基于三维碳材料纳米结构锂离子电池LiMPO4的发展综述?德国大牛Dimesso的综述:基于三维碳材料纳米结构LiMPO4的发展。Developments in nanostructured LiMPO4 (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Mn)composites based on three dimensional carbon architecturewL. Nanostructured materials lie at the heart of fundamental advances in efficient energy storage and/or conversion, in which surface processes and transport kinetics play determining roles.This review describes recent developments in the synthesis and characterization of composites which consist of lithium metal phosphates (LiMPO4, M = Fe, Co, Ni, Mn) coated on nanostructured carbon architectures (unordered and ordered carbon nanotubes, amorphous carbon, carbon foams). The major goal of this review is to highlight new progress in usingdifferent three dimensional nanostructured carbon architectures as support for the phosphate based cathode materials (e.g.: LiFePO4, LiCoPO4) of high electronic conductivity to develop lithium batteries with high energy density, high rate capability and excellent cycling stability resulting from their huge surface area and short distance for mass and charge transport.查看更多0个回答 . 7人已关注