关于往复压缩机活塞杆的要求? ISO 13707:2000 Petroleum and natural gas industries -Reciprocating compressors 5.4 Rodand gas loads 5.4.4 For all specifiedoperating load steps and the fully unloaded condition, the component ofcombined rod load parallel to thepiston rod shall fully reverse between the crosshead pin and bushing duringeach complete turn of the crankshaft.Unless otherwise specified, the duration ofthis reversal shall not be less than 15 o of crank angle, and the magnitude ofthe peak reversed combined load shall be at least 3 % of the maximum combinedload in the opposite direction.(This reversal is required to maintain proper lubrication between the crossheadpin and bushing.) 这是往复 压缩机 ISO标准中关于 活塞杆 和气体载荷的要求,斜体字部分要求reversal的周期要小于曲轴转动的15度角。我理解是要求reversal的时间要够长,以避免活塞杆的拉压载荷变化太快对十字头销的冲击过大。可是不理解如何实现reversal的周期大于15度呢?请往复压缩机的专家赐教。谢谢! 查看更多18个回答 . 4人已关注