Email 中学单词? 一个美国人发过来的email,如下: “Dear XXX, I haven't talked to you for as long as three years, therefore I wondered if you are still in the same business. If so, I would like to talk with you about an assembly project. I look forward to hearing from you. ” 我们这里的美国人答复的,如下: “ Hello XXX: Good to hear from you. Yes, we are still cranking along and, yes, I am interested in talking with you. Give me a call tomorrow on my mobile when you have a chance. I am assuming you're in Shanghai right now .” 所以在答复中,老外用了“Cranking”。Crank有一个意思就是自行车连接脚踏板的那部分弯曲的轴承。所以Cranking有努力往前的意思。我觉得用在这里很形象的,意思是我们还在这个行业里面,而且还有“生意不容易,我们还有很多路要走”这样的意境在里面。 觉得可能有人有兴趣知道才发的,已经知道的请忽略。查看更多0个回答 . 3人已关注