两个疑问,原文出处与我上一帖相同? The development policy on SINKS covers emissions and removals of greenhouse gases resulting from land use, land-use change, and forestry. Calivada Consulting participates in projects that increasing removal of GHG from the atmosphere by planting trees, managing forests, or reducing emissions by curbing deforestation. 上文中的两句话我怎么看都别扭,更别提翻译了,严重怀疑是原文写的有问题,请各位指教该如何翻译。另外,其中的SINKS是什么的缩写呢? 还有,thermal destruction system和cogeneration分别是什么意思? 后者翻译为“联产”可否? 查看更多3个回答 . 1人已关注