看看这些英语的正宗北京版本翻译(3)? 1)Don't even think she is on especially intimate terms with you. I can seduce her away right in front of you. 你以为她跟你特铁呀,我当着你的面就可以把她勾搭走。 2)Just have a look at how spirit-lifting their singing is! 瞧瞧,他们的歌唱的特提气! 3)Who wouldn't be pissed off at such a stubborn person! 遇上这么个一根筋,谁不搓火? 4)Those girls are uglier than any I've ever seen. You won't be interested. 那帮姑娘甭提长的有多困难了,你不会有兴趣的。 5)“Do you want me to get a few guys to back you up?" " Not now, I think I can stand up to the guys by myself." "要不要找两个人帮帮你?” " 先不用。现在我一个人能应付,反正我是和他们磕到底了。” 6)What his secert weapon is, I cannot figure out, but I do admire him for his willpower. 他的绝活儿到底是什么,我搞不清楚,但我着实佩服他的毅力。 7)This guy is extremely stupid. Why else would he go all the way from the United States to China to purchase Swiss chocolate? 这哥们儿巨冒儿,啥都不懂,竟从美国大老远儿跑到中国去买瑞士 巧克力 。查看更多2个回答 . 4人已关注
“看图识景”活动-79? 活动规则: 1. 请大家 使用隐藏回复, 2. 回帖格式: 名称: (中文/外文) 地点: (洲名/国名/地名) 3. 每位参与者至少5个财富,答对者10个财富。如有景点简介,给予奖励加分。 题目: 下图是哪个洲哪个国家哪个城市的哪个景点? This bridge was built for Seville Expo (世博会) in Spain in 1992.查看更多0个回答 . 3人已关注
求教2个文献操作的问题? The ammonium salt was formed by dissolving the crude free acid(1g) and absolute ethanol,filtering,saturating the solution with gaseous ammonia and collection the yellow precipitate.The precipitate was recrystallized three times from aqueous ethanol containing ammonium hydroxide to give 0.49g of the pure salt. 问题: 1.crude free acid:这个是什么东西。 2.通氨气?能不能就用一般的碱去中和,我就怕氨气可能是怕有水,铵盐是溶于水的,可能不能造成沉淀。实验室就是 氯化铵 和CA(OH)2加热? 3.后面的含水的 乙醇 水含量是多少一般情况?工业级的乙醇可以么? 4. 氢氧化 铵是氨水吗?有些人说没这个东西,是氨水,我搞不清楚了。。 查看更多1个回答 . 2人已关注