搞DSSC的课题组世界排名?An Incomplete List of Labs in DSSC-- Research Labs DirectoryRef.Nr Group Head Laboratory Institution Country CIty, Zip Contact Details Web URL1 Prof. M. Graetzel Laboratory for Photoncis and Interfaces (LPI) Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology (EPFL) Switzerland Lausanne, CH-1015 tel: 41-21-693 3112; fax: 41-21-693 6000 http://lpi.epfl.ch3 Prof. Carlos A. Bignozzi Dept.of Chemistry University of Ferrara Italy Ferrara, I-44100 tel. +39.0532.29.1163; fax: Fax +39.0532.240709 http://www.unife.it/facolta/facolta-275017.htm4 Prof. James R. Durrant Dept.of Chemistry, Electronic Materials group Imperial College of Science and Technology U.K London, SW1 tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5321; http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/people/j.durrant5 Prof. Gerald J. Meyer Dept. of Chemistry Johns Hopkins University USA Baltimore, MD 21218 Phone: +1 - 410.516.7319 http://chemistry.jhu.edu/Meyer/biography.html6 Prof. Nathan S. Lewis Div. of Chemistry and Chemical Engg. California Institute of Technology USA Pasedena, California Tel: +1-(626) 395-6335 http://www.cce.caltech.edu/faculty/lewis/index.html7 Juan A. Anta Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Area de Química Física Mexico Mérida, Yucatn .. ...8 Prof. Motonari Adachi International Innovation Center Kyoto University Japan Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo, Kyoto .. http://www.iic.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index.php9 Prof. Shozo Yanagida Center for Advanced Science and Innovation Osaka University Japan Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Tel: +81-(0)6-6879-7351; Fax: +81-(0)6-6879-7351 http://p8.casi.osaka-u.ac.jp/10 Prof. P.V. Kamat Radiation Laboratory Univ. of Notre Dame USA Notre Dame, IN 46556 Tel: +1-574-631-5411 http://www.nd.edu/~pkamat/11 Prof. Elena Galoppini Dept. of Chemistry Rutgers University USA Newark, New Jersey 07102 Tel: +1-973-353-5317 http://www.andromeda.rutgers.edu/~galoppin/12 Dr. Brian O'Regan Dept. of Chemistry Imperial College of Science and Technology U.K London, SW7 2AY .. 13 Prof. Anders Hagfeldt Center of Molecular Devices, Department of Chemistry Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Sweden Stockholm Tel: +46(0) 8790 8177 14 Prof. Laurence M. Peter Dept. of Chemistry University of Bath U.K Bath BA2 7AY Tel. +44-01225 386502 http://www.bath.ac.uk/chemistry/peter/15 Dr. Hideki Sugihara Solar Light Energy Conversion Group National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Japan Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8565 Tel: +81 (0)29 861 6273; fax: +81 (0)29 861 6771 http://unit.aist.go.jp/energy/groups/slecg_e.htm16 Dr. Arthur J. Frank Basic Sciences and Research National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) USA Golden, Colorado 80401-3393 Tel: +1-303-384-6262 http://www.nrel.gov/basic_scienc ... f.cfm/tech=14/ID=1417 Prof. Helmut Tributsch Department Solare Energetik Hahn Meitner Institut Germany 14109 Berlin Tel: 8062-2247 http://www.hmi.de/pubbin/vkart.pl?v=znu18 Prof. Bruce A. Parkinson Dept. of Chemistry Colorado State University USA Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 Tel: +1-970-491-0504 http://www.chm.colostate.edu/19 Prof. Craig A. Grimes Department of Material Science and Engineering Pennsylvania State University USA University Park, PA 16802 +1- 814-865-9142 http://www.ee.psu.edu/grimes/20 Prof. Arie Zaban Dept. of Chemistry Bar-Ilan University Israel Ramat-Gan, 52900 Tel: 972-3-5317876 http://www.ch.biu.ac.il/21 Prof. Juan Bisquert Departament de Ciències Experimentals Universitat Jaume I Spain E-12080 Castelló Tel: 964 728043 http://www.elp.uji.es/jb.htm22 Dr. Claude Lévy-Clément Institut des Sciences Chimiques Seine Amont CNRS LCMTR France F-94320 Thiais Tel.: +[33] (1) 49781331 ..23 Prof. Jenny Nelson Department of Physics, Blackett Laboratory Imperial College of Science and Technology U.K London SW7 2BW tel: 020 7594 7581 www.imperial.ac.uk/people/jenny.nelson24 Prof. F. Willig Department Dynamics of interfacial reactions SE4 Hahn-Meitner-Institut Germany D-14109 Berlin Tel: (030) 8062-2200 http://www.hmi.de/bereiche/SE/index_en.html25 Prof. Wonyong Choi School of Environmental Science and Engineering Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) Korea Pohang 790-784 .. ..26 Dr. Gerardo Larramona IMRA Europe S.A.S France F-06904 Sophia Antipolis 27 Prof. Michael Thoss Department of Chemistry Technical University of Munich Germany D-85748 Garching 28 Prof. Ladislav Kavan J. Heyrovsk Institute of Physical Chemistry Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Czech Republic CZ-18223 Prague 8 Markéta Zukalová ..29 Prof. K. Tennakone Institute of Fundamental Studies Sri Lanka Kandy .. 30 Dr. M. Dürr Materials Science Laboratory Sony Deutschland GmbH Germany D-70327 Stuttgart Dr. G. Nelles 31 Prof. Yoshihiro Nakato Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering Science Osaka University Japan Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531 32 Prof. Neil Robertson School of Chemistry University of Edinburgh U.K Edinburgh, U.K., EH9 3JJ ..33 Prof. Kimihisa Yamamoto Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science & Technology Keio University Japan Yokohama 223-8522 34 Dr. Sven Rühle Department of Materials and Interfaces Weizmann Institute of Science Israel Rehovot 76100 35 Prof. Hiranori Arakawa Dept of Applied Chemistry Toyko University of Science Japan Tokyo 36 Prof. H. Rensmo Department of Physics Uppsala University Sweden Uppsala SE-751 21 37 Prof. Tianquan Lian Department of Chemistry Emory University USA Atlanta, Georgia 30322 38 Prof. Thomas E. Mallouk Department of Chemistry and Center for Nanoscale Science Pennsylvania State University USA University Park, PA 16802 .. ..39 Prof. Liquan Chen Institute of Physics, Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences China Beijing 100080 .. ..40 Prof. Torsten Oekermann Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry University of Hannover Germany D-30167 Hannover .. ..41 Prof. Hideki Minoura Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu University Japan Yanagido 1-1, Gifu 501-1193 .. ..42 Dr. H. Míguez Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Spain E-41092 Sevilla .. ..43 Dr. Virginie Duprez The Danish Polymer Centre RISØ National Laboratory Denmark DK-4000 Roskilde .. ..44 Prof. Dirk M. Guldi Institute for Physical Chemistry Friederich Alexander University-Erlangen-Nuernberg Germany D-91058 Erlange .. ..45 Dr. Mary Jane Shultz Dept. of Chemistry Tufts University USA Medford, MA 02155 .. ..46 Prof. Helge Lemmetyinen Institute of Materials Chemistry Tampere University of Technology Finland FIN-33101 Tampere .. ..47 Dr. Nam-Gyu Park Specialist Lab. On DSSC and Organic Solar Cells, Materials Science and Technology Division Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Korea Seoul, 136-791 www.kist.re.kr引用至http://www.solarzoom.com/thread-36940-1-1.html查看更多4个回答 . 8人已关注