你每天睡多久? 你每天睡多久? how long do you sleep every day? 每天要睡多久才足够?美国有研究指出是七个小时。据香港《星岛日报》报道,美国西弗吉尼亚大学医学系的一项研究发现,连小睡在内,每日睡眠七小时最为理想,而睡眠时间多于或少于七小时者,患上心血管疾病的风险将会增加。这份报告已刊登在 “ 睡眠 ”(sleep) 期刊内。 how many hours of sleep are enough? it is researched in usa that it should be seven hours. as is reported in “sing dao daily news” hong kong, one research conducted by the medical department of virginia university in america showed that it is ideal to sleep seven hours a day including the nap. while those who sleep less than seven hours have more risk suffering from cardiovascular diseases. this report has published in the magazine “sleep”. 睡眠与健康戚戚相关,亲爱的,你每天睡多久?够七小时吗?欢迎讨论! sleep is closely related to health. my dear friends, how long do you sleep every day? is it up to seven hours? welcome to join the discussion! 查看更多