粉煤气化烧嘴冷却水进口为什么在100度以上? 如题,水煤浆的都是30多度,粉煤的这么高,是不是和 氧气 、粉煤、温度有关?查看更多 12个回答 . 4人已关注
如果有机会提升,您的选择是什么?!!? 如题。如果有机会提升自己。您会选择做班长还是做技术员,或者其他职务? 请您阐述您选择的理由。 您的回复将给您带来更多的收入和财富。 希望版主给予回复者奖励,谢谢您! 查看更多 41个回答 . 2人已关注
请教关于ASPEN中的塔板数问题? 您好,请问ASPEN中的塔板数问题,就是在columns---RadFrac中,塔顶 冷凝器 和塔低 再沸器 是不是也应该分别算一块塔板呢? 如果冷凝器不是全冷凝呢?该如何算啊? 谢谢查看更多 33个回答 . 1人已关注
BDH条形浮阀塔板怎么设计? 需要设计了一个CO2 吸收塔 ,选用低温 甲醇 洗工艺,然后查了文献,吸收塔的塔板类型确定为BDH型条形塔板,不知道怎么设计?求大神帮助。 查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
想问一下氯气后处理工艺的投入成本? RT, 现在电解工艺出来的 氯气 想进入下一工段反应,但由于含水蒸气和一些气体 杂质 需要进行后处理,若按照氯碱行业里的干燥、压缩到液态,然后再气化使用,这样每吨氯气的成本会增加大概多少呢?不需要很精准,有个大致范围的数就行~ 另,有没有关于气氯的精制工艺方面的资料啊? 查看更多 5个回答 . 2人已关注
水洗塔合成气出口温度? 看到一个奇怪的现象、系统压力5.0的时候合成气的出口温度(气化炉的温度)在238度左右、 旋风分离器 的出口温度在217左右,但是到了水洗塔的出口温度达到了222度左右、黑水 循环泵 的入口温度也在227(有时还要高些)。水洗塔加的水相对来说都是凉水,怎么出口温度比旋风分离器的出口温度还高?要是表坏的话,不可能水洗塔的气相出口温度和黑水循环泵的进口温度表都坏了吧?期待回答??、?????查看更多 6个回答 . 2人已关注
中国煤制油行业2014年上半年回顾与展望? 本文由 盖德化工论坛转载自互联网 自从神华、伊泰、潞安和晋煤四大煤制油示范项目于2010年形成147万吨/年产能后,2011-2014年上半年中国工业规模煤制油项目处于建设阶段,没有新增产能。亚化咨询认为,2014年中国煤制油行业仍将处于示范项目建设阶段。 ——示范项目 神华百万吨直接液化装置2014年上半年运行稳定,配套的10万吨/年催化重整装置于年初产出合格车用 汽油 (辛烷值≥93,硫含量≤1mg/kg)。该催化重整装置以液化装置产出的石脑油为原料,可改善优化产品结构,提高整个项目经济效益。 伊泰16万吨/年、潞安21万吨/年煤间接液化装置上半年运行情况也较为良好,稳定产出 柴油 、石脑油和石蜡。其他煤间接液化项目也在积极推进,情况如下表所示。 ——产业政策 2014年5月,国家发改委发布《能源行业加强大气污染防治工作方案》要求,拓展新的 成品油 来源,发挥煤制油超低硫的优势,推进陕西榆林、内蒙古鄂尔多斯、山西长治等煤炭液化项目。到2017年,煤制油产量达到1000万吨。查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
已解决此问题!谢谢? 由于最近装置酸气 流量计 可能存在计量不准的情况,现已知 硫磺 实际产量,及色谱分析仪的酸气组成、CH4、H2S、CO2、C2H8、C3+等组成。还有尾气组成。如何计算反算酸气流量? 谢谢各位 查看更多 3个回答 . 5人已关注
安全阀与调节阀? 请问各位高手,同一个塔顶既有 安全阀 到火炬又有 调节阀 到火炬,这是出于什么考虑呢(是二次保障?),如果是为了有一点超压时泄压,那么调节阀的最大泄放量该如何定呢?有这方面的规定吗? 另外,如果调节阀是为了超压时泄压,那么安全阀是不是也可以执行这个功能呢? 就是搞不明白再加一个调节阀的必要作用在哪里?如果一定必要,那么量怎么确定呢? 查看更多 11个回答 . 4人已关注
在什么介质的管线内不能用蒸汽吹扫? 最近有个事故是由于某管线吹扫用蒸汽吹扫,导致爆炸,伤亡事故,请问朋友们,在什么介质的管线内不能用蒸汽吹扫?查看更多 6个回答 . 2人已关注
武冷 的螺杆冰机问题? 也许是仪表 出现了问题 谁有大连冷冻 螺杆冰机的说明书呀? 本人找了很久也未找到查看更多 15个回答 . 3人已关注
求《浸矿技术》一书? 不知道哪位有这个,或是知道哪里有的卖,或是手里有要转让的请帮忙 浸矿技术 【标题】《 浸矿技术 》 【作 者】 浸矿技术 编委会 【出版社】 原子能出版社 【ISBN】 NA 【页 码】 676 【出版日期】 1994-10 【格式】pdf / 16.9M 【内容介绍】 本书较全面和系统地论述了 浸矿技术 的基本原理和各种方法,具有系统性、完整性、科学性和实用性。对于地质、采矿、选矿、冶金、化工、三废处理、环城保护等科研、设计、生产人员,以及大专院校有关专业师生均具有参考和实用价值。 【目录】 第一篇 浸出导论 第二篇 搅拌浸出 第三篇 压热浸出 第四篇 堆浸 第五篇 地浸 第六篇 微生物浸出 第七篇 浓酸熟化浸 第八篇 电化学浸出 [ ]查看更多 4个回答 . 3人已关注
氢气设计规范? 希望大家 学习查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
焦油蒸馏沥青换热吗? 各位盖德:有谁的装置从二次塔自流出的 沥青 和二段 焦油 换热。使用的是何种 换热器 ?二段油温能提高多少?查看更多 7个回答 . 3人已关注
硼氢化钠还原反应?   最近做了酮还原为醇的试验,用了硼氢化钠做 还原剂 , 乙醇 做溶剂,室温反应6小时,收率很低,不知什么原因。次反应还加 催化剂 吗?加什么?反应条件?要不要加热回流?请各位赐教,先谢啦!查看更多 0个回答 . 5人已关注
焦化厂 低温水、循环水氨氮含量高是什么原因? 可能造成焦化厂低温水、循环水氨氮含量高是什么原因?净化剂的使用会影响吗? 除了泄漏以外... 因为假如是回收车间泄漏的话,酚氰含量应该也会升高吧... 我厂检验出来的循环水氨氮达到45~100mg/L,而酚氰才0.01mg/L以下;低温水在20~100mg/L间波动,酚氰含量基本也可忽略不计。氨氮含量时高时低,找不出来原因。 另外说明一点,补水氨氮有13mg/L左右。 因为氨氮含量超标不能对外排污,导致水质恶化。 请各位老师指点迷津,急!查看更多 0个回答 . 3人已关注
DCS 操作站鼠标右键问题? 现在有个问题,我们的一台his 操作站鼠标右键没有菜单键显示,正常情况下是可以查看趋势和一些正常操作的,但现在点击右键是没有菜单显示,我重启过电脑和系统但无果。是否必须重装电脑系统和重新下装CS3000才能解决么?如果需要需要注意些什么? 查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
物质死区的腐蚀? 如果设备有死区是不是更容易腐蚀?查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
工艺包对外询价? 按规定对外进行工艺包技术询价至少必须有三家,但有时只能找到两家,此时该怎么办?查看更多 3个回答 . 5人已关注
液粘调速器英文说明书-Hydroviscous drive? H ydroviscous Drive H ydroviscous drive (HVD) is an energy-conservation product with high efficiency newly developed by Liaoning Huafu Petroleum High-Tech Co., Ltd (Huafu) .It has passed technical appraisal organized by Liaoning Province on July 24, 2004, and the achievement of which has reached world advanced stage. YL - 8 HVD : YL - symbol of HVD; 8 -symbol of nominal torque, the unit of which is kN·m. YL-8 shows that the equipment can transmit torque of 8000 N·m. HVD is a new fluid drive equipment, the principle of which is the viscosity of fluid and the shear effect of oil film, as expressed by Newton’s internal-friction law. Characteristics: ◆ The main AC motor can be separated from or connected with working machine, and the speed can be regulated steplessly. ◆ Closed loop control of rotation speed can be realized manually, automatically or long-distance by automatic controlling system. ◆ It is widely used in mining, metallurgy, petroleum, chemistry and water supply fields, for large power fans and pumps to save energy, for loaded machines with large inertia to start smoothly, and to protect transmitting system from over-loading in starting or braking stage, and for all parts in transmitting system to be protected when over-loaded. ◆ It is a new mechanical product with simple structure, high running reliability, maintainability and operability, apparent energy-conservation effect, and low price. Currently, with the development of nation’s economy and the improvement of people’s living standard, the electric power consumption goes up dramatically and the lack of nation’s electric power supply becomes increasingly apparent. Thus the measures of power-cutting have to be taken in peak time . Therefore, while we develop electric industry rapidly, electricity-conservation is another urgent thing for us to do. According to an authoritative investigation, the energy consumed by fans and pumps accounts for one third of the total electric power output and 45% of industrial electricity consumption in China. Based on a statistics, by the end of 1999, there are 7.8 million fans, 40 million pumps and 5.6million compressors in China. Therefore, saving electric energy consumed by fans, pumps and compressors is the key to electricity-conservation. At present, most motors matching with fans and pumps rotate with constant speed. Valves and baffles are opened larger or smaller to regulate the flow rate when necessary. Consequently, much power is lost and energy is wasted. If the transmitting equipment HVD is added between the motor and the working machine, then the flow rate can be adjusted by changing the rotating speed of the working machine, and thus the energy can be saved. HVD is the energy-conservation product with high efficiency developed for large power fans and pumps to meet the demand of speed-changing. Principle, Structure and Working 1 Principle The foundation is Newton ’ s internal friction law, namely, power can be transmitted by the viscosity of fluid and the shearing effect of the oil film. Newton ’ s internal friction law can be expressed as follows by and large: If there is viscous fluid full of the space between two parallel boards, and the thickness of the oil film is δ,then, when the lower board keeps fixed and the upper board moves parallel to the lower one with velocity υ,the fluid between the boards will be subjected to shear force. The shearing force of oil film is in direct proportion to the board area A and the velocity gradient υ/δ(or shearing rate): F ∝ A or, shearing stress τ is in direct proportion to the viscosity of fluid and the shearing speed υ, and is in inverse proportion to oil film thickness δ. = = Therefore hydroviscous drive device transmitting large power can be designed as long as the structure parameters are properly selected. Employing this principle to HVD, every pair of driving friction disc and driven friction disc corresponds to the two parallel boards in Newton’s internal friction law. Fully oil supplying from lubricating oil system to the space between driving friction discs and driven friction discs corresponds to the viscous fluid between the two boards in Newton’s internal friction law. When the gaps between the friction discs are and the rotating speed of the driving friction discs and the driven friction discs are ω1 and ω2 respectively, the torque that can be transmitted by the discs is obtained: M=n A( ω1-ω2 )(R+r)/2 From the formula above it is obvious that when the parameters are constant, the ability of HVD to transmit torque is in direct proportion to the viscosity of oil and to the difference of rotation speed ( 1- 2), and is in reverse proportion to the gap . The gap is the main parameter for HVD to regulate the torque transmitted and the revolution speed of the loaded machine. 2 Structure Ⅰ- principle machine Ⅱ -1 - lubricating oil system(hydraulic system) Ⅱ -2 - controlling oil system(hydraulic system) Ⅲ- automatic controlling system 1 、 pressure transmitter 2 、 driving shaft 3 、 supporting plate 4 、 driven hub 5 、 driving friction discs 6 、 driven friction discs 7 、spring-pushing plate 8、spring 9、hydrocylinder 10 、driven shaft 11、rotation speed transmitter 12 、magnetoelectric rotation speed sensor 13、speed-measuring fluted disc 14、driven plate 15、piston 16、 pressure transmitter 17 、pressure gauge 18、overflow valve 19、fine oilfilter 20 、controlling oil pump 21、motor for controlling oil pump 22 、electric heater in oil tank 23、 univertor 24 、throttling orifice plate 25、temperature transmitter 26 、temperature transmitter 27、coarse oilfilter 28 、temperature transmitter 29、oil tank 30、overflow valve 31 、motor for lubricating oil pump 32、lubricating oil pump 33 、pressure gauge 34、cooler 35、temperature gauge HVD consists of three parts: principle machine, hydraulic system and automatic system. 2.1 Principle machine It mainly comprises driving part, driven part, executing part of controlling system and supporting part. 2.1.1 The driving part consists of driving shaft (2) and driving friction discs (5). There are external teeth on the right of driving shaft, mating with the internal teeth on driving friction discs. Thus the driving shaft and the driving friction discs can be connected and rotate synchronously. There are radial oil holes, axial oil holes and oil-jetting holes the shaft for lubricating oil to pass through. 2.1.2 The driven part consists of driven shaft(10), driven plate(14), driven hub(4), supporting plate(3) and driven friction discs(6) The driven friction discs with external teeth mates with the driven hub with internal teeth, and rotate with the driven hub synchronously. There are oil holes on external surface for the lubricating oil passing through the gaps between the friction discs to return to the oil tank. The executing part of controlling system consists of hydrocylinder(9), piston(15), spring(8) and spring-pushing plate(7). Applied by the pressure of controlling oil, the piston moves left against the spring force, which makes the gaps between the friction discs thinner. When the pressure of controlling oil becomes smaller, the piston moves right due to the spring force, which makes the gaps thicker. 2.2 Hydraulic system One is lubricating oil system, and the other is controlling oil system. 2.2. Lubricating oil system comprises oil tank (29), coarse oilfilter (27), motor for lubricating oil pump(31), lubricating oil pump(32), cooler(34), temperature gauge(35), overflow valve(30) and electric heater in oil tank, etc. The function of lubricating oil system is to pump sufficient oil into the gaps between the discs, so that working oil film can be formed. Simultaneously, the heat due to the different the rotation speed of the motor and the HVD is taken to the cooler to be dispersed. The controlling oil system comprises motor for controlling oil pump(21), controlling oil pump(20), fine oilfilter(19), pressure gauge(17), throttling orifice plate(24) and univertor(23), etc. In controlling oil system, according to the requirements of the different displacement of working machine, working oil is provided to the cylinder with various pressures. The higher the pressure, the higher the rotation speed of the working machine, and vice versa. 2.3 Automatic controlling system It consists of monitoring part, equipment-controlling part, primary instruments and onsite equipments. The pressure of the cylinder in controlling oil system varies along with the frequency of the univertor changes. The output frequency can be designated automatically by controlling system (or manually) in range of 0 ~50Hz. Therefore, by adjusting the frequency of the univertor, the pressure of the controlling oil system can be regulated steplessly to 0~2.5MPa. Consequently the rotation speed of the HVD can be changed continuously. 3 Working The driving shaft of HVD is connected to asynchronous motor through one semi- coupling, and the driven shaft to the working machine through the other. Power is transferred from input shaft to driving friction discs and, at the same time, lubricating oil is pumped to the gaps between friction discs. So the power is passed to the oil film, then to driven friction discs, at last to driven shaft. Principle of energy-conservation The foundation for HVD to save energy is the characteristics of fans and pumps: 1.Displacement Q ∝n; 2.Pressure H ∝n2; 3.Power P ∝n3。 Where n is the rotation speed of driven shaft. That is to say, when the revolution speed of working machine reduces slightly, the shaft power reduces dramatically, as is shown in the table below. Displacement Q, pressure H and shaft power VS rotation speed n Rotation speed n (%) Displacement Q (%) Pressure H (%) Shaft power P (%) 100 100 100 100 90 90 81 72.9 80 80 64 51.2 70 70 49 34.3 60 60 36 21.6 50 50 25 12.5 From the table above we can see that when the water injection rate needed is 80% of the nominal one, we can adjust the rotation speed to 80% of the nominal, and the power of shaft is 51.2% of the nominal one. When the water injection rate needed is 50% of the nominal, the rotation speed can be regulated to 50% of the nominal speed, the power of shaft is 12.5% of the nominal. The effect of energy-conservation is obvious. In a word, the reason why HVD can save energy lies in: ◆ The “core” is that the rotation speed of the working machine can be regulated steplessly. ◆ The “ essence ” is the characteristics of the working machine. ◆ The “condition” is that the flow rate is needed to change according to the demand of production. ◆ The chart below shows the different relation between the power consumed and the flow rate when the flow rate is regulated by valves and baffles, or by changing the rotation speed of HVD. Analysis and Calculation of Energy-conservation ◆ Records of test Table 1 Sep 28, 2002 No.2 Gathering Station, Shuguang Oil Recover Plant, Liaohe Oilfield Flow Rate(m3/h) Pressure of Pipeline(MPa) Amperage (A) By YL-8 HVD By Valvs & Baffls Compari-son By YL-8 HVD By Valvs & Baffls Compari-son By YL-8 HVD By Valvs & Baffls Compari-son 220 220 same 14 14 same 160 186 Save26 190 190 same 13.6 13.6 same 142 171 Save29 170 170 same 12.8 12.8 same 130 161 Save 31 Table 2 Mar 9 ,2004 No.1 Gathering Station, Jinma Oilfield Co., Ltd. Flow Rate (m3/h) Pressure of Pipeline (MPa) Amperage (A) By YL-8 HVD By Valvs & Baffls Compari-son By YL-8 HVD By Valvs & Baffls Compari-son By YL-8 HVD By Valvs & Baffls Compari-son 110 110 same 13 13 same 58 85 Save27 130 130 same 13.5 13.5 same 72 88 Save16 140 140 same 14.2 14.2 same 82 90 Save8 The motors are usually of high voltage, the working current of which is transmitted to an ampere meter on an electric control cabinet through a mutualinductor. The effect of energy-conservation of the motor can be calculated by observing, recording and comparison. Take table 1 for example (Date: Sep 28, 2002, Site: No.2 Gathering Station, Shuguang Oil Recover Plant, Liaohe Oilfield ), when the flow rate is 220 m3/h, the conclusion can be made as follows through calculation (the process is omitted): Power-saving: 216.8kW, Energy-saving rate: 12.8%, Annual energy-saving: 1,899,168kW · h, Annual capital-saving: 873,617.3 RMB. (Note: the price for electricity is 0.46 RMB/kW · h currently) From the calculation above, it is obvious that energy can be saved dramatically when HVD is used to change the rotation speed of working machine and to regulate the flow rate. ◆ Effect of energy-conservation 节能效果与负载的功率大小及其调速范围密切相关。负载的功率相同时,越是在低速下运行, 节能效果越是显著;负载的功率不同时,负载的功率越大,节约电能越多。 The effect of energy-conservation is closely related to the power of the working machine and the scope of speed-regulating. When the power of working machine is same, the lower the rotation speed, the more obvious the effect. When the power of working machine is different, the larger the power, the more obvious the effect. Characteristics and Specifications 1 Characteristics ◆ Fluid drive; starting-up with light duty; regulating rotation speed steplessly, saving energy; protecting equipments when over loaded. ◆ HVD is a new mechanical product easy to manufacture with simple structure, low price, high running reliability, operability and maintainability, apparent energy-conservation effect; In the field of speed-adjusting, HVD has obvious advantages compared with other ways. Synchro-drive can be achieved with high efficiency and without the pollution to electric net. 2 Specifications ◆ A stepless speed regulation of loaded machine can be easily realized in the range of 30%~100%. ◆ Synchro-drive can be achieved with high efficiency and without loss of revolution speed. ◆ The motors can be started up in the condition of empty and light duty, which consequently shortens the impact time acting on electric net caused by start current and protects the working machine when overloaded. ◆ Applied to fans and pumps, when the rotation speed is regulated to 80%~90% of the nominal one, HVD can save electric energy by 13%~24%;when the speed is 70%~80% of the nominal, it can saves 24%~32% of energy; and when the speed is 40%~60%, it can saves 46%~52%. Market forecast ◆ By the end of 1999, there are 7.8 million fans, 40 million pumps and 5.6million compressors in China, which accounts for one third of the total electric-power output. ◆ According to the statistics, the total capacities of high voltage motors (3kV above) reach 144 million kW, and increase 5000~6000 MW annually. If one third (35%) of the motors need to change speed, the capacities to be rehandled is about 210×35%=74 million kW in the next 10 years. If the price of HVD is 500RMB/kW,the total market share is about 500×74×106=37 billion RMB. The total demand is between 25~30 billion RMB in the next 10 years when other factors are taken into account. The annual market share is 2.5~3.0 billion RMB in mature stage. ◆ Besides Huafu there are only two factories in China (not professional factories) for the time being can produce HVD. Furthermore, the HVD they produced are confined to small power and low speed products, and the accumulative total amount is no more than 300, which is far from meeting the demand of energy-conservation. It is believed that through the practical application, the well performance and the remarkable effect of energy-conservation will be favored by customer, and the products will in no doubt have a bright future. ◆ Currently, only America, Japan and China possess this technology in the world. China has its own intellectual property, and its technology is advanced in the world. In the future, HVD made by Huafu will enter international market. To sum up, HVD is an ideal energy-conservation product with remarkable effect, possessing large economic and social benefits. Without question, it will be a product hit the nail on the head due to the shortage of energy resources and electric power. Liaoning Huafu Petroleum High-Tech Co., Ltd 查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
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