关于PROII中热力学方程的选择? 原帖由 sdtower 于 2008-3-21 09:48 发表 热力学方法最难的在多个组分的交互参数,方法不当会导致计算出的相平衡完全错误。 你这个水冷却甲醇气体至液态可以说都是纯组分,不用担心交互参数, 差不多所有的热力学方法都可以用吧。 你说的不能用是什么 ... 比如我选择了一个热力学方程,运行下来提示说 * message ** in thermodynamic method set 1, 'srk01', 1 components are not supported by the simsci water solubility method. estimated parameters will be used for these components. *** error *** unit 1, 'e1' - methods for transport properties are required for shell-side calculations, but are missing from thermodynamic method set "srk01". *** error *** unit 1, 'e1' - methods for transport properties are required for tube-side calculations, but are missing from thermodynamic method set "srk01". 我试了几个,都提示说methods for transport properties are required for shell-side calculations, but are missing from thermodynamic method set ".." 这是怎么回事啊查看更多