烧嘴冷却水的软管不切换硬管,可靠程度有多大? 不靠谱!其实最稳妥的设计是切硬管并在三通阀软管侧架盲板!这样才对! 防止在事故态下产生问题。查看更多
有机溶剂分子筛脱水塔求助? 溶剂自下而上流动,再生时氮气自上而下流动,但气体是自上而下流动。一般采用氮气再生,一般再生时设置两个干燥器,一开一备,并且还设置一个缓冲罐,用于再生时将溶剂倒入缓冲罐。再生后的降温,一般用冷氮降温查看更多
MDEA脱硫工艺原始开车之前是否需要进行化学清洗。? 清洗,水联运,溶液循环,投冷,投热,投料查看更多
25句户外有用的英语口语? 8 i've got my second wind.(短暂休息后精力得以恢复,此时可用这个句子,意思是我的体力恢复了) 9 my stomach is growling.(对于偶这样可以把任何一次活动都变成野炊郊游的人来说,此行最重要的一部分当然是吃了,这句意思是我的肚子呱呱叫了,很饿) 10 hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.(既然很饿,那就饥不择食了) 11 ~~~~is now in season.(正是吃````的好季节,比如西瓜,草莓,苹果桃子什么的) 12 let's grab a bite to eat(让我们赶紧吃点东西吧,一般指时间很紧) 13 this food is out of the world(此食只应天上有,人间哪得几回吃) 查看更多
限流孔板能否垂直安装? 从限制流量的原理分析,垂直和水平安装都可以!查看更多
调节阀出现尖叫声? 尖叫声是最近才出现的吗?能不能把工况参数贴出来,看看是不是工况本身就容易产生噪声。 就是最近出现的,出现以后就马上切到复线了,应为这个阀门很重要所以说还得必须投自动,初步判断是阀门本身的问题。查看更多
泡沫灭火器VS干粉灭火器? abc类干粉灭火器成分应该是磷酸胺盐查看更多
10天英语词汇量突破10000? lesson 24 the woman knelt before the altar to pray to god for her son‘s safe return. if it rains, we have to alter our plan to have a picnic on sunday. chinese mountain climbers made a successful ascent of mt. mckinley in north america. i won‘t give my assent to her plan because it is not well prepared. there are several old cannons on the wall of the castle. this canon has been enacted by the church council very recently. some of the tops of sneakers are made of canvas. the sales representative canvassed the whole city for subscriptions of the magazine. the cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war. be seated! the court is now in session. the soldier fainted at the sight of his own blood. the color became faint as the sunset. he feinted with his left hand and hit me with his right. in recent years there has been an intention of the struggle for political power in the country. she felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn‘t my intention to hurt her. there is nothing that we can do now but pray god helps us in our troubles. the lion 《禁发内容、请删除》zed its prey and ate it. chicago is the principal city in the midwest of the united states. the principal told the teachers to dismiss (suspend) school during the heavy snowstorm. this country was founded on the principle of individual freedom for all. the population of france remained stationary almost for a century. herbert bought a notebook at the stationery store. please write your name and address on this paper. the president addressed the nation on the subject of war and peace. darkness is an attribute of night, as brightness is that of day. we attribute edison‘s success to intelligence and hard work. the teachers appointed a committee of five members to plan the class picnic. the court appointed mr.lansing as the committee that would take care of the boy’s property. she likes music very much,she never misses a concert. we concerted on the most proper methods for speedily executing the manager’s instructions. i tried but couldn’t understand the content of his speech. john contented himself with two glasses of beer even though he could have had more. honest but poor is the converse of poor but honest. he conversed with his wife about the summer vacation. the sahara is a great desert in the northern part of africa. after the family deserted the farm, its buildings fell to ruin. (=fell out of use). the publisher decided to publish a digest /summary of international law. i like milk very much, but i can’t digest /catch it very well. most animals have an instinct to protect their young. her face was instinct with benevolence and kindness. although the governor knew many peoples, he had few intimates. he intimated /suggested indirectly that he was dissatisfied with his job. the train arrived at exactly /punctually four minutes past eight. there has been a minute improvement in the working conditions of the factory. a dark object moved between the door and me, what? eidolon? devil or fairy. do you object tommy smoking in this room? her asked her to marry him but he refused. the street-cleaning department took away all refuse from the street. the little girl was in tears because she’d lost her mother. for security, tear up paper before put it in the trash can. the janitor/buddy removed used towels from the rack. it took long to get used to foreign food.查看更多
Windows 7 64位 旗舰版安装aspen V7.2 的一点步骤【首发 ...? 没有安装过7.2,学习下查看更多
一台压缩机能否同时抽两种气体? 回复 7# hnjslyj 这样看行不:1、变换开车:老厂从压缩机二出总管丢头配管直接送新厂;2、甲醇、精炼、合成都可以类推。(我们压缩机是七段压缩,仅供参考)。查看更多
热网加热器用于爆 zha复合的管板? 没办法啊,人家要求要使用爆 zha复合的。。查看更多
上海哪里提供对外的液相分析? 我这就有液相色谱,把你的分析试样给你说说,没准我还能帮得上你,哈哈查看更多
汽油组分中那些组分对辛烷值有贡献? 汽油辛烷值因其组成不同而异,直馏汽油特别是石蜡基原油的直馏汽油辛烷值最低,催化裂化汽油含芳烃和烯烃较多,烷基化汽油主要组分是高度分支的异构烷,辛烷值最高。汽油的辛烷值随馏分的变重而减小。查看更多
高级工程师面试与答辩? 高级工程师了,应该知道怎么做了吧查看更多
如何判断电机的转向是正确的? 一般情况下,空载试运行是比较理想的方法。这时候,观察电机为不强冷件——鼓风叶轮产生的风向是否为向电机机体内鼓风即可。查看更多
proII用来模拟文丘里,和淘析器? 文丘里用fluent模拟 你有这个软件吗?能不能分享一下!? 查看更多
判断旋分料腿是否堵塞的方法? 用绳子绑上铁块,上下两人拿对讲机联系,我们单位就是采用这种办法。查看更多
活动---征集各行业图纸(规范发帖,奖励丰厚)(一年级 ...? 图纸所属行业:化工 图纸数量:共 1张 图纸格式:dwg 图纸大小:193kb 图纸版本:autocad2004 图纸内容说明:氨回收塔查看更多
泵扬程问题? 小弟不懂,路过此地 在这么灌水刷财富会被关黑屋的。 需要财富的话去灌水区弄点。查看更多
LNG罐应设置那些安全预案? 重大危险源专项应急预案查看更多
职业:苏州开元民生科技股份有限公司 - 设备维修
学校:武汉工业职业技术学院 - 化学与环境工程
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