阀门材质为WCB,是铸铁材料吗? 材料牌号: wcb 标准: astm a216/a216m 高温下使用的适合于熔焊的碳素钢铸件规格astm a216/a216m steel castings, carbon, suitable for fusion welding, for high-temperature service 国家与地区: usa 钢组: 铸造钢 注: application: carbon steel castings for valves, flanges, fittings, or other pressure-containing parts for high-temperature service and of quality suitable for assembly with other castings or wrought-steel parts by fusion welding. wcb的牌号就是a216, 当然,wcb属于碳钢的一种,常见的碳钢还有lcc, lcb, lf2等。查看更多
句子中“任务重”如何翻译比较好? heavy duty似乎值得商榷,多数是指(设备)"重型的、重负荷(负载)的",和lz句子中(人员)“任务重”应不是一个含义,建议用formidable tasks, onerous tasks, heavy workloads,etc. just my two cents! fyi查看更多