求助:energy 投稿问题?最近返回来了一篇能源的稿子,三个审稿人的意见,其中一个让大修,一个直接同意,第三个就提了个语言问题。我认真回答完提交了之后,杂志社给反回了这三个问题Please select ONLY ONE primary or parent (number in bold) classification and a minimum of 2, maximum of 5, secondary classifications (classifications that appear under the parent headings in the list) for your paper. NOTE: No classifications needed for BOOK REVIEWS.我有仔细修改了按照要求,并提交,过了两天又来了一封信还是Please select ONLY ONE primary or parent (number in bold) classification and a minimum of 2, maximum of 5, secondary classifications (classifications that appear under the parent headings in the list) for your paper. NOTE: No classifications needed for BOOK REVIEWS.这些问题。我都无语了,我们到底哪出错了?请各位有过此经历的帮一下哈查看更多7个回答 . 12人已关注