合成氨厂为什么不计量半水煤气的流量? 12万吨的 合成氨 老厂,工艺是造气-脱硫-变换-脱碳- 甲醇 -铜洗-合成,为什么不计量半水煤气(N2,H2,CO,CO2)的流量(也就是脱硫出口的流量),只有净化气 流量计 ,安装在脱碳的出口,但这个地方已经把半水煤气中的CO和CO2去除了,这个流量能反映半水煤气的流量吗?查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
皮革雾化测试方法? 雾化性能测试常用的三种测量方法: 一、光泽度法: 试样在起雾杯中被加热所蒸发出的气体冷凝在低温玻璃板 上,通过对玻璃板冷凝前后的光泽度值进行对比并计算,可得出试样 的成雾值。 二、雾度法: 试样在起雾杯中被加热所蒸发出的气体冷凝在低温玻璃板上,通过对玻璃板冷凝前后的雾度值进行对比并计算,可得出试样的成雾值。 三、重量法: 试样在起雾杯中被加热所蒸发出的气体冷凝在低温铝箔上, 通过称量铝箔冷凝前后的重量变化,可得出试样雾化-凝结物的重量。 四、一般雾化性能测试试验设备的结构组成 一般的雾化性能试验装置主要由高温 恒温槽 、 低温恒温槽 、冷却盘、起雾杯、起雾 玻璃板、光泽度计(光泽度法)、 雾度计 (雾度法)、精度为0.01mg的天 平(重量法)、取样器及一些附件组成,可完成采样、加温、冷凝、测 试等试验过程。(标准配置不含天平和雾度计) 五、雾化性能试验的一般操作步骤 准备试样→开启高、低温浴槽并达到设定温度→清洗起雾杯及起雾玻 璃板→放置试样→放置起雾玻璃板或铝箔→放置冷却腔→两槽保持设 定温度、并正常运转至试验要求时间→取下玻璃板或铝箔,放至规定 时间→测量玻璃板的光泽度、雾度或铝箔的重量→比对数据并得出最 后结果。 查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
焦炉煤气制甲醇 ;转化岗位? 转化炉内为什么上部瓷球小下部瓷球大,有什么作用???查看更多 25个回答 . 5人已关注
电动葫芦工作级别工作制? 经常看到厂家资料或网上有这样的说法: (1)工作制度:Jc M3。问题:Jc是什么意思?是国标或行业标准的说法吗? (2)网上百度,有工作级别:M3, M4 的说法,这个工作级别和上面的工作制是一会事吧。 (3)网上还有工作制度:Jc25%,重级:Jc40%。 查看标准GB/T 3811-2008,没有工作制度的说法,也没有Jc。标准上将起重机分了如下几个别进行描述: 第一:使用等级,U0-U9 第二:起升载荷级别,Q1-Q4 第三:整机的工作级别(注意,不是工作制),A1-A8 第四:机构的工作级别,M1-M8 问题来了: a)厂家的表达方式来自哪里?和国标有无对应关系? b) ISO标准有相关的描述吗? 查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
关于球罐的技术问题? 本人想在负责公司的罐区装置建设,涉及到球罐的建设,以前没管理过球罐方面的知识,请各位提供先关方面的技术知识给我,感谢各位了查看更多 2个回答 . 2人已关注
碳化塔结疤? 碳化内的结疤不溶于 氨水 吗?结疤的原因?和结疤的处理措施?目前母液碳化度高,有结疤,塔温高,而实际处理气量小。查看更多 5个回答 . 3人已关注
石化、化工行业最强工程公司投票![每人最多5票]? 哇 查看更多 49个回答 . 5人已关注
废热锅炉与汽包之间的自然循环推动力公式? 废热锅炉 与汽包之间的自然循环推动力是下降管与上升管之间的流体重度差,适用于公式: P =H*g*(ρ L -ρ GL )*φ 谁能帮助我说一下这个公式的出处啊,或者说哪个文献能找到呢,谢谢! 查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
转化系统热平衡问题? 求助解决焦炉气制 甲醇 转化热能利用问题,水平衡问题,查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
3取2 AI板卡报警? 3取2板卡三个故障状态灯中的一个报警,是不是代表其中的一路故障???查看更多 3个回答 . 5人已关注
双语新闻(19):海外华人回国谋发展? 海外华人回国谋发展 Overseas Chinese chase opportunities at home A growing number of scientists and engineers who have worked abroad are seeking business opportunities in China after encountering career barriers overseas. More than 200 overseas Chinese and representatives of 30 associations for Chinese abroad attended the two-day Conference on China International Exchange of Professionals at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, which ended on Thursday. Some of them, who still had luggage with them, rushed to the venue in the morning eager to discuss project proposals with potential investors and partners. Hui Wenhua was one of them. He has worked for an electronic chemical company in New Jersey, United States, for 18 years, climbing the ladder from researcher to chief scientist in the research and development department. The 62-year-old said he is not ready to retire. "After reading media reports about severe chemical pollution in China, I realized that I can help with my expertise," he said. The expert on chrome plating - a technique of electroplating a thin layer of chromium onto a metal or plastic object - said most workshops in China still use a conventional technique that contaminates the environment and increases workers' risk of lung cancer and leukemia. "Many companies in China dump pollutants secretly, because they don't want to invest in pollution treatment to save money," he said, adding that there are numerous unregistered workshops apart from the thousands of registered ones. Hui said the technique being used in the US, which he can help introduce to China, generates no pollution. It also saves on costs, energy, and improves product durability. "About 15 people, including government officials and bosses of private companies, have shown interest in my business proposal," he said. Hui said investment of 80 million yuan ($13 million) is needed to introduce the technique from the US and bring his team of five researchers to China. Nicole Wu, a consultant at the North America Chinese Scholars International Exchange Center, said China has been viewed as an ideal place by increasing numbers of overseas Chinese to start a business thanks to its huge market and favorable government policies. The exchange center, which is registered in the US and acts as a bridge between that country and China, organized the pavilion at the Shenzhen conference dedicated to overseas Chinese starting careers in China. Most of those wanting to start a career are men in their 40s and 50s with a science and technology background, Wu said. Rock Lau, assistant general manager at the Shenzhen branch of the Beijing Foreign Enterprise Human Resources Service, the conference co-organizer, said many overseas Chinese professionals encounter "glass ceilings" in their careers. "For many Chinese scientists and engineers in Western countries, even those with achievements in their fields, their career paths are restricted to research," he said. However, China is in great need of applied science in environmental protection, information technology, new materials and energy, and medical skills, so overseas Chinese with relevant expertise have an advantage, Lau said. Zheng Mingjie, from Jilin province, went to Nagoya in Japan in 1990 for his PhD studies in engineering, settling there with his family and working as a researcher for an energy conservation design company in 1996. Zhang planned to start an energy service company in China last year by sending his business proposals to local governments and venture capital companies in the country, but the competition for funding proved fiercer than he expected. "I sent my proposal to a business plan competition staged by the government of Jiaxing, in Zhejiang province, but it did not pass the first round of 700 applications because I don't have the patent for the energy-saving technology," the 59-year-old said. Zhang expected investment of 16 million yuan to set up his company. However, Chinese banks prefer to grant loans to projects that win government business plan competitions, while venture capitalists favor projects that generate quick money. During the conference in Shenzhen, venture capital investors pledged financing of about 20 million yuan for 50 projects. Most overseas associations also reached initial agreement for cooperation with domestic organizations, according to statistics released by the organizing committee. The conference was staged by the State Foreign Expert Affairs Administration and the Shenzhen government. On Wednesday, the Shenzhen government offered 40 million yuan in seed funding for 122 entrepreneurs who have studied overseas to start businesses in the southern city. It has emerged as one of the most popular destinations for entrepreneurs who were educated overseas. Low business rents, seed funding and favorable tax policies have helped professionals to start businesses there. The organizing committee says Shenzhen has 1,700 companies run by former students who returned from overseas. Almost all are high-tech companies, with about 30 firms having annual output worth more than 100 million yuan. 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 查看更多 7个回答 . 5人已关注
二循二冷气相出口管线堵塞的原因及处理? 二循二冷气相出口至尾吸塔管线堵塞的原因有哪些?如何处理?大家一起讨论一下吧 查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
氰化钠溶液泵选型? 我厂生产过程中有氢氰酸气体产生,决定采用 氢氧化 钠溶液打循环喷淋吸收,设计喷淋塔高在4~5米,塔直径在300~500mm,现在需要需要选择一台合适的 循环泵 ,要求一方面能适应循环喷淋吸收的工况条件,另一方面,由于氢氰酸、氰化钠都是剧毒,因此要求密封很好。 求助高手! 问题已经解决,感谢各位! 等设备上去之后,效果出来再告诉大家!查看更多 9个回答 . 3人已关注
多晶硅循环氢压机前置过滤要注意什么? 同意楼上的观点,主要应该是 过滤机 械固体 杂质 的查看更多 7个回答 . 2人已关注
甲基醚化三聚氰胺甲醛树脂的用途? 今天一个同事问我 甲基 醚化 三聚氰胺甲醛树脂 的有什么用途。不知所以然。请有这方面的朋友给指点。谢谢。查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
搞安全的年终奖最少,说因为我们没有多少事,今年不是很 ...? 气炸了,我说明也不想说,搞安全的年终奖最少,说因为我们没有多少事,今年不是很忙。 乖乖,如果我们今年特别忙,有出了事,年终奖从哪儿来啊? 老天啊。查看更多 8个回答 . 4人已关注
几个垫片的英文谁给翻译一下? metal jacketed solid metal gasket composition gasket filled 以上四种垫片请高手给翻译一下查看更多 6个回答 . 1人已关注
凯洛格合成塔入口主进气阀,调整的依据?、开大开小对系 ...? 能否详细分析说明下?查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
求甲醇设备图? 甲醇 合成塔 、汽包、 分离器 、膨胀槽设备图,我的邮箱是: 1450462486@qq.com 查看更多 0个回答 . 5人已关注
空气的体积与标方的体积关系混乱了。。。。? 各位大神: 本人最近想买一个 空压机 {工作压力 0.8Mpa(A));但是提工作体积的时候有些混乱了。。。在换算标方和立方的时候有写搞不清楚。 根据理想气体方程,PV=nRT,得出 在忽略温度的影响下,标方和立方的体积比应该等于 压力比的倒数。压力比为0.1:0.8,所以 标方=8立方。 但是厂家告诉我的是,立方~=0.8标方。 这就让我很诧异。。。所以我不知道怎么选型了? 亲们,随能解释一下。。。 查看更多 21个回答 . 3人已关注
职业:金昌盛科技有限公司 - 设备工程师
学校:青岛远洋船员学院 - 机电一体化技术
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