shifting low?correlation?(E--C关于PE)? 关于 PE的continuity cmornitoring(连续性监控)。 重点是对标红句如何理解。 Fluidized bed density band narrowing and shifting low 流化床 密度差变窄并下移? The noise level is determined by performing a least squares regression on the density readings over the period of one time. When the correlation for the past hour is compared to the correlation of two hours ago, a sudden improvement(defined as a ratio new/old<tolerance) indicates a lessening of the density signal noise.The correlation must be above a minimum value to be considered valid, otherwise, simple chance could random alarms. Once the correlation goes into alarm, it will only come out when the correlation drops below the minimum limit . When either of the bed density correlation are in alarm along with the narrowing of the difference between the bed densities, a large chunk is probably in the reactor. Primary measurements : Lower fluidized bed density (1) Secondary indicators : Correlation ratio (past hour data) (2) Correlation ratio(2 hour ago data) (2) Correlation in alrm (2) [ ]查看更多8个回答 . 2人已关注