这句英文应该如何理解? 关于客户提供技术文档。? Vendor to advise if he requires a copy of other specifications, not provided with Purchaser’s REQ to him, but are mentioned within specification references given per Table-1. Further, Vendor shall request for any of the specifications listed in Table-1, if not received by him. 如此理解对否? 由供货商自行确定是否需要那些已经在 Table-1 中列出,但尚未随询价文件一起提供给供货商的技术规格文件。另外,如果某些已在 Table-1 中列出的规格文件供货商还没有收到,则可以向客户索要。 不幸的是,我翻来找去也还没找到Table-1在哪里。 查看更多14个回答 . 1人已关注