大家帮我看看我的工艺方面翻译的,多多指教? 生产过程中可能发生的co紧急排放及停车所需排放的co已接入可靠的排放系统。 the possibly emergency vent of co during operation and normal vent during shut-down has been routine to reliable venting system. =》the potential emergency co discharge during operation and the co discharge for shutdown purpose have been routed to a reliable venting system. t101处于操作状态 (t101应该是温度仪表), t101 is at working state. 应该可以,不过我不清楚state 和 status 的区别,我来另贴请教别人一下吧,有兴趣可以关心一下. a: 两个词里state更靠近模式(mode)的意思,通常是有限的几个状态选一那种情况。status意思泛一点,更接近状况(condition)的意思。不过差别不大,经常混用。查看更多