专门替中国人写的英语语法? 第三章 过去式和过去进行式 3§1 过去式 过去式是指过去所发生的事,举例来说,假如我昨天去看了一场电影,我就可以说 i went to see a movie yesterday. 以下全部是正确的句子: i saw your father last night. i met your son last month. i ate three apples this morning. he went to church to pray last night. 可是,我们必须非常小心,因为一不小心,我们就可能犯了大错,我们如果要向情侣表示爱情,当然说 i love you. 如果我们说 i loved you. 事情就可能闹大了,因为这表示我过去曾经爱过你,可是现在已经不爱了。〝i loved you〞等于是〝i loved you before. but i do not love you now.〞 假如我们看过一个小男孩然后我们说 he was a good boy. 那就是说他现在已不是一个好男孩了,变成了一个不乖的孩子,或者他已经死了。 英文里的过去式常常是侦探用来破案的线索。有一次,有一个母亲,向警察报案,说她的女儿失踪了,她在记者面前,声泪俱下地说 she was such a nice girl. 警察马上觉得这位母亲有问题,因为她不该用过去式的,用了过去式,表示女儿已经死了,可是母亲不是说她失踪了吗?为什么她用过去式,极有可能因为她知道她女儿已经死了,才脱口而出,用了过去式。警察因此怀疑母亲本人就是凶手,事实也果真如此:这位母亲打自己的女儿,出手太重,将女儿打死了,谎报女儿失踪,她用了过去式,使警察知道她有问题。整个案子的侦破,就在于过去式。 我们因此不能轻易用过去式,但我们也千万要注意,该用过去式的时候,一定要用过去式,以下句子都是错的: *i go to school yesterday. *i see a movie last night. *my mother comes to see me last month. *i eat three apples this morning. *he is happy yesterday. 以上句子的正确写法是: i went to school yesterday. i saw a movie last night. my mother came to see me last month. i ate three apples this morning. he was happy yesterday. 【练习五】 将以下中文句子翻成英文,全部用过去式: 1.我昨天参加了一个舞会。 2.他的哥哥昨天打电话给我。 3.我去年到美国去。 4.昨夜我遇到你的姊姊。 5.我写了一封信给你。 6.我今晨吃了一个蛋。 7.他昨夜整夜跳舞。 8.我们昨天跑了五千公尺。 9.他昨夜非常疲倦。 10.他昨夜去台北探访他的爸爸。 【练习六】 将下列的句子译成英文句子,有的用现在式,有的用过去式: 1.他是一个强壮的男孩。 2.他昨天生病了。 3.他每天吃一个苹果。 4.他昨天吃了三个苹果。 5.我喜欢看电影。 6.我是个快乐的人。 7.昨天我看了两场电影。 8.他昨天寄了一封信给你。 9.他常常抽烟。 10.我每天读圣经。 11.他昨天没有念圣经。 12.他昨天没有游泳。 【练习七】 将以下句子译成英文,用现在式,现在进行式或过去式: 1.他在打篮球。 2.他喜欢打篮球。 3.他昨天打篮球。 4.他每天骑脚踏车上学。 5.他昨天骑脚踏车到乡下去。 6.我喜欢唱歌。 7.他正在唱歌。 8.你的爸爸昨天来看我。 9.他的哥哥每天步行二公里。 10.他的弟弟是个好孩子。 11.他去年非常虚弱。 12.他正在打电话。 13.他每天都努力工作(work hard)。 14.你的弟弟喜欢游泳。 15.他过去是个好学生。 3§2 过去进行式 过去进行式和现在进行式有点类似,只是verb to be要用过去式的。可是有一点不同,过去进行式,很少单独用的,而常和另一句子一齐用。举例来说以下的中文句子: 我昨天去看你的时候,你正在打篮球,如译成中文,就是 you were playing basketball when i went to see you yesterday. 以下是典型的过去进行式用法 i was taking a bath when you called. i was watching tv when you came to see me. they were dancing when the teacher came in. they were singing in the station when the train arrived. mr. brown was cleaning his house when his son came home. 总而言之,过去进行式通常牵涉到几件事,这两件事同时发生,其中一件事用过去式,另一件事用过去进行式 【练习八】 将以下句子译成英文,其中一部份使用过去进行式: 1.他昨天到学校去的时候,天在下雨。 2.当火车停下的时候,他在看报(read newspaper)。 3.当火车进站的时候,他们在唱歌。 4.我昨天去他家的时候,他在和他爸爸打电话。 5.昨天晚上八点钟,我在家看电视。 6.当我爸爸昨晚打电话给我的时候,我正在刷牙(brush my teeth)。 7.当我昨晚打电话给他时,他在游泳。 8.当这猫走进来的时候,那只狗在睡觉。 9.当他弟弟回家的时候,他在拉小提琴。 10.当我爸爸回家的时候,我妈妈在烧饭。 【练习九】 填充 1. i (be) a christian. 2. he (be) a catholic when he was a child. 3. i (go) to see my mother yesterday. 4. i (like) to play piano. 5. he (eat) now. 6. it (rain) now. 7. he (walk) to school every day. 8. he (walk) now. 9. he (be) a good boy. 10. he (swim) when i called him. 11. he (go) to see his mother yesterday. 12. i (take) a bath when my mother called me. 13. i (like) to swim. 14. i (like) to swim when i was young. now, i don’t because i am too old. 15. it (rain) now. 16. it (rain) when i drove to work yesterday. 17. it (rain) last night. 18. it (rain)very often here. 19. he (read) a book when i went to see him yesterday. 20. i (be) a student when i was young. now i am a teacher. 【练习十】 改正以下句子的错误 1. *they are driving when i went to see them yesterday. 2. *it rained here very often in taipei. 3. *he gives his book to his brother last month. 4. *he go to work every morning. 5. *he likes to told stories. 6. *i like to went to church. 7. *the sun sets now. 8. *they are play the piano now. 9. *i am love you. 10. *he were a good student before. 11. *he goes to church last sunday. 12. *it rains last night. 13. *i am playing when you called. 14. *it is raining when i drove to work last night. 15. *he do not know me. 16. *i were swimming when my mother came. 17. *they is singing now. 18. *he do not like to swim. 19. *he always wear a black coat. 20. *he is watch tv now.查看更多