关于电导率的一个问题? k1 is 111 for 100% IACS conductivity copper, or 123 for aluminum, based on a volume conductivity of 22%. 1. 100% IACS conductivity copper 怎么表达比较好? 2. volume conductivity of 22% 是什么物质的体积 电导率 (volume conductivity)查看更多5个回答 . 2人已关注
下面的句子什么意思? In either case, the concentration of nonaromatics in the benzenerecycle stream is not expected to increase to a level that would require a liquid purge (benzene drag stream). 这句话什么意思,红颜色的又是什么意思? 查看更多2个回答 . 2人已关注