ASPEN 化工模拟计算设计手册 1章8例题 陈松FCC主分馏? aspen 化工模拟计算设计手册 1章8例题 陈松fcc主分馏 模拟例题,完全一样没有变化内容,但是不收敛。 求帮助。错误提示 block: fccmainf model: petrofrac *** severe error sum of product flow specifications and/or estimates exceeds sum of feed flows. *** severe error error in initialization - block bypassed. ** error block fccmainf is not in mass balance: mass inlet flow = 0.60777778e+02, mass outlet flow = 0.00000000e+00 absolute difference = 0.60777778e+02 查看更多