htfs 结果警告问题请教? HTFS 模拟结果的时候出现下面警告看不明白,高手指点下: 1 the length of the baffled region,900mm,PLUS 贴合endlengths,were inconsistent with the tubelength 1830mm.the endlengths have been reset to 363.48mm and 566.52mm.check the help text for an exact definitions of endlengths. 这句话是什么意思,如何修改HTFS才能消去这个警告。 2 you did not specify the number of crossflow baffles .this has been calcaulated as 3, the nearest valve given the tube length 1830mm,endlengths 276mm and 422.52mm(as input or estimated),and a baffle pitch of 450mm 查看更多1个回答 . 1人已关注