翻译求助~~急!多谢诸位达人? 翻译一下,看看是否符合楼主胃口。 the administrator(环保署) may issue guidance authorizing the baseline amount to be determined in accordance with the lower of average actuals or average allowable, determined over a period of more than one calendar year. such guidance may provide that such average calculation for a specific source may be used if that source’s emissions are irregular, cyclical, or otherwise vary significantly from year to year. 环保局将会发布导则,依据年实际排放平均值或年允许排放平均值中的较低值来确定审批(你的)排放限值,该限值的测定时间往往需要一年以上。对于每一年中那些无规律地、周期性地、或者是排放量幅度变化大的特定污染源,该导则将提供一种平均限值的计算方法。查看更多