FAME products can be tracked directly at the pump什 ...? 原文是: FAME products however do have a high percentage of oxygen which enables them to be tracked directly at the pump. 该句的上下文是这样的: These long chained fatty acids (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters or FAME) are most commonly between 16-20 carbons in length with a few exceptions. The long carbon chains are similar in structure to the 16-20 carbon chains found in typical diesel except that FAME compounds contain almost no sulfur or nitrogen and no aromatics, which make them excellent blending components in the diesel pool. FAME products however do have a high percentage of oxygen which enables them to be tracked directly at the pump. FAME production occurs in separate facilities and requires a distribution infrastructure to transport the biofuels to a location where they can be blended with conventional diesel. Discrete storage and supporting inventory of the biofuels is required to guarantee continuous supply.查看更多6个回答 . 4人已关注