大家说说自己公司焦化厂所有设备刷漆后的颜色各是什么? ...? 大家说说自己公司焦化厂所有设备刷漆后的颜色各是什么?希望附上图。 查看更多 10个回答 . 4人已关注
生物膜处理工艺? 膜生物反应器 的学习和材料查看更多 2个回答 . 2人已关注
询问天然气不饱和烃CmHn是一种还是很多种? 请教别人应该用辞正式点客气点。什么叫冒个泡。 我很了解天然气,并且也知道CmHn的含义,但现在真不愿意解释给你,你叫大家来冒个泡,那你把大家当什么了?只有经常在水底下呆着的才会有时冒泡,楼主肯定就是这一类吧。查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
化验工高级证? 记得以前看过一本中石油的题库用书,挺不错的,自己找找看吧,具体书名记不住了,里面从初级到技师的内容都有,不过有点偏向石油行业的,高级的话基本对色谱这块要求比较高。书让我送人了 呵呵查看更多 3个回答 . 1人已关注
加强圈的作用主要是增大了设备的刚度?!? 加强圈的作用主要是增大了设备的刚度?! 对强度没有太大影响吗?! 查看更多 26个回答 . 4人已关注
HYSYS软件的标准状态怎样修改? 我已经用HYSYS做了很多项目,但是HYSYS软件的标准状态修改还不会,请高手指教。查看更多 2个回答 . 4人已关注
proII中如何定义SCMH单位? ASPEN中直接就有Nm3/h的单位,而proII中怎么没有?请高手指点。查看更多 1个回答 . 2人已关注
看中一个资料,阅读权限不够? 如题,下不来东西,大家帮我顶到二年级了,给我评分,谢谢您了。查看更多 2个回答 . 3人已关注
hysys中oil manager和assay manager有什么区别? oil manager和assay manager有什么区别?什么时候用oil manager,什么时候用assay manager? 查看更多 9个回答 . 5人已关注
添加剂对硝基复肥结块的影响? 如果硝基复肥生产时,适当加入一些 添加剂 (如 硫酸镁 等),对复肥的结块性有无影响呢?查看更多 6个回答 . 4人已关注
2016年案例下午原创答案来了? 第一题 查看更多 55个回答 . 2人已关注
请问乙烯长输管线的相关规范是哪个?谢谢? 请问各位, 乙烯 的长输管线设计规范是哪个?哪位可以共享一下,谢谢查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
关于孙兰义老师Aspen plus教程习题模拟错误求助? 求助:在对孙兰义老师Aspen plus教程第九章习题进行自己处理模拟的时候,自己已经对流程图绘制出来(见附图,参考书本),在对参数进行准确输入后(一开始自己输入,出现错误查看panel后对照参考答案进行准确输入,找出少数数据输入错误后,可以讲与答案一致)进行模拟运行,一直出现所谓的reactor里不能满足质量守恒(见附图),自己在重试很多遍后还是没有找到错误,求各位大手前辈解答,急,谢谢!!! 查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
国内煤制乙二醇应用情况? 最近悉闻,河南安阳 乙二醇 项目,配套PET项目30万吨装置在建,预计15年建成,届时使用自产乙二醇,让我们拭目以待。 另请教各位大侠, 1)安阳项目建设进展和进度如何。 2)新疆天业煤制乙二醇、通辽煤制乙二醇在 聚酯 行业应用情况(例如掺混比例、后段纺丝情况)。 谢谢!查看更多 21个回答 . 4人已关注
求高手解决啊 proⅡ安装后总出错? 我的电脑一直都装有proⅡ8.1刚装上时 没有任何问题 也用过一段时间 可是现在打开一新建就自动关闭了 无奈 就重新装了一遍 结果安装过程提示有错误 不过还是成功安装了 可是打开后 不能选择组分 我哭啊~~~~ 现在又在装了。。。可是有个TDM一直装不上啊 到底是哪出问题了啊 求高手解答啊 查看更多 4个回答 . 1人已关注
单槽气相压差问题? 膜极距电槽,单槽气相压差有无连锁,联锁值多少。 氢气 总管压力平稳,单槽氢气压力波动存在那方面原因。 hcbbs hcbbs 查看更多 9个回答 . 3人已关注
除铁器的爆气装置? 我有一个25T/h的 除铁器 ,谁知道这个除铁器的爆气装置应该怎么设计?查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
求关于加氢裂化加热炉的结构。? 求关于加氢裂化 加热炉 的内部结构,和一些基础知识。最好是有动画 ,一些关于加热炉的视频。谢谢了。抱拳了。 查看更多 1个回答 . 2人已关注
水电解制氢怎么提压? 水电解制氢怎么提压?谢谢查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
关于aspen热力学方程的选取。? 大家都知道 aspen 模拟i的关键在过程参数的选择上 关于热力学方程的选取,很关键。希望对学生朋友有用。因为我们没什么工程经验 When modeling mass transfer equipment, there are two key points to remember: (1) thermodynamics is important; and (2) convergence is difficult. The key decisions you must make are (1) what model to use for the vapor phase activity coefficient and (2) what model to use for the liquid phase activity coefficient. The options for the vapor phase are relatively easy. Some of them are used in Chapters 2 and 3, because once you choose an equation of state, the vapor phase activity coefficient can be determined. The options for the activity coefficient of the gaseous phase are: ideal gas, Redlich–Kwong or Redlich–Kwong–Soave, Peng–Robinson, plus a few specialized ones (i.e., HF hexamerization and Hayden–O’Connell). In the liquid phase, the simplest option is an ideal liquid, with an activity coefficient equal to 1.0. That choice leads to Raoult’s law, which may suffice for similar chemicals. Other models include regular solution theory using solubility parameters (although not in Aspen Plus), NRTL, Electrolyte NRTL, UNIFAC, UNIQUAC, Van Laar, and Wilson. Characteristics of the models are: . The Electrolyte NRTL is especially suited for acid gas adsorption, which includes the removal of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from a gas stream. Refineries routinely use this process when making hydrogen. This is also one way of capturing carbon dioxide from a power plant to capture and sequester it. . The UNIFAC model is a group contribution method that allows the model parameters to be estimated using the molecular structure of each chemical. When experimental data is not available, this is the only method that can be used. . The UNIQUAC model uses binary parameters, which must be determined from experimental data. Once found, however, the same parameters can be used in multicomponent mixtures of three or more chemicals. . Both UNIFAC and UNIQUAC can be used when two liquid phases or azeotropes are present. . The Van Laar options are less recommended in Aspen Plus; they are simpler to use than the others, but less successful in general. In Aspen Plus the ease of use is immaterial since someone else has created the program. . The Wilson equation is an option if there is only one liquid phase, and it does handle azeotropes. Chapter 6 of the Aspen Plus manual gives a flow chart to help you pick the model to use for your system. The decisions you have to make are Polar or nonpolar? Electrolyte or nonelectrolyte? 74 SIMULATION OF MASS TRANSFER EQUIPMENT Real or pseudocomponents? Pressure less than 10 bar or greater than 10 bar? Interaction parameters available? One or two liquid phases? Vapor phase association? Degree of polymerization? This sounds pretty daunting, and it is. Fortunately, the Aspen Plus manual does give some hints on useful choices for particular applications, some of which have been developed especially for the application. A few of them are: Oil and Gas Production (OIL GAS) – Peng–Robinson with Boston–Mathias a function (PR-BM) or Redlich–Kwong–Soave with Boston–Mathias a function (RKS-BM). Refinery, medium pressure (Refinery) – Chao–Seader, Grayson, Peng–Robinson, Redlich–Kwong–Soave. Refinery, hydrogen-rich applications (Refinery) – Grayson, Peng–Robinson, Redlich– Kwong–Soave. Gas processing, hydrocarbon separations (GASPROC) – Peng–Robinson with Boston–Mathias a function (PR-BM), Redlich–Kwong–Soave with Boston– Mathias a function (RKS-BM), Peng–Robinson, Redlich–Kwong–Soave. Gas Processing, acid gas absorption (Chemical and Electrol) – electrolyte NRTL. Petrochemicals, aromatics and ether production (Petchem) – Wilson, NRTL, UNIQUAC. Chemicals, phenol plants (Chemical) – Wilson, NRTL, UNIQUAC. Chemicals, ammonia plant (Chemical) – Peng–Robinson, Redlich–Kwong–Soave, SR-Polar (Schwartzentruber–Renon). Chemicals, inorganic chemicals (Chemical and Electrol) – electrolyte NRTL. Coal processing, combustion (Coalproc) – Peng–Robinson with Boston–Mathias a function (PR-BM), Redlich–Kwong–Soave with Boston–Mathias a function (RKS-BM), or the combustion databank. We have to compare your thermodynamic predictions with experimental data.but we are students.what shall we do?查看更多 7个回答 . 2人已关注
职业:亚东石化(上海)有限公司 - 工艺专业主任
学校:中山大学 - 化学系
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