审稿意见说比电容应该结合充放电曲线算,急求几点迷津!?审稿意见其中一条是:As the galvanostatic discharging (and also charging) curves are non-linear, the capacitance value cannot be calculated simply from the slopes of data in Fig. 6 and the corresponding equation in Page 12 is not suitable. You will need to integrate the galvanostatic discharging / charging curves to obtain correct specific capacitance values.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?我采用的公式是C = I Δt/ΔVm,请问他这条意见是让我采用什么公式啊?急求帮助!感谢高手指点迷津!查看更多7个回答 . 10人已关注