Aspen 模拟出现问题? 增加进料量,产量为何基本不变???求指点!!!! 查看更多 2个回答 . 2人已关注
DDS脱硫----mdea脱碳 步骤能颠倒吗? 造气-----栲胶脱硫----1.6MPa中低低变换----DDS脱硫----mdea脱碳----精脱硫 谢谢!查看更多 6个回答 . 1人已关注
关于换热器水击问题? 楼上的,你也太明显了!查看更多 8个回答 . 3人已关注
触媒的质量对VCM的合成质量有哪些影响? 触媒的质量对 VCM 的合成质量有哪些影响? [ ]查看更多 6个回答 . 1人已关注
温度套管的安装? 如果工艺管道低于DN80,可以将温度套管安装在扩大管道上或者是拐弯处查看更多 1个回答 . 2人已关注
各种阀门的介绍? 盖德们,谁有关于阀门的资料,请发至 358377082@163.com ,谢谢查看更多 3个回答 . 1人已关注
铜洗再生气回收流程? 铜洗工段,再生气回收,经济合理的流程应该是怎样的? 是采用两段式的水 洗涤塔 还是一段式的净氨塔? 一个还是两个? 串联 还是并联?查看更多 4个回答 . 5人已关注
求变换的操作规程? 什么工艺的?全低变、中串低、中低低还是耐硫变换工艺?查看更多 3个回答 . 2人已关注
claus反应动力学方程? 请问谁知道claus 反应动力学方程,怎样计算 反应器 体积啊查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
乌海西部煤化有限公司联系方式? 哪位高人有乌海西部煤化有限公司联系方式?麻烦请告知,谢谢!查看更多 1个回答 . 2人已关注
空分中液氮液空过冷器? 过冷器的作用减少气化率、回收冷量减、减少主 换热器 负荷。个人认为分开做方便于检修一旦泄露更换减少造价。过冷器5——15度温差已经很大了,能为主换热器减少很大的负荷。又能保证热端温差的可控性。查看更多 12个回答 . 4人已关注
萃取提酚 精酚的制取? 酚油深加工及应用酚油的沸点范围在170~21O℃之间,它在粗焦油内约占1.5%。分离酚油可回收邻甲苯酚,酚油中含有苯酚30% ,邻甲苯酚1O~13% , 间甲苯酚 14~18% , 对甲苯酚 9~12% ,二甲苯酚13~15% 。邻甲苯酚的沸点比间、对甲苯酚低10~C,可利用一般蒸馏 工艺 将其分离得粗酚。再将粗酚蒸馏截取邻甲苯酚馏分,在不低于40块理论塔板的精馏塔内蒸馏,回流比为15:1,截取188~192~C的馏分,得邻甲苯酚,熔点129℃ ,含量为97%。国内采用三釜二塔间歇式减压精馏对粗酚进行处理,得到苯酚、邻甲酚、间甲酚、对甲酚和二甲酚等产品 。俄罗斯设有5个塔的粗酚加工装置,已投入生产多年;美国开发了在有水存在下蒸馏酚的方法;波兰试验了筛版式脉动萃取塔,从煤焦油的酚馏分中提取酚。 : K0 A: y9 p2 Y% h3 D2 L(1)粗酚提取煤焦油中的酚类组分,包含在酚油中,将其用NaOH稀溶液处理,酚类变成钠盐而溶于水。根据水层和油层密度的不同,将其分开,除去中性油杂质,再用硫酸进行酸解,粗酚即可析出。 4 Z% u; R& H% p5 U1 m9 D(2)粗酚精馏粗酚中主要组分沸点相差较远,通常采用精馏的方法进行分离。国内采用三釜二塔间歇式减压精馏工艺装置,对粗酚进行处理,得到苯酚、邻甲酚、间、对甲酚和二甲酚等产品。 % C8 ]# h3 l, A i3 L: q1 w (3)间、对甲酚分离采用:①结晶分离法,②络合加成法,③ 异丁烯烷基化法,④ 分子筛分离法 7 l5 B# Y: L2 Y7 s8 e, m0 L等 引。 " Y1 Q# X5 Z% N# J 酚类还可进一步加工作 抗氧化剂 、防腐剂、增塑剂、无毒增塑剂、选择性除草剂、杀虫剂、种子消毒剂、染料 查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
和利时DCS的工程名更改? 操作员在线运行后,界面上方有工程名,请问这个工程名如何更改 查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
请问各位单位员工培训的真实情况? 请问各位单位培训的真实情况,我总觉得培训有些流于形式,教的觉得没兴趣学的觉得没意思,所以培训效果可想而知,另外也没时间,岗位上人少不能脱产培训,下夜班人没精神,休息时没人愿意来,当班还得操作.请问大家是如何开展职工培训的?查看更多 17个回答 . 2人已关注
关于SW6-2011 计算书HG20582-98的补强问题? 我们是制造单位,最近有一套图纸,按GB150-2011设计的。我发现计算书中开孔补强计算方法还是用的HG20582-98等面积补强法。但是HG20582-2011应该早就出来了,求各位盖德解惑。 查看更多 3个回答 . 5人已关注
这些观点帮助了煤化工(产业链篇)? 本文由 盖德化工论坛转载自互联网 在刚刚过去的2014年中,本刊发表了大量针对时事的不同观点。这些观点对 煤化工 产业所遇到的新局面、新问题、新考验进行了及时的分析,论据充分,观点鲜明,仁者见仁,智者见智,从不同角度帮助了业内读者了解判断时局,为整个产业的发展提供了务实而可靠的参考。年终岁首,回顾起来,这些观点对读者迎接新的一年仍旧很有帮助。 2014年第4期 中国科学院院士陈俊武观点: 煤制油产品若不增值就亏大了 煤制油产品与炼油厂的结合,是目前煤制油产品的一大增值途径。以间接液化为例。煤间接液化制油,目前已建成3套16~18万吨左右的示范装置,还有兖矿集团100万吨、神华宁夏煤业集团400万吨规模的项目正在建设。煤间接制油产品中有质量非常好的石脑油产品,与传统炼油厂的石脑油含有很多芳烃、环烷烃不同,其主要组分为烷烃,如果供给炼油厂使用,可以将乙烯产率提高50%以上,同时丙烯的产率下降很少。 通过这样炼油厂增产的乙烯再用来生产化学品,与直接作为汽柴油售卖相比,可以实现更好的增值。与此相比,煤制油按汽柴油销售太不合算。我呼吁煤制油企业联合起来,把煤制油产品供应到可以发挥它优势的地方,并且联合起来后与炼厂用户商谈也可以谈一个好价钱。此外,煤制油并非最终的产品,在煤制油实现大型化后,有两种下游产品是非常有价值的,一种是润滑油,另一种是喷气燃料( 航空煤油 )。这也需要通过和 石油化工 下游产业链相结合来实现。 2014年第5期 榆林天然气化工有限公司总经济师胡克鹏观点: 天然气增价将对煤化工造成冲击 天然气量增价跌对我国煤化工造成冲击的脚步已经渐行渐近。2010年以来,国外低价天然气制甲醇的大量涌入,已经令国内煤头甲醇企业苦不堪言,以致于中国商务部不得不借助反倾销调查以遏制进口甲醇对国内市场的冲击。目前,受天然气价格高企制约一度停产停建甲醇项目的北美地区,又在加紧建设甲醇及化肥项目,同时吸引中国投资者加盟。 未来3~5年,该地区将有11套甲醇装置建成投产,新增甲醇总产能超过1400万吨,新增合成氨产能450万吨。一旦这些低成本甲醇进入中国市场,或者用其生产烯烃再进入中国市场,都将对中国煤化工行业产生较大冲击。如果届时国内天然气供大于求,价格下跌,现在看来前景可期的现代煤化工项目,极可能遭遇巨大冲击。 2014年第6期 国土资源部矿产资源储量评审中心主任张大伟观点: 煤制气已无利可图 不少煤制气项目上马时,喜欢以进口天然气价格甚至进口液化天然气价格作参照,说明煤制气具有较好的成本和价格优势。但这一点并不现实。 目前进口天然气到达中国口岸价均超过2元/立方米,进口液化天然气价格更高达3元/立方米左右,以目前的煤炭价格计算,煤制气项目似乎均有竞争力。然而事实是,随着天然气供应量的增加,价格承受力较强的民用领域将趋于饱和;工业、化工及发电领域虽然需求巨大,但如果全部使用昂贵的进口天然气,将会全面巨额亏损,因而上述领域用不起或不敢使用天然气,最终导致国内天然气供大于求,价格下行,相关煤制气企业在计入高额的财务成本后,根本无利可图。 2014年第6期 陕西省化工学会名誉理事长贺永德观点: 煤制乙二醇有市场未必有“钱景” 贺永德表示,一方面,受全球经济不景气影响,中国服装出口已经并将继续面临较大压力,因而减少了涤纶需求并打压其价格下行,聚酯需求增速也因此放缓、价格下移,最终将导致乙二醇价跌量减,压缩其利润空间。 另一方面,国内93%的乙二醇用于聚酯生产,3%用于聚氨酯生产,3%用于防冻液生产,1%用于其他领域。所谓的乙二醇供需缺口,主要指能满足生产涤纶长丝、 涤纶短纤 ,以及瓶级聚酯的乙二醇。而目前国内已经投产的煤制乙二醇装置,只有少数装置的产品被下游聚酯企业接受。其余大多数厂家的煤制乙二醇产品尚未被聚酯企业完全接受,只能销往树脂及防冻液等领域,既限制了需求,也削减了煤制乙二醇的盈利能力。 后期,如果国际石油价格继续下跌,而煤炭价格企稳并反弹,将减小煤制乙二醇的成本优势。若届时煤制乙二醇企业仍不能保证装置安稳长满优运行并彻底解决产品质量不稳定等问题,则只能望着巨大的聚酯市场兴叹。 2014年第1期 榆林西部煤炭技术研究中心总经理贺峰观点: 褐煤提质是死路一条 褐煤提质肯定是死路一条。褐煤提质的目的,是为了解决褐煤水分高,无法长距离经济运输等难题。但有关示范装置的运行结果表明,褐煤提质不仅要消耗大量能源、排放粉尘和二氧化碳。提质后的褐煤还因结构疏松极易自燃。在这种情况下,别说长距离运输,就是在示范装置内部皮带传送时都会发生着火事故,存在极大的安全隐患。 (来源:《中国煤化工》杂志)查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
运输带(接口)用胶水连接好还是皮带扣连接好? 运输带(接口)用胶水连接好还是皮带扣连接好?大家讨论一下查看更多 4个回答 . 5人已关注
MTBE改为ETBE需要哪些改造? MTBE改为ETBE需要哪些改造?MTBE转产异 辛烷 ? 查看更多 1个回答 . 1人已关注
混合对工艺发展的影响? 转一篇外文 When chemists are developing processes in the laboratory on small scale the reactions will often be selective for the desired product, partly as a result of the reaction conditions chosen by the chemist and partly because the reactions are usually well mixed. During development, it is important that work is carried out that is relevant to the likely operational conditions at scale so issues such as rate of reagent addition, point of addition and impact of agitation are evaluated to guide the development of the process and not just the chemistry Many reactions show differences in profile upon scaling up and mixing can be a very significant factor in the differences between lab and plant, so chemists would be well-advised to have some understanding of the impact of mixing and the options that may be available, thereby enabling design and development of truly scalable processes. For a competitive consecutive reaction, to use engineer’s terminology, ie one in which the product of reaction can react further with the reagent (a common reaction with complex molecules) it is not unusual for byproduct formation to increase from a few % in the lab to 10-30% and beyond on scale up, particularly if the reaction is fast, and the reaction is not well mixed. So rather than getting a 95% yield and 5% byproduct, a reaction on scale may give 75% yield and 25% byproduct, which may then cause further yield losses as the work up and product isolation has to be adjusted to enable the large amount of byproduct to be removed. For parallel reactions, where, for example, the main byproduct is formed at the same time as the desired product, the ratio of product to byproduct will usually be sensitive to temperature, concentration or reagent stoichiometry, and this can easily be controlled accurately in the laboratory. But as the reaction is scaled up, particularly if the reaction is exothermic and the exotherm is controlled by careful dosing of a limiting reagent, then control of both effective stoichiometry and temperature will be affected by the dosing regime in the reactor and how well the reactor is mixed. For large reactors the temperature gradient in the reactor will be affected by the mixing and the design of the reactor/agitator/baffling in the process. Mixing is often crucial in heterogeneous systems, whether solid/liquid, liquid/liquid or, as in catalytic hydrogenations, gas/liquid/solid systems and expert advice is needed to scale up these processes. For example, enantioselectivity can be affected in both heterogeneous and homogeneous catalytic hydrogenations by mixing effects. Even when a reaction seems to appear homogeneous and all reactants are miscible in the solvent, density differences between the bulk solution and the added reagent can cause inhomogeneity in the system, where poor mixing can lead to loss of selectivity on scale up. This might be caused by simply adding a cold reagent in solvent to a hot solution of the same solvent, or more obviously in a bromination by adding neat bromine to a solution of the substrate. Clearly in the latter case the dense bromine needs to be well dispersed in the solvent after dosing to avoid over-bromination, so adding the bromine as a solution in the solvent is the preferred scale-up option to avoid mixing-related selectivity issues. Mixing of course is not just important for chemical reactions, but also in work up too. I well remember my surprise during scale up of a process to make a keto-ester many years ago, when during work up of the strong base suspension in aprotic solvent by adding water slowly, the ester hydrolysed extensively because of the extended time the ester was in contact with the strong aqueous base/ solvent (an ideal hydrolysing medium) before dilution. I found that by adding the extraction solvent (toluene) first and quenching and extracting at the same time, there was much less hydrolysis. In fact in this method of work up, the extent of hydrolysis was then controlled by the mixing in the vessel, as well as the quench rate and temperature. Liquid-liquid extractions are rarely a problem in the laboratory since the two layers can be well mixed by shaking vigorously. As a process is scaled up the process may need to be adjusted for optimum performance to suit the mixing characteristics of the agitated vessel, and performance (eg settling and emulsion formation) may be affected by whether the solvent is added to aqueous or vice-versa, as well as the position of the interface in relation to the position of the agitator in the vessel. (An inappropriate position of the agitator (for a particular batch-size) can also be a common problem in phase-transfer catalysed reactions and other processes run with two immiscible liquid phases). During crystallisations, the mixing in the vessel will affect the extent of secondary nucleation as well as crystal growth, and so determine the particle size distribution (and hence the filtration characteristics) of the solid product. Crystallisations in which an anti-solvent is used to reduce the solubility of the product in a solvent (which chemical engineers often term “drown-out crystallisations”) are particularly prone to mixing-related issues, and can even affect the crystal form or level of hydration as well as the particle size distribution. So it is wise to understand these effects (or talk to a friendly chemical engineer) before going to kilogram scale. Remember a product which filters badly will not only retain residual solvent, but also the impurities which reside in that solvent, so that washing out of the impurities may also be a problem. When this product is dried, the impurities from the solvent are then deposited on the product. So in summary development chemists, particularly those who are taking processes into kilogram and tonne manufacture, as well as chemical engineers, need to understand the rudiments of mixing and how it affects process selectivity both from a reaction and work up outlook.查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
请教氧气探测器安装要求? 请问 氧气探测器 安装要求是什么?主要是一台探测器大概能覆盖多大面积?这个有相关标准吗?听说按照有毒气体来算,一个探头的检测面积为1.5平米? 查看更多 8个回答 . 3人已关注
职业:南京捷纳思新材料有限公司 - 工艺专业主任
学校:三峡大学 - 国际文化交流学院
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