Partial Stroke Test (PST)的中文翻译? "partial stroke test (pst)"是一种测试方法,直译“部分行程测试”。由阀的执行机构不时的移动阀一点点,故称为“部分行程”。 a very useful method for avoiding the complete failure of on/off valves is the partial stroke test (pst). many valves are used very rarely in practice, such as safety valves which only have to open or close in an emergency. 一种避免阀门开/关整个故障非常有用的测试方法。许多阀门实际生产过程中很少使用,如安全阀,仅在紧急情况下开或关。 their friction may increase in the course of time, especially the initial break-off force or torque of linear and rotary actuators respectively as a result of corrosion or increasing encrustation of the plug stem.由于时间的原因,这些阀的摩擦力可能增大,尤其是阀芯杆分别由于腐蚀或结壳变厚导致的初始分离力,线性以及旋转执行机构的扭矩。查看更多