P+F安全栅的问题? 楼上的 kfd2-stc4-ex1是安全隔离栅, 是为在防爆区的仪表使用的。一般是0区,有时候1区的仪表也会用。 ex是防爆的explosion的缩写。 kfd2-stc4-1是隔离栅,给在非防爆区的仪表用的。 主要是解决信号干扰如地环流之类的问题。这种应用在工程中不是很多,但是偶尔也有。查看更多
磷酸分析方法? 这个方法很准确啊查看更多
拟建一套 氧气量 1.2W标方/H的空分装置,求指导? 谢谢您提供的信息~!1.2-1.6e 会不会多了点啊~? 那就要看你了,谈判砍价呗。人家要多少就给多少啊。。。。 查看更多
当克劳斯反应尾气中H2S/SO2的摩尔比为偏离2:1时,结果 ...? 同意2楼的观点。>2:1,后续吸收工段负荷加大,影响硫化氢吸收效果;<2:1,尾气加氢装置负荷加大,影响加氢效果和催化剂寿命。 查看更多
API设计,选用国标材料,焊接工艺规程应该怎么写? asme ix引用了部分中国的容器板材。。 没有引用的材料 也可以按asme ix评定的。 这是2个未指定p-no.的 ... 谢谢指点您的指点,对这方面总是有些困惑查看更多
德士古和SHELL气化要求的煤质比较? 3楼9楼两位说的在理,要从原料,反应条件,下游目的来客观的看待一套工艺的优良好坏。查看更多
离心泵功率和管道流量流速压力的关系? 不知道离心泵的扬程和平衡方式有关没有查看更多
电加热器换热面积如何计算?!? 换热器大师 可以搞定,网上有专门的文章。查看更多
windows 7 64bit 系统同时安装aspen 7.2 和7.3成功? 楼主能提供以下win7 64位,装v7.2时用的sql和dotnet版本吗,谢谢了查看更多
除沫器除尘器用于流化床燃煤锅炉湿法脱硫除尘塔工艺设计 ...? 学习了……查看更多
设备平台及塔爬梯栏杆统一图集 G-B6? 楼主啊!下载下来没法解压查看更多
油库的消防水系统? 消火栓应该即开即用,阀门井内的阀门处于常开状态,压力用稳压泵稳定,当压力低于设定压力时,消防水泵自动启动,当压力达到设定值时,消防水泵自动停止。正常情况下,稳压泵处于常开状态,保证消防系统水的压力。查看更多
爆破片设置? 不知道楼主回流管里的物料是什么,爆破片设计非常精密,如果物料有腐蚀性那么最好不要装在一个管道上。 通氯,会产生盐酸气 查看更多
煤化工基础? 感谢楼主分享,很有用~ 查看更多
焦化厂氨法脱硫问题? 主要喷射器堵,清理一下,风量怎么样?再生效果怎么样?若是一塔式,再生槽在上面,堵很麻烦啊!交流qq:1123267744查看更多
往复式压缩机? 嘿嘿,这个就简单折算下行了。打气量折算都是按标方来算的。而且,影响往复的最重要因素是余隙。简单折算就 ... 我说的就是标方啊 查看更多
征集行业会议及展会信息? 第四届国际低温制冷会议(iccr“2008) first circular and call for papers of the fourth international conference on cryogenics and refrigeration iccr’2008 shanghai, china general the international conference on cryogenics and refrigeration (iccr) has been successfully held at zhejiang university in hangzhou, china for three times in 1989, 1998 and 2003, respectively. the purpose of this conference is to stimulate the fruitful exchange of information and ideas in cryogenics, refrigeration and other related topics. the fourth international conference on cryogenics and refrigeration (iccr’2008) is planed to be held on april 6-9, 2008 at shanghai jiao tong university in shanghai, china. shanghai jiao tong university, founded in 1896, is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in china and is now a national university under the leadership of the ministry of education, china. it is a key comprehensive university whose fields of study cover many branches of learning, namely literature, education, science, economics, law, management, engineering, agriculture and medicine. it is located in shanghai, one of the biggest cities in china. iccr chairmen wang r. z. shanghai jiao tong university, china chrz v. president of commission a2, iir, czech bullard c. w. president of commission b2, iir, usa chen g. m. zhejiang university, china iccr international program committee bansal p. university of auckland, new zealand bredesen a. m. norwegian university of science and technology, norway chen g. b. zhejiang university, china chen g. m. zhejiang university, china ding g. l. shanghai jiao tong university, china critoph r. e. university of warwick uk fan g. d. hefei general machinery institute, china fuerst j. d. cryogenic society of american, inc., usa groll e.a. purdue university, usa hua t. c. shanghai institute of science and technology, china haruyama t. national laboratory for high energy physics, japan kang y. t. kyung hee university, korea kim d. l. korea basic science institute, korea lang s. w. china academy of building research, china li y. z. xi’an jiao tong university, china li y. g. university of hong kong, china liang j. t. technical institute of physics and chemistry, chinese academy of sciences, china long w. d. tongji university, china ma y. t. tianjin university, china murakami m. university of tsukuba, japan quack h. technical university dresden, germany radebaugh r. nist, usa radermacher r. university of maryland, usa ravex a. air liquid, france shu s. m. huazhong university of science & technology, china vasiliev l. l. luikov institute, belarus wang j. beihang university, china wang r. z. shanghai jiao tong university, china wu y. y. xi’an jiao tong university, china zhang l. technical institute of physics and chemistry, chinese academy of sciences, china zhang y. p. tsinghua university, china zhou y. technical institute of physics and chemistry, chinese academy of sciences, china local organizing committee ding g. l. (chairman) shanghai jiao tong university, china chen g. b. (vice chairman) zhejiang university, china jing h. q. (vice chairman) chinese association of refrigeration, china zhang p. (secretary general) shanghai jiao tong university, china qiu l. m. zhejiang university, china wu j. y. shanghai jiao tong university, china zhang l. technical institute of physics and chemistry, chinese academy of sciences, china sponsored by shanghai jiao tong university, china zhejiang university, hangzhou, china national natural science foundation of china chinese association of refrigeration (car), china international institute of refrigeration (iir), china technical topics papers are solicited in, but not limited to the following topics: a: cryogenic engineering a-1 lng, liquefaction and separation of gases a-2 cryocoolers and their applications a-3 fluid mechanics, heat transfer and properties of cryogens b: refrigeration engineering b-1 vapor-compression refrigeration systems and their components b-2 absorption and adsorption refrigeration b-3 air conditioning b-4 heat pump and energy recovery c: applications of cryogenic and refrigeration technique c-1 energy c-2 aerospace c-3 cryobiology, cryosurgery and food technology c-4 application of superconductivity d: novel techniques in refrigeration and cryogenics invited talks invited speakers and papers are being organized and confirmed. conference language the conference language is english. conference proceedings all papers accepted will be published in the proceedings of the conference and distributed to delegates at the registration desk on april 6, 2008. conference location shanghai, p. r. china. additional information if more detailed information is required, please contact: professor zhang p., institute of refrigeration and cryogenics, shanghai jiao tong university, shanghai, 200240, china e-mail: iccr2008 fax: 0086-21-34206814 tel.: 0086-21-34205505查看更多
谁要能发明这种材料就是世界首富!!!? 大侠你也是世界1分子,解决这事你也有责任,别光指着别人,现在开始行动吧? 查看更多
精馏操作问题? 一般塔中间温度会稳定的,这样波动,我想可能是你的填料中间位置装的不合适或者怎么的查看更多
液氨储罐的液面计选型? 朋友!远传的液位计可以选在外测式液位计,我的空间里面有液氨球馆安装的工况!留下您的方式我跟你联系查看更多
职业:上海北卡医药技术有限公司 - 工艺专业主任
学校:郧阳师范高等专科学校 - 化学系
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