trapped key如何理解?(联锁方案)? trapped key interlockingfrom wikipedia trapped key interlocking utilizes locks and keys for sequential control of equipment and machinery to ensure safe operation. a simple system might consist of two locks and a single key. normally inserting the key into a lock would enable a power supply, thus in this simple system only one power supply could be enabled at any one time. trapped key interlocks are widely used to ensure safe access to potentially live or dangerous plant or equipment in an industrial setting. safe access is enabled through transfer of keys that are either trapped or released in a safe sequence. for example a key is used to the isolate power, this key is then released and can then be used to gain access through a gate or door to a high risk area by inserting it in to an access lock. the key will then remain trapped until the gate or door is closed. a personnel or safety key can be released from the access lock, this ensures that the gate or door can not be closed and the initial key released until this personnel or safety key is returned. this provides increased operator safety. claims have been made that englishman james harry castell(1880-1953) or american r. l. kirk invented the concept of trapped key interlocking. both worked in the power generation and distribution industries in the early part of the 20th century, and both pioneered the use of trapped key interlock for switchgear control. trapped key interlocks were used prior to this though, in the 1890s, in the french railway system to control track switching operations. today trapped key interlocks can be found in many industrial settings including power stations, oil & gas processing plants and platforms, railway signalling and points control, electrical substations, ships, electrical switchgear and factories across all sectors as a response to occupation health and safety legislation. 上述内容是从维基上拷贝的。 解释的很明白。 至于翻译成什么,我认为“安全钥匙”就可以了,不必追求汉语与英文的一一对应。这里的“trapped”应该是指钥匙插入锁孔并处于拔不出来的状态,与文中的“released”意思相反。查看更多