,流量范围,需要实现什么样的控制,危险性有哪些,工艺紧急情况下的保全措施是什么,工艺所选用的阀门材质,流量系数等。只有与工艺人员紧密协作才能满足要求。查看更多
压力对气体分子势能的影响? 你看一下物理化学,现在不怎么用这个了,有点忘了,朋友。查看更多
唐山旭阳化工有限公司30万吨/年甲醇制烯烃(MTP)项目? 次消息不可信啊,投资不对,再者除非不经过国家发改委审批查看更多
差压变送器引压管如何防堵? 没有什么很好办法,定期排放 查看更多
初馏点,泡点。干点(终馏点),露点.区别? 泡点和露点也是对混合物来说的吧?,纯净物的泡点和露点在同一压力下不是相同的吗?. 他们之间的区别没有什么意义?从定义看不出区别,还是不同的叫法?查看更多
关于大型机组润滑油使用的规定? 定期换油查看更多
职业:爱森(中国)絮凝剂有限公司 - 化工工艺设计师
学校:肇庆学院 - 轻工化工系
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