Chem最新综述ransient Directing Groups for Transformative C–H?Online Now ArticlesREVIEWSwitch to Standard ViewTransient Directing Groups for Transformative C–H Activation by Synergistic Metal CatalysisParthasarathy Gandeepan, Lutz Ackermann'Correspondence information about the author Lutz AckermannEmail the author Lutz AckermannPublication stage: In Press Corrected ProofTransient Directing Groups for Transformative C–H Activation by Synergistic Metal CatalysisDOI: InfoPDF (2 MB)Download Images(.ppt)Email ArticleAdd to My Reading ListExport CitationCreate Citation AlertCited by in Scopus (0)SummaryFull TextImages/DataReferencesRelated ArticlesCommentsGraphical AbstractFigure thumbnail fx1The Bigger PictureTransition-metal-catalyzed C–H activation enables the use of easily accessible feedstocks for molecular syntheses, which holds great potential for sustainable syntheses. These C–H functionalizations are largely achieved by proximity-induced reactivity, exploiting strongly coordinating directing groups to ensure the required positional selectivity in intermolecular transformations. Since the installation and removal of the strongly coordinating directing groups calls for additional reaction steps, undesired waste is formed, which compromises the overall step- and atom-economical nature of C–H activation technology. Further, performing C–H activations with weakly coordinating functional groups continues to represent a formidable challenge. In this review,萨达.png查看更多0个回答 . 15人已关注