请教一个炼厂方面问题,谢谢?refineries may be set up as:1. topping refimeries seperate crude oil into its constituent petreoleum products simply by distillation, also referree to as atmospheric distillation. a topping refinery produces naphtha but no gasoline.2. hydroskimming refineries are equipped with atmospheric distillation, naphtha reforming and necessary processes to treat for sulfur. more complex than a topping refinery, hydroskimmers run light sweet crude and produce gasoline.3. cracking refieries add vacuum distillation and catalytic cracking to run light sour crude to produce light and middle distillates.4. coking refineries are high conversion refineries that add coking/resid destruction(delayed coking process)to run medium/sour crude oil.按这样的分法,轻度加氢型炼厂(hydroskimming refineries)就不是最简单的炼油厂了!但是,随着全球原油劣质化趋势的速度加快,采出原油多属重油,且含硫量也呈上升趋势。同时,全球为应对气候变化影响,减少碳排放,现在的炼厂应该都要加氢处理原油的,同时还要将减压重油轻质化处理(裂化、加氢裂化、焦化)这样看来,就应该是最简单的炼厂组成形式了,查看更多