有哪位朋友可以下ECS旗下期刊的文章?我们学校可以下,你把文献贴上来,我明天去实验室的话可以帮你下~ Lithium intercalation and transport behavior in a Ta2O5 film fabricated by pulsed laser deposition,Li conduction in sputtered amorphous Ta2O5,Lithiation and electrochromic characteristics of composite Ta2O5-TiO2 films fabricated by ultraviolet reactive laser ablation查看更多
请问聚合物的equivalent molecular weight是什么分子量?当量/等效分子量equivalent molecular weight or, more generally, standard-equivalent molecular weight is the molecular weight of a standard-polymer molecule having the same hydrodynamic volume and thus eluting from the separation system at the same elution volume as a molecule of the analyte. In general, the standard-equivalent molecular weight and the true molecular weight of the analyte are not equal.查看更多