求翻译啊,大侠们? 感谢各位,不过这个真的没有上下文,t&i像专有名词一样出现的,就是一个的简称 some suggestion: 1. searching for the abbreviation list or something silimiar in the general files. searching it in the beginning of the document. occasionally, the author gave the full name of the abbreviation in the "( )bracket" . 2. if it's unavailable at this moment, turn to your leaders, colleages and then the client who gave u this document (the flow sequence is very important ^_^) 3. all the effort turned into vain, it's proposed to hold it at first. if you must make your decision in a short time, herewith my persional opinion: for t&i "i" will be probable to denote "instruction", because of the word "follow". "t" maybe "transfer", "transport" or something related, due to the word "returning". only for your reference. sorry for no more help could be supplied. 查看更多