HTRI的对数平均温差? 首先感谢各位的解答:yajie对于温度交叉的理解是完全正确的,我这个也确实存在交叉 但是对于修正系数这里我还是迷惑,从一开始就是这个问题,我在楼上求助的时候已经 说明了,我手工计算是11.1但是htri给出的是7.7 ... 希望使用htri的中国使用者可以看到htri 的权威回答: please remember that the emtd reported by x changer suite is not going to the same as the standard lmtd that is typically hand-calculated based on simply the inlet and outlet temperatures of the unit. nor is it the mtd multiplied by some f-correction factor. the emtd is determined incrementally. emtd = (mtd)* (delta)*(f/g/h) (mtd) - average temperature driving force without delta and thermal leakage corrections. [fly] (delta) - correction that accounts for distortion in temperature profile due to leakage and bypass streams. typically, small values ( 0.8) indicate design problems resulting from severe bypass and close internal temperature approaches. examine cases with small deltas for possible modifications. [/fly] (f/g/h) - correction due to thermal leakage through the longitudinal baffle of a tema f, g, or h shell. cases with other shell styles or insulated longitudinal baffle have value of 1.0. for more information on the calculation of emtd, please refer to the various help topics within x changer suite that address this issue. 查看更多