斜面推力轴承与可倾瓦轴承的区别? 大家好,我在API-613 2003( 炼油设备 专用齿轮箱)版上,看到这样一条: Thrust bearing...Both side shall be of the tilting-pad type, incorporating a self-leveling featyre that ensures that each pad carries an equal share of the thrust load with minor variation in pad thickness. With the approval of the purchaser, tapered land thrust bearings may be used on the low speed shafts operating below 2000rpm. 大概意思是:齿轮箱的推力轴承必须使用可倾瓦轴承,但如果用户同意的情况下,在转速低于2000rpm 的低速轴上可以使用 斜面推力轴承 。 请问大家,斜面推力轴承在这里与可倾瓦轴承的主要区别是什么,对性能有多少影响? 谢谢! 查看更多1个回答 . 5人已关注