延迟焦化中焦化塔? 延迟焦化中焦化塔不同段的密度是多少?各位大神谁有这方面的资料,谢谢!查看更多 1个回答 . 3人已关注
列管式冷却器的设计和选用? 换热器 的设计指在传热计算的基础上,确定换热器的有关尺寸。换热器的选用是根据生产上传热任务的要求,选择合适的换热器。两者所需考虑的一些问题和计算步骤基本是一致的,无论设计还是选用,都以换热器系列标准作为参考,因而需要考虑到多方面的因素,进行一系列的选择和适当的调整,因此实际为一试算过程。 列管式换热器 设计和选用时应考虑的问题:流程的选择 在 列管换热器 中,哪种流体在什么条件下走管程(或壳程),选择的一般原则为: (1)不洁净和易结垢的流体宜走管程,因管内清洗方便; (2)腐蚀性流体宜走管程,以免管束和壳体同时受腐蚀,且清洗、检修方便; (3)压强高的流体宜走管程,以免壳体同时受压; (4)有毒流体宜走管程,使泄漏机会减少; (5)被冷却的流体宜走壳程,便于散热,增强冷却效果; (6)饱和蒸汽宜走壳程,便于排出冷凝液和不凝气,且蒸汽洁净不污染; (7)流量小或粘度大的流体宜走壳程,因折流档板的作用可使在低雷诺数(Re>100)下即可达到湍流,但也可在管内采用多管程;(8)若两流体温差较大,宜使α大的流体走壳程,使管壁和壳壁温差减小。 在具体选择时,上述原则经常不能同时兼顾,会互相矛盾,这时要根据实际情况,抓住主要问题,作为选择的依据。 请尊重版权,转载请注明出处!谢谢!原文地址: http://www.jsjyyd.com/jszl/121.html 查看更多 1个回答 . 2人已关注
蒸汽发生器在使用中的加药问题? 在系统中设计了一个 蒸汽发生器 ,使用的是除氧水,下面配套了一个 磷酸 加药装置 ,目的是为了减少结垢,请问在正常中大家是否使用该装置?我认为既然用除氧水就没有必要再加药了。谢谢。 查看更多 6个回答 . 4人已关注
求高手帮小弟一个大忙,不胜感激? 请高手帮我看一下关于HI-I2-H2O精馏的模拟,要求从这3相中蒸出HI。 之前请教过一个朋友,他二元交互参数中HENRY-1用的HENRTY-AP数据库中的参数,很好收敛,但个人认为运算结果是错的,因为HI-H2O的TXY图不对。 如果HENRY-1用ELRTL-RK数据,TXY图可以接受,但无法收敛。 请高手帮个大~忙 查看更多 1个回答 . 5人已关注
沸腾炉底压问题? 一套新系统怎么确定合适的底压查看更多 2个回答 . 4人已关注
如何计算设备的用电量? 如何计算设备的用电量,电流,电压,已知,怎么算一年消耗多少度点查看更多 12个回答 . 3人已关注
求助一份比较完善的调火工段的管理制度? 谁有比较完善的调火工段的管理制度,比如奖励,惩罚,设备维护之类的~!借鉴一下~!查看更多 0个回答 . 3人已关注
分子筛吸附在合成氨装置的应用条件有哪些?   据了解,不少原引进的年产30万吨合成氨装置的扩能改造中,在合成气 压缩机 出口设置了分子筛吸附装置,进一步干燥净化合成气,有利于提高氨合成工序的生产能力,是一个比较有效的节能技术措施。不过,这些应用了分子筛吸附装置的大型合成氨装置的合成气压缩机均为离心式压缩机。那么,对合成气压缩采用 往复式压缩机 的合成氨装置来说,是否也可应用分子筛吸附装置呢?有的说,可以:有的说,不可以,理由是往复式压缩机有脉冲,会对分子筛的 吸附剂 造成损伤,从而损坏吸附剂。   请问各位盖德:你对这个问题的看法是什么呢?希望能结合实际案例讨论,则更好!查看更多 9个回答 . 5人已关注
锅炉炉管爆破事故的现象及处理方法? 锅炉炉管爆破事故的现象及处理方法?查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
柴加发生循环氢压缩机停机后原料泵停泵问题? 柴加装置发生循环氢 压缩机 联锁后 ,有的装置原料泵自停,我们装置是手动停进料泵。 针对我们这种循氢机联锁需手动停泵 ,有的讲可以不着急停,可以小幅进料,帮助反应降温,但进料不停,会不会床层有热点时,有进料反而不安全,凉油在 反应器 积攒,会增大开循环氢压缩机的阻力 请大家分析一下什么时停泵 不停泵的利弊。查看更多 2个回答 . 2人已关注
设备材质的问题? 哪位大侠可以教导一下 设备材质的详细资料 型号代表的材质 材质适用情况 抗酸抗碱性之类的查看更多 3个回答 . 5人已关注
考考你:如何选择合适的涂料? 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请 回复 查看更多 12个回答 . 3人已关注
地面火炬中燃料气火嘴的压力问题? 地面火炬燃烧气火嘴的压力要求为0.25MPa,我想问一下如果压力低于这个要求,火嘴就不能点燃吗?谢谢查看更多 3个回答 . 4人已关注
想上一套用分子筛脱液体中水分和甲醇的装置? 如题,有一液体物料中含有微量水,经验证 分子筛 可行,想上一套分子筛脱水系统,有知道哪里能做么,最好是山东及其周围的,整体外包,包括脱水罐及分子筛再生设备查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
纳米材料和纳米结构的制造? Fabrication of nanomaterials and nanostructures Kannan M. Krishnan's research group, University of Washington, WA, USA The basic introduction to the fabrication of nanomaterials and nanostructures is given first, including the information of scanning probe devices, top-down and bottom-up methods. Then the formation of nanoparticles by homogeneous nucleation and self-assembly is analyzed in detail as a promising bottom-up method. Several specific fabrication techniques of magnetic nanomaterials and nanostructures from low-dimensional systems to complex bulk structures are introduced at last. After the idea of “nano” was brought out by the classic and visionary talk of Richard Feynman at the 1959 meeting of the American Physical Society at Caltech, which describes nanotechnology as an important field for future scientific investigation , people began to strive for the novel and fascinating “nano” world depicted in his exciting lecture. Not until 1981, with the birth of the revolutionary invention for observing substances at an atomic scale — the scanning tunneling microscope (STM), which led to the later development of other scanning probe devices such as the atomic force microscope (AFM) and the magnetic force microscope (MFM), did the dream of nanometer-scale fabrication gradually come true. In recent years, scientists have learned lots of techniques for building nanoscale structures. In general, these techniques can be sorted into so-called “top-down” and “bottom-up” methods.1 Both approaches play very important roles in modern industry and most likely in nanotechnology as well. There are advantages and disadvantages in both approaches. Most top-down methods begin with a pattern generated on a large scale and reduce its lateral dimensions (usually 10 times smaller) before carving out nanostructures. This strategy is required in fabricating electronic devices such as microchips, whose functions depend more on their patterns than on their dimensions. But none of the top-down methods can conveniently, cheaply and quickly make nanostructures of any material. By contrast, researchers have shown a growing interest in bottom-up methods, which start with atoms or molecules and build up to nanostructures. As opposed to the top-down methods, the bottom-up methods are able to easily make the smallest nanostructures (2~10 nm) with much lower cost. However, the resulting nanostructures are usually fashioned as simple particles in suspensions or on surfaces, rather than as designed, interconnected patterns.1 One of the most promising bottom-up methods in nanofabrication is the formation of nanoparticles by homogeneous nucleation. In this method, a supersaturation (a solution that contains more of the dissolved material than could be dissolved by the solvent under normal circumstances) of growth species must be created at first. A reduction in temperature of an equilibrium mixture, such as a saturated solution would lead to supersaturation. Formation of metal quantum dots (a semiconductor nanostructure that confines the motion of conduction band electrons, valence band holes or pairs of conduction band electrons and valence band holes in all three spatial directions) in glass matrix by annealing at moderate temperature is a good example of this approach. Another method is to generate a supersaturation through in situ (in the reaction mixture but cannot be isolated on their own) chemical reactions by converting highly soluble chemicals into less soluble chemicals. Nanoparticles can be synthesized through homogeneous nucleation in three mediums: liquid, gas and solid. However, the fundamentals of nucleation and subsequent growth processes are essentially the same. After the nanoparticles are fabricated, they may be applied as nanodevices through self-assembly. Self-assembly is the spontaneous organization of molecules or molecular clusters into 2D arrays and 3D networks. Why will nanoparticles arrange themselves in an ordered state without any external driven force? Is there any internal motivation? In fact, this “magic” assembly process stems from a series of weak (usually comparable to thermal energies) and noncovalent interactions such as van der Waals and Coulombic interactions, hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds.3,4 The process occurs when molecules interact with one another through a balance of attractive and repulsive forces, and eventually attain equilibrium, i.e. the ordered state with lowest potential energy. In addition, since the strength of the bonds between the components is generally weak and comparable to forces caused by thermal motion, this association process is reversible: it allows the components to adjust their positions within an aggregate once the structure has formed. Magnetic nanostructure fabrication techniques can be characterized by a fascinating diversity of geometries, ranging from a broad variety of low-dimensional systems to complex bulk structures. At low dimension, electron-beam lithography is usually used to produce periodic arrays of 0D nanoscale magnetic particles. Compared with the conventional lithography that utilizes a beam of light to carve patterns, electron-beam lithography employs a beam of electrons instead. Since the electron beam does not diffract at atomic scales, it does not cause blurring of the features on patterns, and therefore enables nanometer-scale resolution. For example, an array of Nickel pillars on silicon that have a uniform diameter of 35 nm, a height of 120 nm, and a density of 65 Gbits/in2 can be achieved using this technique.5 At the same time, there are some chemical methods to synthesize nanoparticles, such as through the reduction of metal salts or by the thermal decomposition of metal complexes (a structure consisting of a central atom or molecule weakly connected to surrounding atoms or molecules). On the other hand, 1D wire arrays can be produced via electrodeposition, which is a technique to deposit a dissolved or suspended substance on an electrode by electrolysis. According to Pankhurst et al., by electrodeposition into porous anodic alumina it is now possible to produce Iron, Cobalt and Nickel wires with diameters ranging from 4 to 200 nm, depending on the anodization conditions, and lengths up to about 1 μm.6 For the 2D magnetic thin film structure, a Langmuir-Blodgett technique can be applied in fabrication, particularly to assemble nanoparticles with shape anisotropy (the property of being directionally dependent). Langmuir-Blodgett films are monolayers and multilayers of amphiphilic molecules (with one end that is hydrophilic, and therefore is preferentially immersed in the water and the other that is hydrophobic and preferentially resides in the air or in the nonpolar solvent) transferred from the liquid-gas interface (commonly water-air interface) onto a solid substrate and the process is generally referred to as Langmuir-Blodgett technique. There are two commonly used methods to achieve the transferring: vertical deposition and horizontal lifting. The interparticle distance and the final superstructures can be finely tuned through control of the compression pressure.7 When it comes to 3D magnetic nanostructures, chemical reactions concerned with self-assembly are found capable to produce complex nanocomposites such as exchange-spring magnets — composites composed of magnetically hard and soft phases that interact by magnetic exchange coupling. A notable example of chemical synthesis has been devised by Zeng et al.8 According to their work, FePt and Ferrite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles of similar sizes (about 4 nm) were mixed under ultrasonic agitation, and three-dimensional binary assemblies were induced by either evaporation of the hexane or addition of ethanol. Then subsequent annealing converted the assembly into FePt–Fe3Pt 5nm-scale homogeneous nanocomposites, where FePt is a magnetically hard tetragonal phase and Fe3Pt a high-magnetization soft phase. Here the outcome was found to be a three-dimensional magnet with high-energy product and excellent magnetic properties. In conclusion, various types of techniques have been discovered for the fabrication of nanomaterials and nanostructures today, and these methods can generally be divided into two categories: top-down methods, which mostly carve out nanostructures, and bottom-up methods, which assemble atoms or molecules into nanostructures. Nanofabrication will play a significant role in the future development of nanotechnology. One of the most promising bottom-up methods is the formation of nanoparticles by homogeneous nucleation and self-assembly, especially in the fabrication of 3D magnetic nanocomposites. Magnetic nanostructure fabrication techniques can be applied in systems of different dimensions. The nanometer length scale (1~100nm) will play a significant role in the future application of magnetism. Compared with macroscopic magnetic materials, the nanoscale magnetism may have a profound influence on the extrinsic properties. Structuring from this length scale with magnetic materials may give rise to a series of scientifically interesting and technologically important novel functional devices. However, to fully realize the range of magnetic nanostructures and their potential for exploring new applications remains a great challenge for future research. References: 1 George M. Whitesides and J. Christopher Love, The art of building small , Scientific American, Sep. 39-47(2001) 2 S. W. Chung, J. Yu, and J. R. Heath, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 2068 (2000) 3 George M. Whitesides and Bartosz Grzybowski , Self-assembly at all scale, Science 295( 200 2) 4 M. Ratner, D. Ratner, Tools to make nanostructure , Ch4, p43-61 5 S. Y. Chou, M. Wei, P. R. Krauss and P. B. Fisher, 1994 J. Vac. Sci. Technol B 12 3695 6 R. Skomski, Nanomagnetics , J. Phys. Condens. Matter 15 (2003) R841–R896 7 O. B. Shchekin and D. G. Deppe, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 3277 (2002) 8 H. Zeng, J. Li, J. P. Liu, Z. Wang and L. Sun, Exchange-coupled nanocomposite magnets by nanoparticle self-assembly ,S. Nature 420, 395–398 (2002). 查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
煤气化变换气体塔的计算? 本人作 合成氨 变换,再控制气体塔的压力时出现问题希望高手指教呀? 1.当控制气体塔压力0.12MPa(表压)时,出气体塔的气体中水蒸汽占90%,与洗氨塔塔底出来的水换热根本就不能把气体塔出来的气体冷凝, 2.当控制气体塔压力0.32MPa(表压)时,出气体塔的气体中水蒸汽占50%,与洗氨塔塔底出来的水换热就能包气体塔顶出来的气体给冷凝了 看其它的资料气体塔好象控制压力为0.12MPa,不知道什么原因,望指教呀查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
什么时候硫化氢气体放空? 为什么当TI51的温度高于-28度是硫化 氢气 体要放空?而且要停硫化氢回收?查看更多 0个回答 . 2人已关注
旋风分离器升气管? 各位,有一台 旋风分离器 升气管做成了上大下小的锥形结构,增加了制造难度,谁知道其用意如何?可以改成直管吗? 查看更多 2个回答 . 5人已关注
脱氯塔的一些问题? 1.首先是脱氯塔的温度为什么老是不好调节。循环水用的阀门是蝶阀,给这个阀门有关系吗。大家随便晾晾自家的脱氯塔循环水阀门。2.脱氯塔温度控制在多少度。3.说说脱氯塔的一些控制指标。 # hcbbs 查看更多 7个回答 . 3人已关注
请教炼油厂原油硫含量的问题? 炼油厂原油中含硫1.5%和含2%有什么区别?实际生产中分别对设备和管线有何影响?查看更多 3个回答 . 5人已关注
职业:确成硅化学股份有限公司 - 工艺专业主任
学校:湖南工程职业技术学院 - 化工系
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