超声检测中的indexing strip? (E---C) The balance of the calibrations in this Appendix is written based upon the use of the indexing strip . However, the procedures may be transformed for other methods of measurements of at the discretion of the examiner. 本附录中, 各种校准的对比 是采用 定位尺 的方法写出的。也可根据检验人员的意愿,将这些程序改换成其它测量方法。 上面的中文是书上的翻译,我请教了NDE专业人员,他也不知道这个“定位尺”是何东东,不知各位可知道? Q2.我觉得书中关于balance的翻译也是错误的,the balance---remainder of sth after part has already been used, taken, etc 查看更多2个回答 . 2人已关注