如何在多壁碳纳米管外面包覆一层二氧化锰? 能帮忙给一下文章的链接吗 ... Manganese dioxide nanotube and nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube based composite bifunctional catalyst for rechargeable zinc-air battery? ?? ? Co3O4 nanoparticle-modified MnO2 nanotube bifunctional oxygen cathode catalysts for rechargeable zinc–air batteries? xygen reduction on Ag–MnO2/SWNT and Ag–MnO2/AB electrodes MOF derived Co3O4 nanoparticles embedded in N-doped mesoporous carbon layer/MWCNT hybrids: extraordinary bi-functional electrocatalysts for OER and ORR Microwave Synthesis of MnO2/C and its applications in Zinc-Air Battery A bifunctional electrocatalyst α-MnO2-LaNiO3/carbon nanotube composite for rechargeable zinc–air batteries Electrocatalytic performance of Ni modified MnOx/C composites toward oxygen reduction reaction and their application in Zn–air battery 这一类的文献太多,我记得最好的就是那个Nat 和ADV 的??在一篇综述上介绍的,我找了半天没找到,下次再说吧,查看更多