叉指电极测试阻抗后,求算电导率公式σ = d / (RbA),其中的A是如何计算的?电导率可以说是材料的本征性质,和长度与面积均无关。 按定义来说面积就是指薄膜的面积,长度指薄膜的厚度。。 叉指电极那个就是一个系数算的。实际上就是测出电阻,然后乘以那个系数。提前应该会用其他材料校准 ... 我好像明白了,所以文献把d/A定义为电池常数,这个电池常数先用氯化钾标准溶液算出来? where Rb, d, and A are the bulk resistance, the sample thickness, and the cross sectional area of the electrode, respectively. Ionic conductivities were practically calculated to be the product of 1/Rb (Ω−1) times cell constants (cm−1) for comb-shaped gold electrodes (Figure S5), which were calibrated with KCl aqueous solution (1.00 mmol L−1) as a standard conductive solution 您看是这样么查看更多