合成方法不同对多肽活性是否有影响? < >我希望合成一种具有抗菌作用的十肽,根据文献记录其合成方法如下,我想知道如果我交给公司合成的话,是否应当严格遵循该合成步骤,才能得到具有抗菌活性的 多肽 。</P> < >Solid-phase synthesis was carried out in a MultiSynTech Syro automatic<br>peptide synthesizer (Witten, Germany) employing Fmoc chemistry with HOBt<br>activation and Rink amide MBHA resin as solid support. Peptides were cleaved<br>from the resins and deprotected by treatment with trifluoroacetic acid containing<br>ethanedithiol, water, triisobutylsilane, and anisole (93:2.5:2:1.5:1). After precipitation<br>by ethylic ether, the crude peptides were purified by using a Vydac C18<br>column (25 cm by 1 cm) and characterized by amino acid analysis and mass<br>spectrometry。</P> < >我是彻底的外行,大概查了一下,似乎文献提到的方法是主流的合成手段,没有特别特殊的地方,不知道我的理解是否正确,请坛子里面的高手指点一二。兄弟这里谢过了。</P>查看更多1个回答 . 4人已关注