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关于KG-Tower 的问题? 为什么会有警告?求大神解答!查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
板式换热器的投用规程? 现在重整、芳烃歧化、异构化的进料 换热器 都开始普及板式换热器了。 车间要投用一台新的板换,谁能提供一份操作规程,先熟悉一下啊,急等!查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
离心泵有哪些充水方法? 泵阀产品的用户们都应该听我们销售人员介绍过, 离心泵 (除自吸泵外)在启动前都要把水泵和进水管内灌满水,否则水泵是无法扬水工作的。离心泵启动后不出水,往往是由于泵中空气没有被排净、水没有被充满所致。那么,各种离心泵到底有哪些充水方法呢?请看详细介绍:    离心泵启动前的充水方法主要有两种:一种是采用装配底阀充水,底阀为单向阀,装在进水管的进口,这种方法的缺点是底阀水头损失较大,影响了水泵的装置效率;另一种是无底阀充水,此法的最大优点是节能,相对于有底阀的泵站可节能10%~15%。下面介绍几种离心泵的充水方法,供用户在运行水泵时选择。    人工充水法 对于进水管直径小于300mm的小型泵站,在进水管的进口通常设有底阀,一般多采用人工充水法,即从水泵壳上部的专用充水排气孔处由充水漏斗(或一个去掉瓶底的倒立的普通瓶子)充水。对于进水管直径小于300mm的小型泵站,在进水管的进口通常设有底阀,也可以从水泵的出水管口(出水管路较短的泵站)向泵中充水。由于无需购买其他充水设备,在目前农村小型泵站中,这种充水方法比较普遍。    对不设底阀、逆止阀且管路较短的小型泵站,也可以采用一边启动,一边从出水管口向水泵内充水的办法,从而把水泵和管路中的空气逐渐带出,一般连续充水几分钟后,水泵即可正常抽水工作。     真空水箱充水法 对于不设底阀的小型泵站,可采用真空水箱充水法。真空水箱是用铁皮焊制的封闭型水箱,其容积至少为进水管容积的3倍,水箱安装的位置应尽可能靠近水泵,水箱底高也应略低于水泵的轴线。真空水箱的高度一般为水箱直径的2倍。    水泵启动前,先将水箱灌满水进行密封。水泵启动后,水泵从真空箱进水,由于水箱水位下降致使水箱内形成一定的真空,进水池中的水就会在大气压的作用下,经进水管进入水箱中,从而形成水的循环,使水泵开始正常运行。这种充水方法具有如下优点:水力损失小,泵站效率高,技术人员劳动强度低,启动简便,且利于实现水泵机组的自动化控制。    射流泵充水法 用柴油机带动水泵抽水时,可利用柴油机排除的废气通入与水泵顶部相通的射流器,进行抽气充水,从而去掉了水泵的底阀。在水泵启动时,将和手柄相连的阀盖关闭,废气从射流器喷出,通过连管把泵中的空气吸出。充水完毕后把阀盖打开,控制阀关闭。这种充水方法的好处一是充分利用了动力机,二是提高了泵站的效率。    手动泵充水法 作为往复式容积泵的一种,手动泵在我国农村被广泛使用,农民可把自家的手动泵作为 真空泵 使用,对离心泵进行充水,既方便又经济。    最常见的用法是:将手动泵安装在离心泵的抽气孔上或靠近水泵的进水管路上,进行抽气引水,使之成为离心泵开机时充水的工具,从而省掉了水泵进水管路上的底阀,减少了能量损耗,提高了水泵装置的效率。    自行引水充水法 对于采用半淹没式的泵房(即进水管和水泵泵顶的高程均在进水池水面以下的泵站),水可自行引入水泵中而不必人工灌引水。这种泵站的缺点是没有充分利用水泵的吸水能力,同时水泵安装高程降低,不仅增大了基础的开挖量,而且运行管理也较不便;但优点也较明显( 循环水泵 http://xunhuanbeng.scpv.net/),即易于实现泵站的自动化,时效性较强。  自悬引水充水法 自悬引水充水法是利用水和气的容重差,通过“水气置换”原理来实现的。此法可去掉水泵的底阀。    首先,设计一个适量容器的换气罐,换气罐一般为 塑料制品 ,也可为薄铁皮件,成本仅为底阀的二分之一。然后,将换气罐安置在水泵进水口处,与水泵、管路形成一个连通体。同时,在换气罐与水泵之间的换气流道上,安装一个换气控制阀。充水时,预先给换气罐加满水,然后加盖密封,再开启换气阀。换气完毕,关闭换气阀,将有一部分引水悬在进水管中。按照这种方法反复数次,空气将被全部排尽,进水管中也就充满水了。此时,便可启动水泵进行扬水作业。停机前,只要先关闭闸阀再停机,引水将不会回坐。下次启动时就不用再灌引水了。这种充水方法的优点是换气罐价格较低,制造容易,劳动强度低,节约能源。  真空泵充水法 对于进水管直径大于300mm的大、中型泵站,或自动化要求程度较高的泵站,真空抽气装置是常用的一种充水设备。它由真空泵和其他设备组装而成,排灌站经常采用的真空泵大多为水环式真空泵。    水环式真空泵的圆柱形泵壳内安装一个偏心的牙状叶轮。泵壳内注有循环水,在抽真空时,叶轮旋转,在离心力的作用下,泵壳内的循环水被甩至叶轮四周,在泵壳内壁形成一个旋转水环。又因叶轮是偏心安装在泵壳内的,因此水环与牙状叶片之间形成的空间大小不同。叶轮顺时针方向旋转时,其右半部分两叶片之间的空间逐渐增大,在密闭条件下,随着空气体积的增大,压力随之降低,形成真空,水泵和管路内的空气通过吸气管,进入真空泵泵壳右侧的月牙形吸气口被吸入真空泵,真空泵叶轮左半部分两叶片之间的空间是逐渐减小的,因此空气被压缩,压力随之增高,最后通过真空泵泵壳左侧月牙形排气口排出真空泵,进入水气分离箱,使被带出的循环水分离后再重复使用。叶轮不停地旋转,真空泵就不断地吸气和排气,最后将水泵充满水。    关于真空泵的台数,对于小型泵站,当机组少于3台时,一般选1台,当机组多于4台时,一般选2台;对于中大型泵站,最好选用2台,当机组较多时,要考虑备用1台。真空泵充水的优点是充水时间短、泵站效率高、劳动强度低、易于实现泵站自动化。缺点是投资较大。    离心泵充水是水泵运行管理的重要组成部分,相信随着水利科研人员对离心泵充水方法的不断探索,以“方便、实用、高效”为宗旨的水泵充水方法会越来越多,充水效果也会越来越好,从而为机电排灌事业的发展做出积极的贡献。 查看更多 0个回答 . 3人已关注
膨胀机加温气压力高会对膨胀机有什么影响? 加温气阀门开始不要开得太快太猛,慢点 机组反转时间长通常会伤瓦查看更多 7个回答 . 5人已关注
杭汽汽轮机培训? 楼主,发的资料,为何内容都不简单介绍一下,到底是pdf还是ppt?有几页?弄几个内容的截图啊,要不不清楚内容,谁会购买(虽说才2财富,但论坛里可能类似的资料太多了)。呵呵。。。查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
己二醇加氢催化剂厂家? 请问国内的 己二醇 生产厂家, 己二酸二甲酯 加氢的 催化剂 都是采购的哪家的?想采购一些,可是找不到相关信息,请知道的朋友们指导一下,谢谢! 查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
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隔离系统与RABS的URS? 隔离系统与RABS:现代很流行同时也是很安全的A级做法。提供URS User Requirements Template for a BARRIER ISOLATOR AND HVAC SYSTEM REVISION HISTORY Rev. Date Approval Revision Summary A1 11/06/01 T. Petro Draft A2 01/15/02 T. Petro Incorporated content and changes from review by JETT break-out group on 11/15/01. B1 3/1/02 M Casey Validation review C1 11/20/02 M Rivera Format Review C2 11/26/02 T. Petro Final review of content and format by author 0 11/26/02 T. Petro Approved for Initial Release Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................. 5 2.0 Overview ........................................................................................................ 5 3.0 Operational Requirements ................................................................ 6 3.1 Capacity ......................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Process Requirements ................................................................................. 6 3.3 Process Control .......................................................................................... 6 3.4 Functions ....................................................................................................... 7 3.5 Data and Security ......................................................................................... 9 3.6 Environment ................................................................................................ 11 4.0 Constraints ............................................................................................... 14 4.1 Milestones and Timelines ......................................................................... 14 4.2 Equipment Constraints ............................................................................. 15 4.3 Compatibility and Support ....................................................................... 15 4.4 Availability ................................................................................................. 17 4.5 Procedural Constraints .......................................................................... 17 4.6 Maintenance ................................................................................................ 19 5.0 Life-Cycle ..................................................................................................... 19 5.1 Development ................................................................................................ 19 5.2 Testing .......................................................................................................... 19 5.3 Delivery ........................................................................................................ 20 5.4 Support ......................................................................................................... 21 6.0 Glossary ....................................................................................................... 22 7.0 References .................................................................................................. 23 8.0 Approval ....................................................................................................... 24 Project No.: Insert the unique project number associated with this particular URS. Document No.: Insert the Document Identification Number and Revision. Document Description: Insert description of document, e.g. PURE STEAM GENERATOR, JETT Example User Requirements Specification. 1.0 Introduction Note: Insert your own description and introduction. You may wish to include your own requirements and specifics to allow the inexperienced reader, contractors, and suppliers adequate explanation to understand the scope of the equipment. Describe who produced the document, under what authority, and for what purpose. Describe the contractual status of the document. Include or reference as an attachment the “legal” paragraph that communicates purchasing terms and conditions in this section. Describe the relationship of this document to other documents. This is important for equipment that is part of an integrated process or line and will help the Supplier to understand and ask questions that may otherwise be overlooked. Refer to the Equipment Validation Plan that outlines the Supplier’s responsibilities is attached. Remove any options that are not applicable for this project, if other uses will apply list each separately. This is to be utilized as a guide for the user to answer the majority of questions involved in specifying the “what” for the equipment. Addendums may be used to round out the requirements. 2.0 Overview The Barrier Isolator and HVAC System provides a mechanical separation between the controlled room environment, and the interior environment in which the pharmaceutical product is processed. The barrier isolator is manufactured in such a manner that the materials are resistant to corrosion, do not allow pooling of the cleaning materials, and allow access to the interior as required by the equipment and products. The environment inside the barrier isolator is controlled in a manner to allow the pharmaceutical product to be processed in accordance with the purpose and product requirements. 2.1 USE The equipment shall be used primarily for: · Continuous Production · Batch Production · Other 2.2 EQUIPMENT CLASSIFICATION For example: For providing an aseptic environment for: · Liquid filling of vials with stoppers · Powder filling of vials with stoppers · Liquid filling of ampoules with flame-off · Liquid filling of cartridges with plugs · Liquid filling of syringes · Other (define) Insert your Equipment Classifications here as required using the above example as a guide. 2.3 CLEANING REQUIREMENTS Wipedown Manual Washdown Clean-In-Place (CIP) Special Requirements: – Peracetic Acid – Ethylene Oxide – Chlorine Dioxide – Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide – Others 2.4 LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS · English · Other (Specify): ____________________ · Bilingual? Yes / No 3.0 Operational Requirements 3.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.1.1 Capacity Add capacities and details concerning equipment capacity here. Identify the type and dimensions of the equipment that will fit inside of the barrier. 3.2 FUNCTIONS The Barrier Isolator and HVAC System is divided into two main portions: The barrier isolator, and the HVAC system. 3.2.1 Barrier Isolator Operation The barrier isolator is an enclosure that provides isolation between the operator/outside environment and the interior of the barrier where the pharmaceutical processing is done. The barrier isolator provides the following functions: · Isolation between the operator and the process · Safety Barrier to separate the operator from equipment hazards · A non-corrosive, drainable, and easily cleaned enclosure. · Doors to provide access to the equipment during cleaning and changeover · Gloveports to allow access to machinery and product during production · Transfer ports to introduce commodities and equipment to the environment · Infeed opening to introduce commodities to the system. · Exit opening to allow finished commodities to exit the system. 3.2.2 Barrier Isolator Design The barrier isolator design will meet current GMP for aseptic product manufacture, along with wash down and sanitization requirements. 1. All interior corners will have a minimum of __ 0.5” _ radius. 2. Drain pans will have a minimum of __ 0.5” __ slope per 12” of run. 3. Horizontal surfaces will be minimized to resist pooling. Pooling of more than __ 5ml __ of liquid is not allowed. Pooled liquid must not be more than __ 2mm __ deep 4. Drain pans shall terminate in tank bottom drain valves with materials and finish equivalent to the rest of the barrier isolator interior. 5. Air distribution from the plenum will use __ dual perforated plates __. 6. The air distribution system will be removable for cleaning. Safety of the operator from the machinery or processes within the barrier isolator must be ensured. 7. All doors will have dual-redundant safety switches that will immediately stop all machinery or processes when the door is opened. 8. Gloveports will be guarded with light curtains to immediately stop machinery. 9. All moving machinery external to the barrier isolator will be fully guarded and alarmed. 10. All high temperature components external to the barrier isolator will be fully guarded and alarmed. Materials and Finish of the Barrier Isolator will meet current GMP’s. 1. Wall thickness of the barrier isolator will be a minimum of __ 7gauge _ Stainless Steel 2. Interior surfaces of the barrier isolator will be manufactured from __ 316L ________ Stainless Steel. 3. Exterior surfaces of the barrier isolator and ductwork will be manufactured from __ 304 or316L ___ Stainless Steel. 4. Interior finish of the barrier isolator will be of _______ 40 _ micro-inch Ra finish maximum. 5. Exterior finish of the barrier isolator will be of ______ 120 _ micro-inch Ra finish maximum. 6. All interior surfaces will be electro-polished redundant? How else do you get #4 and #5?. 7. All welds will be ground and polished to the above finish requirements. 8. Air plenums must meet the same materials and finish requirements as the barrier isolator. 9. The completed interior of the barrier isolator will be passivated prior to shipment to the site. 10. Components attached to the exterior of the barrier isolator must meet current GMP’s and be finished to resist corrosion. Doors and Windows in the barrier isolator allow visibility and access to the interior. 1. The window material is manufactured from __ tempered safety glass or polycarbonate __. 2. The window sealing material is extruded from __ silicone rubber __. 3. Window seals must be designed to prevent pooling. 4. Doors must hinge open to allow access to the interior. 5. Doors must be removable without tools. Mousehole Opening(s) are provided at the exit point to allow the exit of good vials and of reject vials. 1. Mousehole covers are manufactured to the same requirements as the barrier Isolator. 2. Mousehole cover presence is to be sensed and alarmed. Gloveports are provided in the barrier isolator to allow operator access to the interior without compromising sterility. 1. Gloves must be replaceable. 2. Gloves must be sanitized without absorbing sterilant. 3. Gloves will be made from __ fabric reinforced PVC __. 4. Gloves will be located to access common intervention points. 5. Gloves will be positioned to allow access by operators within the normal range of physical sizes. Transfer Ports will be provided to allow component and product entry into the interior of the barrier isolator without compromising sterility. 1. Transfer ports will be located at the following locations, and are of the following sizes: Location #1: ___ upstream of filler __ __ 350mm __ Location #2: ___ at stopper entry ____ __ 270mm __ Location #3: ___ at outfeed ________ __ 270mm __ Location #4: ___ N/A ____________ __________ 2. Transfer port manufacture is _____________________ 3. Transfer port sanitization process is _______________ Commodity/Product Infeed to the interior of the barrier isolator will be provided in the design. 1. Vials enter the barrier isolator from a __ depyrogenation tunnel __. 2. Product enters the barrier isolator through a __ bulkhead fitting __. 3. Stoppers enter the barrier isolator through __ transfer port #2 ____. 4. Miscellaneous Devices such as:__ tools, SMA stands, hangers, platforms, instrumentation, test ports, etc. ___ Product Exit from the interior of the barrier isolator will be provided in the design. 5. Vial path #1 transfers vials to a __flat belt conveyor__. 6. Vial path #2 transfers vials to a __22” transfer disk__. 7. Drains in the bottom of the barrier isolator are provided at __7__ points to allow for liquids to be removed during changeover and sanitization. 8. Drains must be closed during production. 3.2.3 HVAC System Operation The HVAC system controls the environment inside the isolator, and provides the following functions: · Pressure differential between the interior and exterior of the isolator · Temperature control of the interior · Humidity Control of the interior · Air Circulation through the interior · HEPA/ULPA filtration of the interior air · Sanitation of the barrier isolator and the equipment This seems incorrect, it may maintain sanitation but not induce it. Pressure Differential between the interior and exterior is maintained at positive 0.10” H2O , +/- 0.02” H2O . Pressure balance is to be maintained within these parameters under all conditions of: 9. Product infeed doors open or closed 10. Product entering or not entering 11. Exit door open or closed 12. Product exiting or not exiting 13. Multiple withdrawals of glove ports 14. Transition of transfer ports 15. Fluctuation of outside environment within tolerance Temperature Control is maintained at +/- 1.0 ° C of setpoint within the full temperature control range of 5.0 ° C minimum to 50 ° C maximum. Temperature control is to be maintained within these parameters under all conditions of: 1. Beginning of the batch 2. Long term continuous run of the batch 3. Fluctuation of outside environment within tolerance Humidity Control during production is maintained at +/- 1.0 ° C dew point within the full humidity range of 5.0 ° C minimum to 25 ° C maximum. The system is designed to only lower the dew point. There are no provisions to raise the dew point above that of the ambient environment. Humidity control is to be maintained within these parameters under all conditions. 4. Drying of the barrier isolator after cleaning 5. Beginning of the batch 6. Long term continuous run of the batch 7. Fluctuation of outside environment with tolerance Air Circulation is provided by a variable speed fan circulating the air through heating, cooling, dehumidification, and filter systems. The air is forced into the barrier isolator through a perforated plate to disperse the air throughout the interior uniformly. Air is then returned from the interior through the return air ducts. Airflow is measured 12 inches below the perforated plates, and must be between 50 feet per second minimum to 90 feet per second maximum. Air circulation levels are to be maintained within these levels under all conditions. 8. Sanitizing cycle of the barrier isolator 9. Beginning of the batch 10. Long term continuous run of the batch 11. Fluctuation of outside environment with tolerance HEPA/ULPA filtration of the recirculated air is provided by two pairs of filters in series. The filters are 99.99% efficient at removing particles greater than 0.3 microns in size. The fresh air inlet uses a roughing filter and a 90% efficient ASHRAE filter prior to the HEPA/ULPA filters. Recirculated air filtration at all times that the HVAC fan is operating (fragment). Sanitization of the Barrier is provided by the following processes: 12. The interior of the barrier isolator is manually/automatically cleaned out of any debris from the previous production. All areas of the interior that can accumulate debris must be accessible to allow for removal of debris. 13. The interior surfaces of the barrier isolator are able to be wiped down by cleaning personnel easily and efficiently without danger to the personnel or damage to the materials. 14. The interior of the barrier isolator can be washed down with cleaning agents and water without pooling or deterioration of the interior surfaces. 15. The interior surfaces of the barrier isolator are drainable without excessive pooling to allow rapid drying of the interior. 16. Cleaning agents are introduced by injection into the HVAC system through a port in the ductwork after the filters. 17. The interior surfaces of the barrier isolator can be sanitized by _______________ cleaning agents without damage to the surfaces of the barrier isolator. 18. All interior surfaces of the barrier isolator are reached by the sanitization agents. 3.2.4 Power Failure and Recovery On power failure, the system shall fail into a “safe state.” On power restoration, the system shall not restart without operator or communication-link input. Insert your specific power failure / recovery scheme here. For example: In the event of a power failure, the system shall protect in the following priority: · Personnel · Equipment · Product Recovery Methods: Insert your specific recovery scheme here. For example: · Manually re-start based on operator inputs. (Operator initiates power recovery sequence) · Re-start based on last state before loss of power. (System runs through power recovery sequence when operator start signal is given) · If there is an automatic batch reporting system, the information shall be retained in the event of a power failure (A UPS is required for automatic batch reporting systems for data retention). 3.2.5 Emergency Stop Insert your specific E-Stop strategy and communication scheme here. For example: The system shall have an E-Stop system designed to shut down all environmental controls in a safe manner. The E-Stop will be Hard-wired into the filler E-Stop system so that all machinery within the barrier/isolator will stopp immediately upon actuation of any E-Stop button. Determine if the HVAC fan will also stop under an emergency stop. The E-Stop button(s) shall be located in easily accessible areas around the equipment as required by local safety standards. 3.2.6 Alarms And Warnings Insert your Alarm scheme here. For example: “Critical alarms” shall take action automatically to shut the equipment down and notify the operator. The operator shall be required to acknowledge the alarm before the alarm can be reset and the system restarted. Once the alarm is reset, the operator may restart the system. “Non-Critical alarms” shall take action to shut the equipment down at the end of the cycle, and notify the operator once stopped. The operator shall be required to acknowledge the alarm before the alarm can be reset and the system restarted. Once the alarm is reset, the operator may restart the system. “Operator Alert” shall notify the operator and take no further action. Non-Critical warnings and shall sound the alarm horn, illuminate the alarm indicator but allow the system to continue to operate. The operator shall be required to acknowledge the warning in order to silence the alarm horn, and the alarm indicator shall be extinguished when the warning condition disappears. The Equipment shall have the following alarms and warnings: Alarm or Warning Critical Non-Critical Emergency Stop X Control Platform Communication Watchdog X Control Power Fault X Barrier Door Open X Glove Port Light Curtain Interrupted X Mousehole Cover Open X Mousehole Cover Closed X Drain Valve Failed to Open X Drain Valve Failed to Close X Light Curtain Contamination Fault X Recirculation Fan Failed to Start X Filter Differential Pressure Alarm X Barrier High Pressure Alarm X Barrier Low Pressure Alarm X Barrier Differential pressure alarm X PLC Battery Low X Other Alarms as Required 3.3 Data and Security 3.3.1 Interfaces Insert your interface scheme here. For example: The Programmable Logic Controller / Operator-Interface Panel system (hereafter referred to as the “PLC/OIP system”) shall include interfaces with the Operator, Supervisors, external equipment, and the User’s control system to ensure safe, reliable, continuous, and automatic operation and easy, safe, and reliable configuration. This section should address the following issues: - Operator interface access levels - Frequency of data point collection - Hardcopy/electronic data collection requirements - Compliance with 21CFR Part 11 (for Europe - EREC Guidelines) - Data retention time on the system - Data storage media Include the operator interface access levels, e.g. what functions can be access by operators, which only by supervisors, maintenance personnel, etc. - Access to all Input/Output values and system status bits shall be provided through a data-communication link. Security for data and operator access is provided by (Check all that apply): · User ID/Password · Card Reader · Biometric (Fingerprint, eye scan, voice recognition, etc.) 3.3.2 Interface with Supervisors and Operators Insert your interface scheme here. For example: The PLC/OIP system shall include interfaces with the Operator that ensures easy, safe, and reliable operation. An operator-interface panel shall be provided and mounted on the machine. This panel shall provide the necessary switches, indicators, and devices to operate the barrier isolator HVAC system. The following shall be displayed: · System Status (e.g., “state” the system currently is in) · Pressure Differential · Temperature · Humidity · HVAC Fan Speed · Utility Controls · Alarms and Warnings. · Other (specify). Delete any of the listed functions/indications that are not applicable for this application and add additional functions/indications as required. The following shall be accessible only to Supervisors: Security Configurations Control loop variables (i.e., “PID terms”). Ability to force system to a different state. Alarm setpoints. Other ____________ (specify). 3.3.3 Interface with Other Equipment Insert your interface scheme here. Describe, define or give details where possible. For example: Delete any of the listed interfaces that are not applicable for this application and add additional interfaces as required. The control system shall include the interfaces necessary to facilitate operation and configuration. Interface to other equipment may include: · Processing equipment interior to the barrier isolator HVAC system · Commodity infeed systems · Commodity outfeed systems · Exterior HVAC system · Cleaning and sanitization systems · MES or SCADA systems · Others: For example: An RS-232 communications port shall be provided. A Modem communications port shall be provided. A high-speed configuration/monitoring connection shall be provided. 3.3.4 Data Collection · None · Recorder · Process Printout · Electronic process printout, Historical Trending · Electronic process printout, Historical Trending and interface to company network The following shall be recorded: · Differential Pressure · Temperature · Humidity · Pressure Leak Test Rates · Other: ____________________ (Specify) 3.4 ENVIRONMENT In the following section, provide details of the physical environment in which equipment will be operated. 3.4.1 Layout For example: Allocated floor space for the barrier isolator is _______ inches wide by ________ inches in length, with at least a 36 inch corridor around the periphery for the equipment. Vertical clearance is _________ inches. Allocated floor space for the HVAC package is _______ inches by ________ inches with at least a 36 inch corridor around the periphery for the equipment. Vertical clearance is _________ inches. The HVAC package will be: · Mounted directly to the top of the barrier isolator. · Mounted along side (at the same level) as the barrier isolator. · Mounted indirectly above the barrier isolator. · Other See attached drawing #________________________ (if applicable). Note: Layout is specific to the size equipment being used and system requirements of the equipment. 3.4.2 Physical Conditions For Example(s): The barrier isolator and HVAC system will be used for (Check all that apply, insert your equipment requirements here): · Aqueous · Low LEL (Lower Explosion Limit) Solvents · High LEL Solvents · Other Room Classification: · Room will be non-hazardous (Zone 0) · Room will be Class I Div II (Zone 1) (explosive atmosphere present at known times) · Room will be Class I Div I (Zone 2) (explosive atmosphere present at all times) Clean Room Classification: Class A Class B Class C Other Biohazard Level: BL-1 BL-2 Etc. NEMA Rating of enclosures: NEMA 12 (Oil tight) NEMA 4 (Wash down) NEMA 4X (Wash down and non-Corrosive) Intended Operating Environment: The Equipment shall be mounted in a GMP environment with a temperature range of 15 to 25 °C, non-condensing humidity. Vibration levels are: · Negligible · Slight · Severe **smic Zone: · Negligible · Slight · Severe Noise Constraints: (Note: Place in Constraint section) 85 DB from 3 feet EMI / RFI levels are: · Negligible. · Other (specify) _________. The equipment is to be used at the following environmental conditions: Altitude ________ ft above sea level. The following is applicable for HVAC Equipment: Process air enters in from: Indoor Temperature ______ ° C Outdoor Temperature: Minimum: ______ ° C, Maximum: ______ ° C Climatic conditions: Winter dry bulb ______ ° C Winter wet bulb ______ ° C Summer dry bulb _____ ° C Summer wet bulb _____ ° C (If these values are not known, state location to be installed: ) ___________________________________ Containment (move to constraints) Explosion Protection Note: This section is only valid if processing products with a risk of explosion. Select one choice. · 2 Bar Construction with isolation and suppression · 10 Bar construction with isolation only · Closed-Loop Nitrogen System Containment of Product Note: This section is only valid if the product being used is highly reactive. Insert containment guidelines here. 4.0 Constraints 4.1 Milestones and Timelines Based on the model outlined below, establish the project milestones with a timeline: 4.2 Compatibility and Support Include any requirements for compatibility with other User systems. In the examples provided below, fill in blanks with the appropriate information. Delete areas that are not applicable to this application. 4.2.1 CONTROL PLATFORM Controllers The Supplier shall utilize Control Platform Controllers that shall include a communications port. The Supplier shall provide documentation that the program (embedded software) was developed and coded utilizing program development and documentation software. The supplier shall indicate the use of custom or “bespoke” code within the equipment, and shall supply licensing of the custom code for the life of the equipment. An escrow agreement shall be required in the event the supplier cannot support the supplied custom software any longer. In such instances, the source code and all information regarding the source code shall be given to the user in a timely fashion to prevent downtime of the equipment. 4.2.2 Preferred Vendor List If necessary attach any critical preferred vendors. Refrain from driving the supplier into customizing his equipment package. If the vendor wishes to deviate from the Preferred Instrumentation List, a listing of the proposed components and instrumentation sub-vendors indicating type and model numbers shall be submitted with the quotation, along with an explanation of why the deviation is recommended. 4.2.3 Utilities The utilities and space involved needs to be discussed prior to purchasing the equipment. Obviously, the actual equipment size is but a small part of the entire scope of work necessary to implement a larger system. The unit and its support equipment must be able to be installed in current building facilities. The User shall ensure that the following utilities are available and that the utility supply lines and piping are terminated with fittings or connections, which are compatible with those described on the Customer Connection Drawings. The Supplier shall specify utility data, which is marked with a triangle. Utility data, which are not specified or marked with a triangle, shall be brought to the attention of the User. These data shall be specified (by the User or the Supplier) and shall be approved by both the User and the Supplier before system design begins. Base Utilities Worksheet: Ñ Electricity: ______ VAC ____ Hertz · Single Phase · Three Phase Ñ Uninterruptible Power Supply Required? Yes / No To Power: Entire System / Controls Only Ñ Instrument Air: _______ PSIG (Must be clean, dry ISA instrument quality air, capacity to be determined by size of equipment) Recommend at least 90 PSIG constant air pressure for all equipment unless specified. Ñ Chilled Water: ________ GPH, ________ PSIG, ________ ° C Closed loop with supply and return connections. (can be provided with additives for corrosion resistance if required by the facility, not sanitary) Ñ Fresh Air Inlet: ________ inch diameter air inlet. (can enter from technical area) Temperature of inlet air must be within the same range as required of the machinery. Ñ Exhaust Air: ________ inch diameter air exhaust port. (Provisions must be made for treatment of exhausted air depending on the product and/or sterilant being used in the system.) Ñ Sanitary Water: ________ GPH, _________ PSIG, ________ ° C (Used for wash down (CIP) of the interior of the barrier isolator) Ñ Sterilant: Define the method of sanitization, the delivery system, and the rate sized for the interior volume of the barrier isolator. Not normally supplied as a direct connect utility system. Ñ HVAC Drain: ________ inch diameter (for draining condensate from the cooling coils of the HVAC system) Ñ Barrier Isolator Drain: ________ inch diameter Quantity of _______ drains at various locations throughout the barrier isolator. Tank bottom welded valves that are installed with the same specifications as the tank bottoms (redundant sentence). Ñ Other utility requirements shall be discussed as needed. In the following section, provide details of the physical environment requirements for the system. Items that are listed and that are not applicable should be deleted from the document. Provide additional details as necessary. 4.3 Availability The [ equipment/system ] is intended to be operated [ Continuously, Regularly, __ hours per day, __ hours per week ]. Operation of the [ equipment/system ] shall be suspended, and the system shall be available for preventative maintenance or routine service [ __ hours per week, __ continuous hours per week, __ days per month, __ weeks per year ]. 4.4 Procedural Constraints 4.4.1 Product Contact Materials Describe any local procedural requirements such as local standards, which must be adhered to if applicable. All piping welds and product contact welds shall meet ASME and 3A specification requirements. Product contact metal to be (316L Stainless Steel, 316 Stainless Steel, 304 Stainless Steel, etc.) List critical requirements for surface finish, roughness, etc.. Other standards are attached. The Supplier shall adhere to the indicated sections only. 4.4.2 Product in Contact with Materials All product contact parts should be considered. The [equipment/system] will be used for (aqueous solutions, low LEL (lower explosion limit) solvents, high LEL solvents, etc.). redundant see 3.4.2 What is the difference between this section and 4.4.1? 4.4.3 Noise Level Constraints Insert your own noise level constraint requirements here. For example: The noise level generated during operation of the [ equipment/system ] will not exceed 85 dB from 3 feet away. 4.4.4 EMI / RFI levels are : Insert your own electrical and radio noise immunity requirements here. For example: The [equipment/system] [will/will not] be used in an area where two-way radio communication devices are in operation. The [equipment/system] shall meet CE requirements for electrical noise immunity and emissions. 4.4.5 Containment Explosion Protection This section is only valid if the product being used is highly reactive. Insert containment guidelines here (i.e. Bar Construction with isolation and suppression, 10 Bar construction with isolation only, Closed-Loop Nitrogen System, etc.). 4.4.6 Labeling All equipment and control wiring shall be labeled and identified. 4.5 Maintenance Describe the expected hardware and software maintenance support including: ease of maintenance, expansion capability (software only), likely enhancements (software only), expected lifetime and long-term support. System shall be maintained on a schedule as indicated by the supplier. Supplier is to provide (at minimum) the following maintenance instructions: 1. All sub-systems provided (Maintenance and operation manuals of vendor equipment) 2. A comprehensive lubrication list and recommended lubrication schedule 3. A comprehensive recommended maintenance (regular recommended inspection intervals, wear points, recommended spare parts list) 4. Supplier shall supply ______ Copies of Operation, Installation, Maintenance and de-commissioning manuals 5.0 Life-Cycle 5.1 Development If S88 is to be applied to the equipment being acquired, it should be referenced in this section of the document. The Supplier shall provide a Quality and Project Plan as part of their proposal. The Supplier shall have a quality system in place. Internal quality procedures shall be available for the User’s review. The Supplier shall provide a Project Manager for the project to provide a single communication point with the User. The project shall utilize the GAMP methodology when developing the system and documentation. 5.2 Testing Describe the Supplier testing requirements. Reference the Validation Test Plan, Factory Acceptance Test, special tests, etc. This section should also include required amount of demonstrated run time, any special materials necessary to complete testing, integration testing, etc. In order to verify system performance, the User shall witness the execution of the Factory Acceptance Test procedures. The Supplier shall notify the User _______ weeks in advance of the start of this test. The Factory Acceptance Test Specification shall be submitted to the User for review and approval prior to execution. A minimum of _______ weeks shall be allowed for the User to review and to comment and/or approve the Factory Acceptance Test Specification. Refer to the Equipment Validation Plan for applicable procedures. 5.3 Delivery The [equipment/system], with all options, equipment, and the documentation listed below, shall be delivered to the User’s receiving dock. 5.3.1 Documentation Installation, operation, and maintenance instruction documentation for the system shall be developed to a level that is comprehensible to a high school graduate. The Supplier shall use the formats described in the GAMP Supplier Guide, Current Version, to produce the documentation. The Supplier shall provide the documentation for preliminary review. The Supplier shall provide documentation reflecting “as-built” condition with final delivery. All final documents shall be shipped with transmittals that identify them as contractually required documents. All final documents and drawings shall reflect “as-built” condition. All documents shall in the language of the destination country and supplied with hard copies and electronic versions supplied in the format identified for each document: User should define format for document transmission (ie. MS Word, Autocad, etc.) Below is an example: · Project Plan Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) · User Requirements Specification Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) · Functional Specification/Requirements Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) · Design Specifications Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) · Controls Test Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) · Hardware Installation Test Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) · Operational Test Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) · Factory Acceptance Test Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) · Operator, Maintenance and Service Manuals Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) · Process and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) AutoCAD version 12.0 (*.dxf) · Instrument Listing Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) or Excel 97 (*.xls) · Control Schematics AutoCAD version 12.0 (*.dxf) · Control Panel Assembly Drawings AutoCAD version 12.0 (*.dxf) · Equipment Assembly Drawings AutoCAD version 12.0 (*.dxf) · Bill of Materials Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) or Excel 97 (*.xls) · Spare Parts List Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) or Excel 97 (*.xls) · Component Cut Sheets Microsoft Word 97 (*.doc) or Excel 97 (*.xls) · CONTROL PLATFORM Program Printout and Disk File XXX Program Development format · OIP Configuration Printout and Disk File XXX Program Development format 5.4 Support Describe what support activities are required after acceptance. The paragraphs outlined below provide some areas for consideration. 5.4.1 Start-up Support (list available options) Training (list training options available) 5.4.2 Post Start-up Support (list post-startup support available) Technical Support Telephone (Voice or Modem) Replacement Parts Availability List (Normal lead times shall be listed) User Site Support Preventative Maintenance (list maintenance contracts available) System Improvements (supplier shall notify user of any improvements available on a regular basis) 6.0 Glossary If necessary, attach a glossary, which includes definitions of terms that may be unfamiliar to the Supplier or terminology that may have meanings specific to entries on this User Requirements Check sheet. For example ( example list is not intended to be complete ): Acronym Definition ° C Degrees Celsius BL Biohazard Level CFR Code of Federal Regulations dB Decibels EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference ft Feet GUI Graphic User Interface HMI Human – Machine Interface HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning ISO International Organization for Standardization JETT Joint Equipment Transition Team LEL Lower Explosion Limit OIP Operator Interface Panel RFI Radio Frequency Interference URS User Requirement Specification Table is incomplete 7.0 References List references that were used in preparing this document or that provide additional details, such as: o Equipment Validation Plan o Current revision of GAMP Guidelines o Vendor Piping Certification (if applicable) o Customer Connection Diagram o Approved Instrumentation List o Process Flow Diagram o 21 CFR Part 11 o National Electric Code o S88 8.0 Approval Insert your company’s standard approval page at the appropriate position in the document or utilize the sample approvals listed below. The approval process/requirements should be outlined in the Equipment Validation Plan. This document has been reviewed by the User Project Manager and approved for use by the Supplier. Printed/Typed Name Signature Date This document has been reviewed by the User Quality Assurance Group and approved for use by the Supplier. Printed/Typed Name Signature Date This document has been reviewed by the Supplier Project Manager and approved for use by the Supplier Project Team. Printed/Typed Name Signature Date Other approvals as necessary may be included, such as the Technical Services Groups, User Groups, Engineering, etc. as required. 查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
2014几道案例题? 两天的煎熬,结束了考试,感觉今年的试题知识部分比去年难度增加了不少,尤其是下午那场,几道计算分析题根本就没有做,靠蒙选了。案例还好。就是有几道现在还没有搞明白,有兴趣的大家讨论一下: 1.上午关于加气站的日最大供气能力,只写了教材上的公式,接下来就不会了。因为没有查到汽车罐的压力,即使知道,计算也比较复杂,回头看书也没有查到具体怎么计算,压力多少? 2.下午第2道:4台7MW的燃气水管锅炉(给的是型号,自己判断),热效率90%,燃气低热值36.93MJ/立方,并且给出了组成98%CH4,0.4%C3H6,0.3%C3H8,0.4%C4H10,剩余是 氮气 . 问增加了烟气冷凝设备后,燃气消耗量?不会计算 3.有一道是 链条炉 烟尘浓度计算的,二类区20t/h锅炉,除尘效率95%,q4=10%,Qar.net=188410,测得进入烟囱的烟气量550000立方,水含量3000立方,温度180度,过量 空气 系数1.8,求烟气浓度值,是否符合标准。求得的数值跟答案不符。 4.求高炉涡轮机的功率的,跟教材上的例题一样,数值有变动,但就是没有计算出相符的答案。计算了不下4边,真是郁闷。 5.有一道泵的选配题,直接略过了,没记住。查看更多 10个回答 . 5人已关注
公用设备工程师(动力)和(暖通)? 完全可以,但一般是暖通和给排水在一起,水暖不分家。查看更多 27个回答 . 2人已关注
求助:硝酸、己二酸、二元酸酯产品说明书? 硝酸;硝镪水 【英文名称】nitric acid 【结构或分子式】 HNO3 【相对分子量或原子量】63.01 【密度】1.5027(25℃) 【熔点(℃)】-42 【沸点(℃)】86 【性状】 无色发烟液体。一般商品带有微黄色, 发烟硝酸 是红褐色液体。具有刺激性。 【溶解情况】 溶于水。 【用途】 是强氧化剂,能使铁钝化而不致继续被腐蚀。可供制氮肥、王水、硝酸盐、 硝化甘油 、 硝化纤维 素、硝基苯、梯恩梯、苦味酸等。 【制备或来源】 工业上一般采用氮氧化法制得。实验室可由硫酸作用于硝酸钠制得。 工业上一般采用蒸馏提纯,在与纯水配制任何比例(一般为65%左右)的市售产品. 【其他】 溅于皮肤能引起烧伤,并染成黄色斑点。一般带微黄色。发烟硝酸是红褐色液体,在空气中猛烈发烟并吸收水分。不稳定,遇光或热分解放出二氧化氮。其水溶液具有导电性。浓硝酸是强氧化剂,能使铝钝化。与许多金属能剧烈反应。浓硝酸和有机物、木屑等相混能引起燃烧。腐蚀性很强,能灼伤皮肤,也能损害粘膜和呼吸道。与蛋白质接触,即生成一种鲜明的黄蛋白酸黄色物质。硝酸是无机化学工业中三大强酸之一,具有酸类的通性。查看更多 3个回答 . 5人已关注
暖器片的阻力降怎么计算? 室内部分留3-5m压头就够了查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
方箱计算中薄膜应力计算公式多了一个安全系数? GB150中附录A A.5.1.4 应力计算式(A-68)比SW6 2011中薄膜应力计算式少了一个安全参数η1,是否过于保守(本身150的计算公式的安全系数就取的比较大)查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
想搞拆分,各位前辈帮帮忙啊? 各位前辈,小弟最近搞手性拆分,由于第一次做,真心不知道如何下手,按照文献做的但是就是拆不出来,小弟现在有这么几个问题问问,各位前辈不吝赐教哈: 1.拆分用的拆分剂用多少当量合适呢?加0.5个当量,还是要加一个当量呢?加过量了或者温度高了那R型的会不会也会跟S型的成盐呢? 2.拆分选用的溶剂是不是要选用溶解度要良好,但又要保证成盐后能析出来的才合适呢 3.拆分是不是一般一次拆不干净 4.是不是只要有氨基或者羧基的东东都可以用拆分办法得到消旋体啊 5.如何选用拆分剂呢? 小弟先谢谢了! 查看更多 11个回答 . 2人已关注
2017年醋酐在爆炸中爆发? 一、价格走势:   根据生意社数据监测显示,2017年前9个月国内醋酐行情基本平稳,9月下旬开始,由于国庆期间的醋酐备货,醋酐行情小幅上涨,之后行情维稳。但由于10月初的一次美国化工厂突发爆炸事件,醋酐行情一路飙升,涨至醋酐均价7350元/吨,涨幅49.66%;其后醋酐厂家为清库存,醋酐行情一度回落至6471.43元/吨,但由于原材料价格一直坚挺,醋酐价格随后大幅攀升,并在12月31日醋酐价格升至7978.57元/吨,全年涨幅62.46%。   二、行情分析:   产能:2017年醋酐全年总产量小幅增长。其中17年新增产能4万吨(南京凤鸣塑化实业有限公司4万吨醋酐设备开工投产),拟在建醋酐项目产能10万吨(山东嘉驰新型化工有限公司新建10万吨醋酐项目)。但由于环保影响,上半年开工率一般,进入10月份,醋酐价格飙升,醋酐厂家最大限度的满负荷开工,但受限于原材料限制和国家限气限电影响,部分企业开工率不足50%,总体全年醋酐产量小幅增加。   上游原材料行情:   由上图可以看出, 醋酸 价格在10月份开始飙升,并且一直到年底价格没有下跌趋势。 甲醇 价格在上半年价格在震荡调整并小幅下滑,但9月中旬开始,甲醇持续增长,并在12月达到顶峰。10月之后,原材料价格上涨推动醋酐价格同步上涨。   企业动态:2017年10月4日,全球最大的醋酐生产企业美国 伊士曼 化学设备爆炸,醋酐生产全线停车。伊士曼化学拥有81.7万吨醋酐设备,是全球最大的醋酐生产企业,其产能占全球醋酐产能的35.5%。伊士曼化学的醋酐设备停车,严重影响了全球醋酐供给,导致全球醋酐供应紧张,国际醋酐需求量增加,国内企业醋酐出口量增加,出口增加加剧了国内供求紧张的趋势,醋酐价格上涨。   进出口行情:2017年1-11月份累计进口醋酐6074.26吨,同比减少49.65%;1-11月份累计出口10955.38吨,同比增多60.16%。进口醋酐减少,出口醋酐增多,促进醋酐价格上涨,在醋酐产能没有重大增长的情况下,醋酐价格暴涨在预料之中。但这次醋酐出口增加并不能持久,随着美国伊士曼化学的设备检修结束,重新开工,醋酐价格势必回落,回归正常。但由于设备检修不可能短期结束,并弥补需求空缺,短期内进口难以增长,出口仍会增加。   三、后市预测:   2017年醋酐经历暴涨之后,在2018年必定价格回落。虽然国内醋酐需求没有明显增加,但全球市场上醋酐需求旺盛,醋酐出口量增加,国内市场醋酐供给略显不足,对醋酐的价格仍有一定的支撑作用,醋酐价格难以回落至2017年水平。生意社数据分析师认为:2018年醋酐价格会迅速回落,或将在2月底价格降到谷底,且这一价格会维持稳定一段时间,并维持在一个较高价位,预计在5500元/吨左右。但随着美国伊士曼化学醋酐设备的全面开工,国际市场醋酐行情的逐步稳定。国内醋酐价格可能还会有一波降价,但这次降价幅度可能不会很大,价格或降至5000元/吨左右。 查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
优化煤的粉碎工艺的必要性!!? 炼焦用煤的粉碎细度和粒度组合成对 焦炭 质量影响较大。不应当把各种没先混合,再去粉碎。要根据不同的煤种(岩相组成的硬度差异),按不同粒度要求进行破碎和筛分。对于硬度较高的气煤等煤种要细破碎,对于易碎的焦煤和肥煤可较大颗粒。不同煤种,分组进行破碎,提出不同的粒度要求,这称作选择破碎煤工艺。这种工艺能够提高煤的结焦性和减少焦炭裂纹,进而提高焦炭质量。要通过试验,优化出本企业的最佳配煤细度的方案,来指导炼焦优化生产。查看更多 15个回答 . 3人已关注
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职业:佛山市金辉高科光电材料有限公司 - 技术员(储备干部)
学校:西华大学 - 理化学院
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