Aspen dynamic吸收塔转换动态模型时提醒压强出错? 稳态没有错误和警告*** No Errors or Warnings were issued during Simulation ***Export选的Flow Driven Dyn 总提示压强问题如下: TRANSLATING BLOCK B1 of TYPE RADFRAC: The specified pressure drops in the column are smaller than the liquid head on the stages listed below. Please adjust the pressure profile on the Pressure sheet of the Setup form. A typical total pressure drop across a stage is twice the pressure drop due to liquid head. Alternatively, modify the weir heights or column diameter on these stages. If you are modelling a packed column, select the Simple Packing option on the Hydraulics sheet of the Dynamics form. If you are using tray-rating or packing-rating, ensure your input parameters are consistent. P_dropL = Pressure drop due to liquid head on stage (Bar). P_drop = Total pressure drop on stage (Bar). Stage P_dropL (Bar) P_drop (Bar) 1 0.000000000000e+000 0.000000000000e+000 2 4.731748380765e-003 4.445000000008e-005 3 4.731785726897e-003 4.432999999993e-005 4 4.732392970614e-003 4.406999999995e-005 5 4.733485609176e-003 4.362999999996e-005 6 4.735444484784e-003 4.282000000000e-005 7 4.739199814903e-003 4.117000000003e-005 The pressure drop across all stages should be greater than 0.1 Pa/1.45E-5 psi. The pressure drops across the following stages are not: 1 Please adjust the pressure profile on the Pressure sheet of the Setup form. FATAL ERROR: Please correct the errors above before continuing Aborting procedure D:Program FilesAspenTechAspen Plus Dynamics V7.3AstRADFRAC.TBL TRANSLATING FEED STREAM 1 of TYPE MATERIAL. WARNING: Dynamic simulation specifications use input data, not results, for this feed stream. TRANSLATING FEED STREAM 2 of TYPE MATERIAL. WARNING: Valid-Phases specified as Vapor-Liquid but results are vapor only.This may cause a convergence failure in Aspen Dynamics. Please change Valid-Phases to Vapor-Only and re-run the simulation. TRANSLATING Reaction ID GLOBAL of Type CHEMISTRY: FATAL ERROR: Chemistry name GLOBAL cannot be used in dynamics because it conflicts with the global keyword. Please rename it. Aborting procedure D:Program FilesAspenTechAspen Plus Dynamics V7.3AstCHEMISTRY.TBL 求高手指点 查看更多4个回答 . 5人已关注